"This President Zuo is really a scheming man. When he sensed something was wrong, he immediately took action and detained the principals of dozens of companies."

"Yeah, I saw a lot of people coming from the house were just young people from home. I guess they just can't spare the time to pay for it."

"Why go to such trouble? I really don't want them to get involved. All I have to do is give instructions. They are all smart people, so they naturally know what to do."

"You don't understand this. He is doing it for others to see. It doesn't matter what the result is, as long as enough people see his attitude."

"Perhaps it's just to clear up the relationship. After all, this chaos started from the political struggle, and it can even be said to be the product of their internal strife. It can be said that those individuals in the military community were more involved, and several generals were also involved. Those at the top are very annoyed.”

"That's because they got it themselves, who can blame them. However, the military has always been strong, and it relies on its power to protect the safety of the empire. The political circles also have to do this to save face. I heard that the batch released this time is also part of the transfer."

"A mere hundred planets are indeed a big piece of fat for the world, but they are not enough for the military. Are there any special mineral veins hidden on these planets?"

"What you said makes sense, exactly! Otherwise, how could all the forces from all sides gather here today? I'm afraid they are all eyeing this piece of meat."

"Oh? I heard that they came here because of the planet auction. Can you elaborate?"

"I've heard this too, but I can't guarantee it's true -"

"I don't know about you yet. You don't let go of rabbits when you see them. I'm afraid you just asked me to ask. Tell me what you have in mind!"

"Hey, let me tell you straight, you didn't intend to"

Various types of hidden conversations about this auction are also taking place in some relatively airtight boxes.

There were only about twenty people in one of the medium-sized boxes, all dressed in neat military uniforms and looking resolute.

"Is it really safe to talk here?" The young man on the lower right couldn't help but asked as he looked around.

"There were too many people entering the venue, and it was a mixed bag. This loophole that usually seemed unsafe actually became safe." The female sergeant sitting opposite him, who looked very smart at first glance, held the tea cup in her hand. It was delivered flat to the table, steadily, and the water surface of the tea was not disturbed.

"Besides, whoever comes to listen and eavesdrop on our conversation will have to bear the consequences if they hear anything."

"It's begun." The one sitting in the middle did not participate in their conversation, and only stopped him in time when the two were about to confront each other again.

The conversation between a man and a woman seemed carefree, like they were having fun on the street, but in reality they were keeping their eyes on the person in charge in the middle. Therefore, as soon as the other party's expression changed, he immediately complied and carried out the order. It can be said that the order was forbidden.

Almost at the same time, the more than 20 people in the box, or rather the more than 20 members who were connected to each box at the same time, were all monitoring the situation of all parties in an orderly manner in real time. As various numbers representing the location, number of people, and fixed point coefficients of attack and defense were listed one by one, the number of people responding in the box gradually decreased, and the voices gradually converged, finally uniting into one - READY.

The atmosphere in the box suddenly became different. The young sergeant in the middle took out a metal box wrapped in layers amidst the alertness of everyone.

Everyone, including the young sergeant, was staring closely at the metal box, staring, alert, and cautious. Countless indescribable thoughts intertwined into a net and enveloped the arm-long box - even if it was still Never opened.


"Hey, I actually got some real news. I was thinking that the Skynet people were just as useless as ever. I didn't expect it to be real." At the same time, at the auction site of Sihai Trading Company, There was also a conversation going on in a certain luxury box. However, the topics they discussed were much more "explicit" than those in other boxes.

The young man who spoke had an ordinary appearance, with a face that made people think he could not be more honest. But the look on his face was quite playful at the moment. He was lying on his back on the recliner as if he had no bones, and his right hand was throwing something up and down.

If Jiang Hui were here at this moment, she would probably be surprised. The thing thrown in the other person's hand was exactly the same as what she once retrieved from the No. 732 Star Recycling Center. The interfaces are all the same style.

The young man threw the things in his hands as carelessly as if he were playing with some gadgets, but it was shocking to others. Finally, his companion couldn't help but remind him: "Don't really break this thing."

"What are you afraid of? It's just a defective product that was tested to deceive others. I'm afraid the people on the other side have the same idea, but they have to lead us to perform this show. It's very boring."

"This is a mission. Don't mess around. The superiors will decide how to operate it."

"Okay, you've been thinking about it all the way. Am I the leader or are you? If you keep talking about it like this, I'll just leave it to you. I'll give you the credit later, and I promise I won't take any credit from you. ”

"Hey, hey, sir, I told you, sir, it was my fault! Don't say such things. You can't joke about such a big thing. This thing was handed over to you by the Lord. You are the one who started this incident, and only you know what to do. I am just here to cooperate with you, so how can I take the credit?"

After getting a satisfactory answer, the young man curled his lips, and finally, considering his companion's mood, he reluctantly held a few spoons and said: "Don't worry, we are not the only ones forced to sing on the stage in this scene. There are many people accompanying us. They all know it in their hearts but pretend to be confused. We just need to do it casually. In the end-" The game must be played by the people above. Why should they worry about it as flags?

Well, but then again, what kind of chess pieces can they count?

The young man was lost in thought, and then he was attracted by a burst of noise. The two people in the box looked out of the window. The lights in the venue were adjusted to a low brightness and low noise, and the whole venue seemed very quiet.

The sound just now came from the central auction podium. The host and the deputy host were carefully adjusting the tools to expand the sound and image. A huge stereoscopic image was projected upward through the lower port, just floating above the layers of circular seats, flush with the upper and lower boxes.

The auction began.

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