The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 783: Fighting among all parties

"This is really a very ugly scene." The young man in the box glanced at the chaotic scene below, slapped his knees nonchalantly, and the next moment he seemed to react and grimaced in pain - the whole stupid look.

However, the people around him would not dare to underestimate the young man just because he showed impetuousness and unreliability at this moment.

In terms of mental toughness and determination, this person is not inferior to anyone, or if anyone has worked with him once, they will know that "this person must not be an enemy."

The people in the same industry have heard rumors about him more than once, and he has also seen some of the other party's methods, so he dare not underestimate the other party anyway. As for his action just now, who knows if it was a secret code. The person in the same industry thought expressionlessly.

The secret code is naturally not a secret code, and the fact is not complicated. The young man really just made a simple action out of emotion.

As for the "ugly" he said, it is not limited to the scene, but also refers to the people in it - those who are greedy but do not have the corresponding ability and ambition to match.

As early as several star eras ago, private planets were almost out of circulation. Now, the ones who can still hold private planets and not return are the noble families with a long history and profound heritage and the descendants of military generals who have made great contributions. Therefore, the circulation of private planets in the interstellar space has been very low in recent years.

Even if there are, they are almost nailed to the channels and network of contacts. The possibility of getting them may be only slightly higher than getting a new one.

Releasing a hundred private planets like this, or on the open market, is an unprecedented thing. Naturally, people from all walks of life came out and showed their skills, all wanting to eat these pieces of fat meat.

The young man was able to sit here naturally because he had something to do, but his purpose and goals were different from those of most people here. So at this time, he did not share the mood of the people below, but watched the show instead.

People have bad roots, and more or less like to watch the show. As long as the person they are watching is not themselves, they will unconsciously develop a mentality of watching.

Moreover, the young man had a different standpoint from most of the guests present, so he naturally enjoyed watching the ugly appearance of these imperial parasites.

That's right, seeing these people who usually boast of being powerful and noble, and who are more arrogant than each other, but when they see good things, they all show the same ugly expression of wanting to take them for themselves.

But if they knew that the "good things" they were madly fighting for were buried with landmines, I wonder how wonderful their expressions would be.

"Alas, I don't know what these guys will do when the time comes. Hehe, I really want to see it with my own eyes--"

The young man didn't know how obscure his expression was at this moment, and he exuded an inexplicable murderous aura all over his body, accompanied by the lingering blood--at this moment he really showed his fangs.

When the other person who accompanied him saw the expression on the young man's face, he felt his throat become more dry, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

For a while, the room was unusually silent.


At this time, the auction has entered its peak period. All participants, regardless of their purpose, have been pushed to the peak by the various forces on the scene.

However, in such a hot scene, this batch of planets was not sold out as quickly as expected. Instead, the "front" was extended infinitely due to the large number of competitors.

In short, there is only so much "cake", and there are too many people vying for it, and the supply cannot meet the demand.

In fact, the Wanwei Star was really a "special case" at the beginning. Although some people came to compete for it, most of them came to build a ladder. Even if there were unknown circumstances, most of them were small and scattered forces, which did not pose any threat. In general, the competition for Wanwei Star was more like a pre-determined drama, and the real hunters were watching and had not yet entered the stage.

Later, as they thought, they really entered a long and cruel battle. The Zhou family did not dare to challenge them, but the others were not afraid at all. This was a good opportunity for them to take the whole family to a higher level, and no one was willing to give up.

Indeed, interstellar civilization has developed to a very prosperous level. Whether it is the system or the economy and technology, it has reached a certain level, enough to allow billions of human compatriots to live a life with a decent material level.

But at the same time, the vines of class have spread unscrupulously, layer by layer in the social structure, becoming part of the root system of advancing the historical process and taking root in human civilization.

People have become more different. The bottom people are ordinary people, the rich people are the upper people - the stratification of people has become more clear and discernible, and it is like an insurmountable natural barrier.

This is cruel, and it is also a process that society will inevitably experience when it develops to a certain level.

The periphery wants to stay permanently, the permanent residents enter the inner circle, the inner circle is eager for the central area, ordinary people are trying their best to squeeze into the resource-rich big star, small families look up to the big families, the nouveau riche curry favor with the nobles, and the newcomers try to integrate into the new interstellar society. The class is becoming more solidified and difficult to break.

Especially in recent years, ordinary people and lower-class families have found it increasingly difficult to rise to the top. It is almost impossible to rely on hard work to rise to the top as in the previous star eras, because the upper class has almost monopolized most of the good resources. What they need is extraordinary operations to have a chance to break through the thick class barriers.

A new private planet is obviously a good entry point, a real once-in-a-century opportunity, an opportunity that is right in front of them and within their reach. So even if it offends the superiors, they want to try their best. If, if they can really get it, even if it is only for a short moment, the added value will probably benefit their family a lot.

There are quite a few small families with this mentality, plus many who join in the fun and stir up trouble. Those big forces that are really capable of bidding are not so easy to get, after all, they don't want to lose the first move because of reckless actions.

In short, this auction has been in chaos so far, and it has been somewhat uncontrollable, with all kinds of undercurrents surging. If there is no trace of reason left, knowing that if they really get chaotic, the entire venue will immediately riot because they are out of control, and the scene will probably be even more chaotic.

Jiang Hui and Clarence, who really came to the auction to watch the fun, were not too affected, but just dumbfounded. Well, there was only the country bumpkin Jiang Hui, watching the chaos below and - the other two, no three, Huan Xian had already finished his work and came back to watch this "grand" auction with them in real time.

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