The Assessment Officially Begins

Hear the order.

Everyone was also excited, and quickly assembled, very neat and uniform.

Among the people present, except for a few recruits from the Iron Fist Regiment, the others were basically veterans with many years of experience, and their military literacy was still very high.

“Stand at attention!” “Slow down!” “Look to the right!” “Look forward!”

Fan Tianlei was wearing a tactical camouflage uniform, sunglasses and a beret, and said with a loudspeaker:”Have you had enough fun? It’s quite enjoyable! As expected of the elites of the various units, this energy is exuberant! As expected of the elites I selected!”

“Very good! It looks like you don’t even need to get in the car. Just follow the car and run back. It’s not far, less than ten kilometers.”

Fan Tianlei, who had finished speaking in a strange mood, let out a cheap laugh and called the driver to set off without giving him any time to react.

“Run! Or you’ll fall behind!”

He Chenguang yelled, and everyone woke up like a dream. They ran forward in a hurry, and followed closely behind the off-road vehicle.

The admiration of the Iron Fist trio for Zhang Ziling soared to a new level again, which really made Zhang Ziling hit the mark!

And this is a ten-kilometer off-road!

It’s a good thing they changed their military boots in time, otherwise they would have ruined the soles of their feet when they crossed the country with bare leather shoes!

Song Kaifei broke out in a cold sweat from shock, secretly calling it a fluke, luckily he followed suit, otherwise wouldn’t it be a dead ball?

In particular, after seeing the rugged mountain road full of gravel after leaving the tarmac, Song Kaifei was even more secretly happy that he was able to wear it.

Otherwise, you’re dead.

But the others complained endlessly. The leather shoes themselves are not suitable for off-roading at all. Fan Tianlei’s car drives surprisingly fast. If he wants to catch up, he has to go at full speed. When walking on the training ground, some people have one foot with a leather shoe full of bumps, and the other foot is only left with a bare sock, which is stained with blood!

Xu Tianlong walked quickly to Zhang Ziling’s side, and couldn’t help asking: “Zhang Ziling, you really hit the spot. Staff Fan really gave us a physical examination, but I’m curious, how did you know that he will be in the Leather shoe context chapter?”

Of course, Zhang Ziling couldn’t just say that he had read the original work, so he said casually: “I saw it with my own eyes. From the angle he stared at us, I observed that his eyes were focused on our feet. Chief of Staff Fan thinks he is very smart, and he can read it all the time. They come up with tortured training methods that don’t follow the routine, but in fact, there are still traces to follow.”

“What? You can see this too? You’re just bragging! Your eyes are equipped with 8x mirrors, right?”

Xu Tianlong was startled immediately, and looked Zhang Ziling up and down.

It was not he who was amazed, but the pilot Song Kaifei. Eyesight is a must-test item for pilots, and it is also a strict checkpoint.

The tarmac is at least five or six hundred meters away from Fan Tianlei’s off-road jeep. It’s not surprising that you can see the other party clearly, but if you insist on seeing the other party’s micro-expressions and the distance in which the eyes focus, that’s ridiculous !

Do you think your eyes are eagles?!

Bragging is not a draft!

Zhang Ziling smiled, but said nothing.

However, Xu Tianlong suddenly frowned and said, “No, he didn’t brag!”

“I still remember the last red-blue confrontation exercise. The whole military region notified the victory of the red team. The blue army No. 1 was beheaded. Among them was a talented sniper who became famous. I heard that he could use 88 sniper to accurately strike targets 2000 meters away. There is no false hair, and his name is also Zhang Ziling!”

Before Zhang Ziling could admit it, Wang Yanbing said proudly: “That’s right, it’s Zhang Ziling! His eyes are better than the 8x mirror.”

Song Kaifei was dumbfounded, the idol was right in front of me?

He still pointed to the off-road vehicle in front of him in disbelief, and said, “Then let me ask you, what’s the license plate number?”

Zhang Ziling looked up and said, “Jun R52345. The license plate is silver-blue, with a three-centimeter scratch on the upper right corner, and a red and blue cloth strip wrapped around the back seat. The driver turned the left steering wheel, probably We’re going up the mountain in a while!”

Is it true or false, so real?

Song Kaifei squinted his eyes and used his eyesight to the maximum, but he could only vaguely see the three numbers on the license plate.

You know, he is the standard of a pilot’s strength!

In the next second, Fan Tianlei’s off-road vehicle turned left and went up the mountain.

all hit!

Now Song Kaifei no longer had the slightest doubt, and admired him on the spot.

With this level of strength, it’s too much talent to be a special soldier. If you enter the Army Aviation, it should be regarded as a key training. It’s a matter of course that you will be recommended to the military academy for further study. Maybe you can spend three to five years, maybe you can get a higher rank.

What a pity, what a pity!

“Who came up with the dog’s idea? If you run over like this, you’ll lose your legs!”

Zhang Ziling and the others put on military boots, not to mention how smooth the journey was, walking on flat ground, and the speed was at the forefront. To be honest, they didn’t dare to fall behind the big troops, otherwise they would take shortcuts like this. It really made people angry.

The team members in the rear cursed angrily. The leather shoes were either lost, or they were riddled with holes and blood dripping from the gravel.

Looking at the gravel road ahead that seemed to have no end, and it was still going uphill, a deep sense of despair welled up in my heart.

At the critical moment, someone with great wisdom discovered a way to cut corners.

“Hey, look carefully. Isn’t there a sidewalk next to it? Come, come, follow me.”

On both sides of the gravel road, there is a muddy field full of withered grass. Although it may take a long detour, they successfully avoided the gravel road and prevented the worsening of the foot injury.

Together, everyone followed in the footsteps of Da Zhiming. Just when they were smiling happily, they heard the sound of explosions and gunshots. It turned out that Chen Shanming and Miao Lang had led people to ambush him early After four weeks, they predicted their lazy route early.

In the middle, a coach bomb was set.And booby traps, blowing up a group of rookies crying their fathers and mothers, the bullets splashing on the heels at any time, scared the team to speed up a lot in an instant!

As a result, this shortcut did not give any rest, but it further damaged the fragile soles of the feet.

As the evening approached, they finally arrived at their destination. The fence in front of them was the finish line. Fan Tianlei had been waiting with a loudspeaker for a long time. All the team members who saw this scene wept with joy.

Zhang Ziling’s group of four bore the brunt, followed by Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei, a pair of live treasures, you rushed to the front.

The speed was surprisingly fast, and there was no trace of injury at all.

Fan Tianlei, who was originally happily waiting to see these arrogant elites crying for their father and daughter-in-law, froze his smile on the spot on the spot.

Fuck, when did these bastards change into military boots?

No, how could they have a chance to change shoes?

Chen Shanming also realized the problem, and explained with a wry smile: “Chief of Staff, Miao Lang and I didn’t let the water go. We kept staring at them all the time, and didn’t even have a chance to sit down and rest. How could we change our shoes?”

“So, did they put on military boots early?” Fan Tianlei raised his voice by eight decibels.

This is the only explanation.

“I think it should be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.” Chen Shanming smiled wryly.

He has been with Fan Tianlei for so long, so how can he not know this guy’s careful thought of avenging his personal revenge, after all, it is completely his territory now, so he decided to make a good deal with Zhang Ziling, let him know why Hua’er is so popular, give a good start The killing power stick frustrates his spirit!

But who would have thought that he would lose again.

Miao Werewolf didn’t talk too much, and his expression was quite weird at this time. After all, this is not cheating at all. They don’t know the next assessment items at all, and they are just planning ahead. From a tactical point of view, this is a wise decision. Prepared to achieve the maximum stop loss and efficiency!

Instead, I have to praise them for their wit!


Fan Tianlei took the torch with a dark face, and threw it on the gasoline that had been set in advance. The huge flame instantly formed a fiery wall of fire, emitting thick black smoke.

“If you want to enter my special forces, you have to go through this firewall first.”

A thick heat wave hit his face, Xu Tianlong frowned: “What a fool! This killing power is really good!”

Song Kaifei chuckled cheaply: “Fortunately, we are fully prepared, otherwise, this firewall would be a big headache!”

The six of them took the lead in crossing the firewall. It can be said that there were no major obstacles. After all, they could be said to be among the 20 or so people with the best physical strength.

Song Kaifei was unlucky, his backpack caught fire, everyone worked together and successfully shot it out, but Song Kaifei was shot into the sand, and he looked up and spat out the sand: “Damn it, you guys are taking this opportunity to retaliate!”

Wang Yanbing, Xu Tianlong and others laughed cheaply: “You can’t say that, we are helping you put out the fire.”

The two took the initiative to reach out to help him up, and the previous unhappiness also dissipated with the wind.

Sometimes, the friendship between men always comes so unexpectedly.

One after another, some people gritted their teeth one after another. Books/groups: 9’8″0’2,0″5?8, 5:6 broke the firewall, and many people didn’t dare at all.

“You jump, why are you hesitating!”

“Er Gouzi, Er Donkey. You idiot!”

The old squad leader cursed loudly. He hated iron and steel for the last time and took a last look at the comrades who came out of the same regiment. He gritted his teeth and got stuck at the moment when the final fence fell, and passed through the firewall.

After ten kilometers of bloody ‘foot massage’, the mental strength and willpower are greatly consumed, and the blazing heat wave of the fire wall can make it difficult for people to keep calm. In the face of fear, hesitation will lead to defeat!

Obviously, these people failed the test and were eliminated.

“Those outside the fence, send them back to the original unit!” Fan Tianlei waved his hand coldly and contemptuously.

Some of the eliminated team members already showed regret on their faces, and they were eliminated just after hesitating for a few seconds.

However, an assessment is an assessment, and they will not be given any chance at all. In the end, they were taken away in despair.

“Those within the line of fire, pay attention!”

As Fan Tianlei’s words fell, four walls of fire blazed up. The flames soared into the sky, and the temperature inside suddenly increased. The blazing heat wave seemed to make the clothes on his body scald, and his hair curled up.

“Fuck, is this a roasted corpse or a roasted pig?!”

“There is no end!”

“Stay any longer, I’ll have to finish the game!”

Everyone hurriedly lay down on the ground, covering their mouths and noses, for fear that the blazing heat wave would scald their airways, and they couldn’t open their eyes one by one.

What happened in front of my eyes, I couldn’t see clearly at all.

This kind of assessment is the biggest psychological pressure, because Fan Tianlei didn’t say the duration of the assessment at all.

In this case, if it takes an hour, who can bear it?

Soon, the mentality of several soldiers exploded.

“I can’t take it anymore!”

“What kind of perverted assessment is this!”

“Send me back to the army!”

After finishing speaking, they rushed out of the firewall one by one, panting heavily.

However, Fan Tianlei looked at his watch almost at the front and rear, “Thirty seconds is up, the assessment is over.”

The team members who withdrew early were dumbfounded for an instant, and each one was dumbfounded.

Lying… Lying?

If I had known it was only thirty seconds, a fool would be able to hold on!This examiner, isn’t he a fucking dog?

Not to mention them, even the soldiers who passed the assessment were looking at each other in blank dismay, clearly playing tricks.

The first day of the assessment of the Spike Special Forces Brigade kicked off like this.

At night, the bathtub was filled with medical alcohol to welcome the howling recruits.

Zhang Ziling, Li Erniu, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and the funny duo just went through a cutscene. Compared with the miserable appearance of the other team members who stained the entire bathing floor red with blood, they became the catwalk catwalk The model, unscathed, unleashed a wave of hatred.

Obviously, the behavior of Zhang Ziling and others to take precautions aroused public outrage.

Of course, the greater anger still stems from Zhang Ziling’s selfishness. If he had told others earlier, wouldn’t he not have to suffer this crime?

Just kidding, if everyone really put on military boots, Fan Tianlei is not an idiot, he will definitely do a lot of tricks, maybe order them to run ten kilometers barefoot! At that time, everyone will only be unlucky!

Such remarks are nothing but jealousy.

Zhang Ziling didn’t care at all. Anyway, the only ones who could persevere in the end were familiar faces. These blustery guys would be eliminated sooner or later.

If someone really has the energy to do things after the devil’s special training, Zhang Ziling has to give him a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart. This kind of physical ability must be at the level of a soldier king!

Therefore, there was no such clichéd TV plot around Zhang Ziling.

The night passed peacefully.

The next day, before dawn, Chen Shanming came in with a submachine gun on his shoulders, and the shuttle shot out of the chamber, becoming the exclusive wake-up call for the special training camp.

Before the training started, everyone put on brand new equipment, special combat helmets and combat uniforms, backpacks and weapons and equipment.

The military posture for half a day is just an appetizer.

Fan Tianlei arrived late. After the off-road vehicle stopped, he unhurriedly clicked on the tablet to play the games on it, showing a cynical look of an elite boss.

He was not in a hurry to get out of the car. Instead, he got out of the car slowly after playing a single game. He looked at the crowd with a mean look on his face.

“It’s different when you put on the military uniform! This military posture is good, but I don’t know how physical it is! Lie down and straighten your stomach.”

As soon as he came up, Fan Tianlei fired Wang Bo.

Chen Shanming ordered: “Everyone has it! One arm’s distance to the left and right, and two arms to the front and back. Look to the right! Look forward!”

“Let’s fall back, belly!”

The two columns are neatly arranged in a standard posture, and the feet are straightened at 45 degrees. The most important test is the core strength of the abdomen. Normal amateur training is maintained for about 45-60 seconds.

Fan Tianlei decided to extend this time indefinitely to test the limits of his physical fitness.

“Have you seen all of this movie? There is an opening speech in the selection of talents by special forces, but I think there is nothing new, so I won’t say more! I will mainly talk about five points!”

Hearing Fan Tianlei’s words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They thought to themselves, where can five o’clock go? Listening to Chief of Staff Fan’s speech speed is very concise and capable, and it is estimated that it will end soon. After all, it is only five o’clock.

But Zhang Ziling at this time knew that Fan Tianlei was playing tricks on purpose.

How could it really end easily.

Any unrealistic ideas can’t be had now.

In this case, at least he can maintain his mentality.

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