It turns out that the eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain. Darkness makes people's insensitivity naturally decrease sharply, and the only hearing that is not affected or even increased becomes an unfavorable factor affecting people's thoughts.

Very noisy.

——This is the only feeling Jiang Hui has at this moment.

It's not just the sound, it's "noisy" in all senses.

Jiang Hui doesn't know what it feels like to have 500 ducks quacking at the same time. But she thinks that the situation at this moment can be said to be a hundred times more than before. Let me ask you what kind of experience it is to have 50,000 ducks quacking at the same time? !

The small and large sounds from all sides, mixed with a huge amount of mental filaments, expanded violently in the venue like fermentation, forming an extremely terrifying chaotic atmosphere.

Even though Jiang Hui has extremely strong mental resistance, it was a little unbearable for a while. She instantly felt as if there were thousands of needles vibrating and swimming in her head, and the severe pain and confusion were difficult to control. But she was still a person who had experienced many storms after all, and she immediately became alert in her heart after feeling uncomfortable.

The more such a situation is, the more you should stay calm and composed, otherwise it is easier to make mistakes and be taken advantage of.

Therefore, Jiang Hui suppressed her restless mental power and tried her best to get rid of the "dancing demons" outside, and finally regained some rationality.

"Theophile!" She called her friend's name in a deep voice.

"I'm here." The other party's voice replied not far to the left.

The other party put his arm on her, breathing slowly, as if he was alert to something.

In the unknown environment, the two of them were very close, and the hand holding her was tense, and it seemed that they could clearly hear each other's breathing.

Neither of them spoke for a while.

"There are a lot of 'baits' outside." The young man said in a low voice.

Jiang Hui knew what the other party was referring to. Her mental power perception was even better than Clarence's, and she was the first to notice something wrong. Although her mind was indeed confused for a moment in the dark, and there was a lag, but the hardware conditions were here, and she could still tell that something was wrong even unconsciously.

Indeed, in addition to the mental filaments from all sides, there were also some different breaths mixed in the surroundings. Compared to the mental power of others that was either frightened, fearful, angry, or curious, these auras were particularly different. How to say it? They may have done some disguise, but the feeling of being stared at by a venomous snake lingered, and their followers were like venomous snakes hidden in the crowd, ready to strike.

As for what they were waiting for, it was naturally the target this time.

As expected, something happened - it really happened. Although it happened suddenly, Jiang Hui was not surprised at all, and even felt that the dust had settled.

In fact, the purpose of holding this auction was not simple from the beginning. The undercurrents before and after the conference, the sudden gate separation, all kinds of things showed that this accident was premeditated, but I didn't expect that things would end up like this.

The auction lasted for several hours, not counting the time before the front field. It was not until the end of the conference that it started. I think it is impossible that it was just to see the embarrassed and panicked look of these dignitaries.

Jiang Hui was wondering before that some time before the gate separation, the mental power of all parties outside the box had a faint sign of expansion and loss of control. At that time, she thought that there were too many high-level awakeners mixed together, and they stayed for a long time, and the disordered reaction of mental brain waves was inevitable.

Now I think there is mutual influence, but it is more of a man-made disaster, a man-made turmoil. These omens are actually caused by the awakened to resist external interference. Everything has a precursor.

But Jiang Hui couldn't figure out how they could disrupt the mental power of the crowd and create this chaos under the noses of the organizers and so many military and political privileged people? Could it be that some technology or props that can avoid the tracking of the existing military and political parties have appeared in the black market?

No, no, more than that. If the mastermind wants to avoid so many "eyes", the corresponding technology and props must be necessary, there is no doubt about this. But the most important and indispensable factor to create such a situation must be people-and the right people.

All the "people" in this venue jointly constructed this situation. Participants, organizers, people with intentions and innocent people, or their own people? Enemies? They could all be the pawns of the mastermind behind the scenes.

They calculated the development of the matter accurately, and this was only the first step. As for the next step, it was naturally to welcome the people who joined the game.

So now, the people who were wandering around in a place where they didn't know the situation and couldn't see anything - they were either the biggest fools or the people who joined the game themselves.

I believe that there will not be too many of the former who can come here.

You can't go out, and you can't even move around casually! Jiang Hui has made up his mind.

Because of the turbulent environment, Jiang Hui's already sensitive mental power has been restless at this moment. She forced the outer mental power to shrink layer by layer, gradually reducing her sense of existence until she was subtly separated from the outside by a layer of space.

Her ears were instantly much quieter, but this moment of effort exhausted most of Jiang Hui's mind, making her sweat coldly, tinnitus and panic, and her feet were weak and almost lost her footing. Fortunately, Clarence tacitly helped her, saving her from the fate of falling flat on the ground.

'I'll do the rest. 'She felt the equally strong spiritual power next to her like a dragon emerging from the abyss, surpassing her slightly decadent spiritual power to support the external spiritual barrier. Although they were two equally strong spiritual powers, the alternation between the two was seamless, without affecting the barrier in the slightest.

"I can only hold out for about twenty minutes at most." Jiang Hui used most of his mental power to build the interlayer, which provided enough space for the two of them to move around. With Clarence's mental endurance, if nothing unexpected happened, they could probably lurk in this "demon-like" environment for about twenty minutes.

"That's enough." No matter what the person behind the scenes wants to do, it must be a big deal to spend so much money and take the huge risk of being discovered and sanctioned by the military and political circles at any time. They will never act slowly, and will definitely act in the shortest time, and twenty minutes may be more than enough.

This time is not long or short, but it can indeed guarantee their safety to the greatest extent in such an extremely chaotic and uncertain situation.

Of course, the premise is that the person behind the scenes does not really want to kill here. If those people's purpose is to create a large-scale killing incident at all costs, then any mental power interlayer will be useless-this is also the worst plan.

Hearing the implication of Jiang Hui's words, Clarence silently lowered his mental power output in order to preserve as much mental power as possible, because who knows what will happen in a while.

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