The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 771: Auction of Planet (Part 2)

Looking at the history of human development, all development is inseparable from two key factors, human resources and land resources.

The former is based on people, whether they are talented people or ordinary people with ordinary lives. Soldiers, politicians, nobles and civilians are the foundation of this huge world. Without enough people, all the kingship and hegemony are just clouds, and it is meaningless to be a commander without troops.

The latter is a very critical and important hard resource. To establish a regime, you must have territory. Just having people but no place to place is also a castle in the air, which is so illusory that it will be fleeting.

For example, today's interstellar humans started from a planetary station, expanded to a circle around it, and then to an outer ring, and finally took over the entire Alpha Universe layer by layer. Until now, the territory of the Alpha Universe is still slowly expanding to the outer galaxy.

However, in the face of such a huge number of planets, the number of humans at that time was far less than that, and many planets were difficult to develop due to their unique geographical environment and ecosystem.

There are countless planets on the side of the interstellar, and they simply could not develop them in the early stage. But these territories cannot be left to rot slowly. If they are reoccupied by the star beasts crawling through the interstellar wormhole, it would be a waste of effort, so order and management must be established.

However, the number of personnel in the military and political parties in the early stage is really limited. Even if one person is in charge of thousands of planets, it may not be enough. The gap in the number of people is too large. Moreover, it may not be managed well. The development cost is too high, so the best way is to open up the authority and divide a part for private management.

But what is the virtue of human beings? They are just too smart. When they were all squeezed on a mother planet, they fought to the death. There were several world wars. Now that the territory has expanded to the entire universe, it may be like this. Therefore, the right to develop planets cannot be too open, otherwise the human race will split before they can stabilize the rear.

However, as the territory of the human race continues to expand, the problem of the desolation of some planets has become more and more serious. Finally, after a long discussion between the military and political circles, a bill allowing individuals to own and develop planets was passed. However, the conventional mineral resources and rare biological resources excavated during the development of the planet by individuals need to be divided into the empire according to regulations. And after the planet is initially developed and registered for management, it must unconditionally accept the military to assist.

Of course, the "individual" who can apply to develop a planet is more spiritual. Not everyone can develop a planet. To be honest, it must have the ability and financial resources.

And once you accept this kind of planet development contract, you must send talents to the military at a fixed point and in a fixed quantity, and occasionally you need to send freedom to the political world, which can be regarded as a certain degree of interest transfer.

However, if you can obtain the exclusive development rights of some resource-rich planets, the things you need to pay for this idea will naturally become insignificant. So for a long time in the future, the military, government and people worked together to develop this huge starry sky, and many prosperous private planets were born, and the official also got a lot of resource extraction effortlessly.

In the past few star eras, both the military and the political world have been committed to collecting the ownership of the planet. After all, granting the development rights was a stopgap measure, and they never thought that the human race would develop to this point today.

When this policy was first introduced, it was the early stage of human development. Naturally, there was no limit to what was needed, and the consequences were not overly considered, such as how to end it. Therefore, private planets are indeed rampant nowadays, and many people with ulterior motives use blind spots to do some illegal things and harbor filth.

For the stability of the empire, after the situation was settled, the official spent a long time sorting out these scattered privates, slowly laying out the long-term plan in the hope that one day these large numbers of planets that are not controlled by the empire will be in their hands.

For some scattered planet owners, it is not so easy to say, as long as they can provide enough resources and benefits, it is still relatively easy to take them back. As for those who are unwilling to give up, there is no need to worry. Collecting private planets is not a short-term plan. You only need to wait for them to be passed down for a few generations, and there will always be unfilial descendants. They don’t have to sell them and just pass them on a few times before they can return to the empire.

However, some planets developed by noble families are not so easy to take back.

At the beginning, it was an exchange of interests. The rights that were divided out of helplessness have long been refined by various noble families into part of their foundation or even a pillar industry. At this time, if they want to take them back, it will cost them their lives. How can they do it?

Moreover, most of these noble families have close ties with the military and political circles. If they are forced to fight, it will be equivalent to damaging their own foundation. If it really gets out of hand, no one knows who will benefit. Therefore, the upper echelons of the empire can only turn a blind eye and acquiesce to the dispersion of this part of power.

However, everyone in the interstellar knows that the era of chaos and war, when it was easy to make achievements, has passed, and it is time to return to order. The attitude of the upper echelons is also very clear. The ownership of the planets is very strict. Unless an individual has made great contributions to the empire, it is not easy to own a private planet. There have been no new planet owners in these years.

There are occasional transactions between the noble families, but most of them are exchanges, and very few of them are almost never leaked.

However, this balance will be broken today.

The chaos in the western defense line caused by Jiang Hui's encounter on Atlantis not long ago was not small, and a group of rebel traitors were involved. These traitors are not low-level, and some are even powerful. Otherwise, how could they steal a lot of front-line intelligence to create opportunities for the rebels to pull the front line?

There are also several figures from big families with profound foundations. It has to be said that they were also stupid this time. They blatantly interfered with the rebel operations and were stolen. They can be found in this chaos, so naturally they cannot escape the liquidation.

Their fall not only triggered a period of turmoil in the military and political administrations, but also vacated a large number of ownerless resources. The outflow of these resources has had a considerable impact on the capital sector, and all forces are making every effort to absorb it. It's just that there are too many resources flowing out and they are too scattered. No matter how powerful the official power is, there are always areas that cannot be taken care of. Some resources are still scattered on the open market. The most eye-catching one is a group of private planets. Oh no, it's already. There is no owner of the planet anymore.

This batch of private planets does not account for a large number of the total number of planets leaked this time. There are hundreds of large and small, less than one percent, all of which the official is temporarily unable or too late to collect due to various reasons. But they also don’t want to see them scattered again, which is why they are now on the auction list.

There are hundreds of private planets, more or less, but now they are all placed at the auction of Sihai Trading Company, and everyone has the opportunity to participate in the bidding to get them. This is the first time since the empire tightened its policies related to the development of private planets——

No one wants to miss it.

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