Since Zhou Xiuwen's family has already made plans for this, Jiang Hui couldn't ask too much.

She knew that the Zhou family would probably make various arrangements around the First Army for some time to come, so after thinking about it, she mentioned Colonel Phillips to Zhou Xiuwen. She didn't say much, but just talked about an incident a month ago-

The only son of the third generation of the Phillips family is named Tellus Phillips, who currently holds the rank of colonel and is also a reserve general of the First Army.

Although she was one of the victims of the chaos caused by his obvious dereliction of duty. Jiang Hui later complained to Commander Zhou through Zhou Xiuwen, which was also a revenge for herself.

But now it seems that he is really a normal person among those bad things and bad people.

As a person, he is indeed arrogant, and because of his arrogance and conceit, he hurts others and himself, and even his family is dragged into the water. This is unwashable.

But he is not that bad. Jiang Hui still remembered that when she wanted to accuse the perpetrator behind the scenes, a trace of real disapproval flashed between the other party's eyebrows. Later, they were taken to the military law office. Although the other party had to go to explain the incident, he finally fulfilled his responsibility as an invigilator and carefully handed over the students who were caught in the storm.

In addition, a few days after the unified enrollment, Jiang Hui received a strange remittance from the military liaison office, with compensation on the note and no signature. And it also came with various documents representing unconditional responsibility gifts, all of which had been signed. In short, the other party thought very carefully, and she would not have any worries even if she didn't want anything and received such a large sum of money.

Of course, Jiang Hui would not be so stupid as to dare to spend money casually without knowing who remitted it. He must check the origin clearly, what if someone remitted it by mistake.

Stark happened to be free at that time, so he helped to check it, and he really found a name for him. This amount of money actually came from a certain Mr. Phillips. Although no specific person was found, according to the time and place of the remittance, it should be Tellus Phillips.

The other party should have remitted money to more than a dozen accounts at the same time, all of which were people who took the qualification exam last time. Jiang Hui guessed that it might be the ones who were injured at that time.

The military had already given subsidies and compensation for the original incident, and Colonel Phillips was also punished. But this amount was obviously a personal compensation from Tellus Phillips. He finally reflected seriously on his recklessness and misjudgment at the time, and believed that he should compensate the candidates who were injured. So with such a mentality of mending the fence after the sheep have been lost, he immediately started to remit compensation as soon as he was released from the military order confinement room.

However, some damage has already been done. Just like Jiang Hui and Taylor at the beginning, they almost died in the water. If they were not lucky, they would really be dead now. So no matter how much money is compensated, it can only be said to make up for some.

These children of the aristocracy have always been proud and conceited. Even if they make mistakes, they would rather bleed and break bones than lose their dignity. Most of the children of the noble families that Jiang Hui had met before had this problem. They were too obsessed with face. Such compensation after the fact was almost like admitting mistakes and surrendering, which was really not like their style.

It seems that although this person cannot be said to have good character, he at least has some sense of right and wrong and principles.

Zhou Xiuwen had a lot of difficulties in conquering the First Legion under the obstruction of layers of forces. The internal forces of the legion have been divided for many years, and there must be many deep-rooted people like the Phillips family. Although Admiral Phillips lost the initiative temporarily, he can't be so depressed with his ability. When he reacts, he may cause trouble for Zhou Xiuwen.

Jiang Hui can't help with this, but he can help analyze it. Maybe this Colonel Phillips can be used as an entry point for Zhou Xiuwen to enter the First Legion?

The struggle between people is nothing more than for their own interests. If they have common interests, don't they have to live in harmony?

The fundamental reason why Admiral Phillips withdrew from the candidate position was that Zhou wanted to take back the First Army, which was the result of the struggle between the two sides. As a result, as everyone can see, the Phillips family was dragged into the water by the "pig teammate".

But they have been developing in the First Army for many years, and their position is still important in terms of foundation. Whether Zhou Xiuwen can successfully take charge of the First Army in the future, he will inevitably have to deal with the Phillips father and son.

So why can't Zhou Xiuwen reach a cooperation with the Phillips family? Even if they can't reach an agreement on the differences in interests, at least they should ease it a little.

After all, the Phillips family worked hard to want to sit on the position of the main manager, and in the final analysis, they also wanted to improve the status of the family, but it is well known who holds the real ownership of the First Army. Even if he becomes the main manager, how long can this unjustifiable title of acting as a trustee last?

At the beginning, various forces used dishonorable means to seize the First Army under the command of Zhou Yuanjing. Although the commander-in-chief Zhou, who took the overall situation into consideration, finally gave way due to physical and political reasons, he was the original owner after all. With the great reputation of Commander Zhou in the interstellar space, it is not impossible to take it back even without any means.

So the First Legion will return to the hands of others sooner or later, and all the forces within the legion are aware of this. It's just that they want to postpone this time point. If they can delay it until the Zhou family falls, then it can be called "betting on the right treasure" - by then they will be the founding fathers of the legion and truly sit on the top.

The Phillips family naturally thought so, and they had been planning for the position of the candidate for the chief manager for many years. However, as things developed, the plan failed and even their influence in the army was slightly affected. For this reason, Admiral Phillips beat up his only son, who he had never been willing to teach a lesson, very hard. It is said that he personally asked for the family law.

Now that the beginning has been made, Zhou Xiuwen will also fight with various forces within the legion, so why not find some allies for himself?

Admiral Phillips is an old hand, not so easy to subdue, and he may be calculated by him if he is not careful. But the only son Colonel Phillips who caused trouble just now is a suitable candidate for contact.

If Zhou Xiuwen can recruit this person, no, just establish a good cooperative relationship. Then he may be able to open a gap in the First Legion. If Zhou Xiuwen has more chips in his hand in the future, the Phillips family may choose to bet on him.

This move is a good move.

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