Before they could even chat for a few words after they sat down, the waiter came to ask.

Jiang Hui had felt right before. This Saint-Pulton College was indeed aristocratic. Even a family restaurant that was temporarily open to the public looked like a high-end restaurant, with dedicated people taking orders. The group of people experienced the service of a high-end restaurant in the Central Star District in the campus restaurant.

However, Hillman's future classmates may have been a little too curious. Two of them had already taken advantage of their time out to look at them several times. Clarence and Hillman were probably used to this kind of gaze, and they chatted as if no one else was watching.

The starship sent by the Hillman family to pick up Jiang Hui and the two is still on the way, and it will probably need another star. Hillman is very resentful that he will have to attend Saint-Pulton alone next time, so naturally he can It takes a while.

"Damn it, why do you have to hold an auction at this time!" I want to go too!

Knowing that he had missed another lively event, someone became even more resentful. He kept chattering several times along the way, and both Jiang and Hui pretended that he was chanting sutras in the Arhat and didn't hear anything.

Theoretically speaking, such an occasion was not suitable for a young man like Clarence. But unfortunately, something happened on the northwest front, and Clarence's mother and brothers and sisters had to rush to the front. His father also had important matters to attend to. Needless to say, other clan members had their own affairs, so he was the only one who could go.

However, considering that the Clarence family is not a big business family, attending this event can only be regarded as a statement in a certain sense. Therefore, children can just show up and show their faces. There is no need to do anything big.

The auction happens to be at a similar time to the Hillman Group's seminar, and the location is not too far apart, so we can go together. So after Clarence consulted his father's opinion, he decided to go with Jiang Hui to keep him company.

As for Xi, he could only go through the orientation training pitifully at school and watch his two friends learn more.

No matter how reluctant he was, Hillman still did not dare to disobey his grandfather's order and could only stay in school for entrance training.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Hillman's father sent a text message to inform a few people that the starship arranged to pick them up was already parked outside and asked them to set off as soon as possible so as not to miss the seminar.

Jiang Hui came so early this time just for the headquarters seminar. Since he could catch up, there was no need to delay.

Hillman planned to lead them to the starship parking area and see them off personally.

At this time, everyone in the restaurant had already left, and only a few scattered tables in the far corner were still having long conversations.

Before they even stepped out of the hall door, a group of people came towards them.


Jiang Hui didn't expect that he would meet someone he knew here. Ordinarily, she should be the one least likely to encounter among the three, but fate is just like this, and unexpected things always happen.

She was telling Hillman, but before she finished speaking, she turned her head and met a familiar face.

Jiang Hui's memory is very good and getting better and better, so much so that sometimes she can even look back on her memories in her conscious space. Therefore, she would never mistake these faces. She must have seen them somewhere, and they were definitely not people he knew well.

Obviously the other party's memory is also very good. He was a little unsure at first, but then he confirmed it based on the look on her face.

Jiang Hui actually remembered the names of the two leading people, but there were more than just these two people she had seen there, and she didn't know the names of the others. So they simply nodded and took it as a greeting. After all, they thought they knew each other, but it was still a bit awkward.

"You, you are not qualified to take that exam." Sure enough, someone in the crowd recognized him immediately.

Also, she accused the suspects on the spot that day, and these people were all among the candidates. After successfully taking the exam, they were forced to go to the Military Law Office together. Although there was no escape in the end, they were dragged into the water. They probably didn't know how many times they scolded her as the "culprit" in their hearts.

But in the same way, Jiang Hui is also an innocent victim. In the situation at that time, she didn't care whether others would be involved. If she didn't catch the person who was hiding behind her back on the spot, she would have trouble sleeping and eating, and she couldn't bear the pain she suffered.

But it is estimated that for these proud men, what happened that day was a great shame and humiliation.

Jiang Hui didn't expect these people to have a good attitude towards her, so she nodded in response and planned to leave.

Who would have thought that someone would come out of the way right away.

Xining Springer, the irascible young man he met on the trip to Atlantis, Jiang Hui still remembered - the one who was almost used as a scapegoat by the real suspect in the final stage of the accusation. Jiang Hui was traveling with this person when she boarded the Longteng, but the impression he left on her along the way was mostly cold looks and cold snorts.

As for the leader, Ji Yunshan, another fellow traveler on the Longteng. Jiang Hui had a slightly better impression of her, but he felt that she was also very high-profile and not the same type of person as her, so neither of them had any intention of making friends, so they didn't say anything. Right now, she was still walking with that Springer. She didn't say anything at the moment, but she probably recognized him from the look in her eyes.

What's going on?

Jiang Hui thought about it carefully. Apart from accusing the suspect that day, he didn't seem to have offended the suspect.

Apart from her accusation, the sudden suspension of the driving grade qualification test was most likely due to the fact that Atlantis was also involved in the chaos on the front lines at that time, and it was absolutely impossible for the military to let them continue the test. Therefore, the suspension of the qualification examination is inevitable, and it should not be her fault.

Just when Jiang Hui was about to ask, the person next to him stepped out first, standing between Jiang Hui and Springer: "What's the matter?" He was asking on her behalf.

"Clarence?" The other person seemed a little confused when he saw the person.

Oh, it turned out that she was not the only acquaintance, it seemed that Clarence also knew him.

Clarence did not respond, only looked at the other party steadily, and then stopped him from looking at Jiang Hui with seemingly malicious eyes. The two of them were at a stalemate. They had old grudges and their relationship was extremely bad.

No, brother, what kind of riddle are you guessing here? You can at least say a few more words. If you are an enemy, I can help you fight in a while. What's the point of looking at you, ah? Jiang Hui complained in his heart.

However, Clarence was obviously blocking for her and had his own thoughts. Naturally, Jiang Hui would not be embarrassed by him. She looked at the other person opposite who was obviously watching the show and said: "I don't know what you two want from me. I think we have met before but we probably haven't had any holidays.

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