The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 769 All parties gather

"Xiuwen, now that I see you, you are becoming more and more impressive." Jiang Hui couldn't help but teased as he felt the eyes behind him gradually disappear.

"Ah Hui, please stop laughing at me." Zhou Xiuwen was a little helpless: "You don't know, with these people behind me, I don't even dare to bend my waist. Now that I'm walking with you, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I’ll have to go back to be with them again soon, alas.”

"What are you afraid of?" Clarence sneered at his statement: "They are still afraid of you."

Hearing this, the two of them slowed down and looked at each other with tacit understanding, their eyes asking.

A rare mischievous smile flashed across Clarence's eyes: "Of course I'm afraid that you are really a useless salted fish."

Zhou Xiuwen was still thinking that this person would say something constructive in a serious manner, but in the end he came out with such a sentence that was obviously teasing him: "Wow, you actually laughed at me. Don't think you are using the magic skills you learned from classmate Jiang." I don’t understand the weird words.”

Jiang Hui ignored the two men's slightly explosive but harmless fight. The few chatted and laughed and quickly found their way to Clarence's private room and took their seats, and then exchanged some of the things that had happened to them in the past few days.

Zhou Xiuwen couldn't help but press his forehead when he learned that Hillman had walked halfway with them before he remembered that he was going to the entrance training. This was indeed that guy's style. He was a little surprised why Hillman didn't come with them to join in the fun.

"Only universities like Saint-Pulton still insist on organizing this entrance training. Most of them were banned as early as the last two stars." After all, there are really not many students who can use this, and these red tapes are very difficult for ordinary people. It is also a burden for students who are born in China.

Then he said to Jiang Hui apologetically: "I said earlier that I would take you to have some fun in the central star area, but as a result," he hurriedly started before Jiang Hui arrived in the central star area. Seeing that he could not wait until the start of school. Sora, this plan can only be abandoned.

Jiang Hui waved his hand nonchalantly: "Uncle Tang reminded me that there has been a lot of chaos in the universe recently, and he is too busy, let alone your family."

"I have heard my father mention it about Mr. Stark. I heard that he has been promoted to lieutenant colonel a few days ago. He is currently stationed at the frontline station of the 25637th defensive line of Dynamic Sequence. He is highly used by the Eighth Army." This guy Zhou Xiuwen is better than Bai Ding like her needs to be well informed. In the previous phone call, Jiang Hui did notice that Stark's uniform was slightly different from the past, and he made some guesses, but he didn't expect that Stark had been promoted to lieutenant colonel.

However, Stark had been a captain for the three years before that. As a result, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel after being separated for only more than a month. From this, it can be speculated that he must have passed the evaluation period and was promoted.

Three years were spent on Star No. 732, and he was promoted to lieutenant colonel after the evaluation period, which shows how deep his previous accumulation was. Although he couldn't determine the reason why his evaluation period was postponed to this point, Jiang Hui felt that she must be part of the reason, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Zhou Xiuwen didn't know the reason. Seeing that Jiang Hui was in a low mood, he thought she was sad that she had not been able to see Stark since she had said goodbye in a hurry after the recruitment. He realized that he had opened a bad topic and quickly changed his mind: "Although I can't bring him You’re playing around, but Clarence is also very familiar with this part of the Central Star Area, and it’s the same with you two. Let’s make an appointment when we have time before school starts.”

"Of course." Clarence waved his hand, as if he didn't need you to make arrangements.

The atmosphere in the box quickly picked up again.


It had been more than a week since Jiang Hui and the others checked into Sihai Trading Company, and the number of people outside was gradually decreasing. They mostly met and exchanged greetings, and then everyone checked in early, waiting for the later auction.

At this time, there are about three weeks before the auction starts, and basically everyone who can come has come early. There are still many people active outside the venue. In addition to those who are still waiting for people outside, there are also many people who are just joining in the fun or with ulterior motives staying outside, waiting to pry for information.

"There's someone here again, let's see who they are from."

"What are you looking at? Just by looking at the bright and dazzling badges on the military uniforms, you can tell that they are coming from the military. There are quite a few coming, hundreds of them, and they are all unfathomable elites."

"Hey, don't look. Didn't you see the emblem on their shoulder collars? Almost all of them are high-ranking officers of the Third Army. Those above are not good deeds."

"You're coming over here, do you want to go up and say hello?"

"Say hello, they won't even glance at you from the corner of their eyes or eyebrows. Here, just go in."

Indeed, although this group of people came in a low-key manner, they could not hide their aggressiveness. How could they be so low-key? They basically attracted everyone's attention as they walked along.

However, this team had no intention of lingering outside the door. They went straight to the entrance gate to show their invitation letter and identity certificate, and drove straight in.

"Look, these soldiers are all like this. They are as hard as rocks. Even the children of aristocratic families who have been educated since childhood will be tainted with this kind of virtue when they come out. My nephew is like this."

"Keep your voice down. You don't know how sharp the hearing of a high-level spiritual awakener can be. Don't drag us down by talking nonsense."

"What are you afraid of? We have already left."

"The third legion has also come? What on earth is Sihai Trading Company thinking? The stall is so big. If they can't take over, they will be broken into pieces."

While the Third Army Corps attracted a lot of attention, several sergeants also came from the rear. However, there were only three of them, and they seemed to be a family of father and son soldiers. There were many such groups coming this time, representing individuals to watch the auction event, so they did not attract everyone's attention.

"Yes, that Colonel Zong came in person."

"He's already a colonel? It's only been a few years, but he's such an incredible young man." The middle-aged sergeant said with emotion.

"." The young man pursed his lips, as if he had some disagreement with this statement, but with his usual respect for his father, he couldn't say anything, just a hint of displeasure flashed across his face. It flashed by and soon returned to normal.

Lieutenant General Metz looked back and suddenly seemed to see something funny and said: "Little Yuri, you are more than ten years older than others." This kid wouldn't be upset if he heard him praise others, right?

Yuri, who is more than 40 years younger, said - What the hell? Why did he seem to be a childish ghost in his father's mouth when he was several decades old and still wanted to be praised and coaxed by his father? Well, as he was also a colonel, he did not like to hear Lieutenant General Mace praising other people's sons. But he thought to himself that he had controlled his emotions very well, so why did he let others see it?

If Lieutenant General Metz could hear his inner voice, he would probably laugh fiercely: "Stop it, you are my son. In another twenty or thirty years, I will be able to see through him."

"Brad, don't be like your elder brother who is duplicitous." Lieutenant General Mace patted his silent younger son next to him and looked at his elder son as a "demonstration".

".We should go in."

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