"Is it the Wanwei Star we know?" Jiang Hui had a question mark on his face.

Clarence is a real person, he says what he means, and he never doubts himself. He looked at the colorful planet and confirmed: "Yes."

From the appearance, it is indeed the Wanwei Star with spring all year round, abundant resources and excellent coordinates. This planet was not taken over by anyone and was auctioned by the business? !

Are all the forces near the β Nebula Group blind? Watching this piece of meat fly away -

Even Jiang Hui, who started his career halfway, could sense that something was wrong, let alone Clarence.

Five people in a small group

Theophile: [ @Xiuzhu, why did this planet flow out? ]

Xiuzhu: [It was our mistake. We had to deal with the annoying rat and were afraid of damaging the utensils next to it. It can only be a small accident caused by a transaction. My father knows about it, don't worry, it's still within control. 】

Jiang Hui: [It seems that the recent situation is far more chaotic than expected. 】

——Even Commander Zhou has his moments of fear.

While they were chatting here, the outside world was already in turmoil. If the venue is likened to a pot, it is already boiling at this moment. Excitement, worry, greed, anger. All kinds of positive or negative emotions are flooding the venue, sweeping everyone in it, forming a rolling wave.

That is Wanwei Star, a ground-level planet prepared by the resident galaxy, one of the famous mineral vein planets of the Pai Beta Nebula Cluster, which has produced several important minerals. Although more than half of them have been harvested, it has supported several families who have owned this planet for thousands of years.

According to the detection of this planet by the Interstellar Resource Development Bureau, nearly three-quarters of the area of ​​this planet has not been fully developed, and it is entirely possible to dig out other minerals. After all, a planet that can cultivate several kinds of living minerals must have a unique energy magnetic field, and it is very likely that new minerals will be produced if it is not fully developed.

Of course, the reason why this Wanwei star is famous is not only because of its minerals. Although it is rare to find a planet rich in minerals, there are more than tens of millions of planets in the permanent galaxy, and Wanwei is just a slightly larger one. The reason why Wanwei is so famous among many old and new stars has to start with its name.

Wanwei Star was not called Wanwei before. This name came from its first owner, Admiral Wanweis. This admiral was one of the warriors recorded in the early history of human development. He had outstanding military exploits and led many victories. Because the era is too long, some of it has been lost over the years, because people don’t know when and under what name this Wanwei star became Admiral Wanwei’s private planet.

Although this planet did not leave its beginning, it left a strong trace when it first appeared in history.

At the end of the third star era, humans encountered an unprecedented siege of star beasts in the Alpha universe, which had just taken shape. Admiral Wanwei intercepted them all the way from dozens of light years away, led a group of soldiers to fight bloody battles at the cost of their lives, and finally extended a safe distance for the human defense line.

However, at the same time, Admiral Wanwei, who had been fighting with injuries all the way, also died due to the inevitable exhaustion of his physical functions and mental power. He passed away three days after the end of the war at the age of 71. The average age of humans at that time was more than 200 years old, and 71 was only the prime of military service.

He died willingly, without any regrets. Because of his physical condition at that time, he could not move freely, so he could only settle in Wanwei Star, which was closest to the end of the battle, and finally died in Wanwei. Wanwei is a big family. It is said that heroes like Admiral Wanwei should return to the clan land in the central star area for burial after their death, but this admiral who had fought all his life left a will about his belonging before his death.

According to his will, the body of the admiral was buried on the spot on Wanwei Star, and it was stated that the remains would not be moved back until the battle between the human race and the star beasts was not won. His descendants also renamed this star Wanwei Star, and guarded the star for several star eras according to the teachings of their ancestors.

Probably because they did not want to disobey their ancestors, this large planet had not developed during this period, and was even once desolate and submerged in the gradually prosperous history of human civilization.

What really made it famous was an accident thousands of years ago in the era of this star. It was also a monster riot that was almost a historical overlap. Then people discovered two rare minerals on this undeveloped planet, and the output was not low.

Theoretically, if such resources are discovered, they will naturally be developed by the party that owns this planet. This is also the greatest right of the private planet owner. If it is well managed, it may become another pillar industry of the family.

Unfortunately, as the saying goes, "wealth does not last for more than three generations". After several star eras, the Wanwei family has long been in decline in the years, and the population is declining. Only three or two side branches are left. If these few people cannot pass it on, it can be said that the generation is truly broken. They don't even know that their ancestors still have such a great asset on display, otherwise how can they keep it for their generation to sell it.

Knowing that they had obtained the ownership of a planet, they were not the main line without the obsession of revitalizing the family, and were soon coaxed to sign out Wanwei Star. This planet fell into the hands of a prominent family, and changed owners several times in the following weeks, but this period did not affect the development of the planet. Wanwei Star was unexpectedly rich in resources, and a lot of mineral reserves were opened up for the ruling area over the past thousand years.

The time came to about a hundred years ago, which was also the last time Wanwei Star changed hands. The new planet owner led people to travel around the south, which was ruled to be lacking in resources, and unexpectedly dug up a star-level high-energy metal in the shallow layer of the south.

This caused a stir. You know, star-level materials have always been in short supply in the interstellar space. Mining is limited and the price is high. Now a new mining star suddenly appears, which is eye-catching.

Many people are even willing to buy this planet at a very high price. However, the person who took Wanwei back this time was obviously not short of money, and the forces or people who wanted to acquire it were all sent away. After this, Wanwei Star has successively developed many high-level minerals, and it has completely established the name of "Treasure Star".

In short, this planet is quite famous, both in terms of its own resource conditions and geographical location. And more importantly, it is very close to Star 732. How could the Zhou family let such a planet drift outside? How can others snore beside the bed? The fact that it drifted out is the strangest thing.

However, it is not surprising to hear Zhou Xiuwen say this. It seems to be another "unspeakable" story.

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