At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Junmaru, blocking Naruto behind him.

Originally, Xiao Li should appear here in the anime, but now it has been replaced by Asakura Ye!

“Ye!” When Naruto saw this figure, he recognized it immediately, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

“Well, you go after Sasuke, this guy will be handed over to me to deal with.” Ma Cang Ye said lightly.

Naruto looked at Junmaru, then at Asakura Ye, and hesitated: “Ye, this guy is very strong…”

Asakura Ye smiled: “It’s okay, you still don’t believe me, go after Sasuke.” ”

Naruto heard this, nodded, obviously believing in Asakura Leaf extremely much, and chased directly in the direction Sasuke left.

When Junmaru saw this scene, his eyes flashed coldly, and he stretched out his finger in the direction Naruto left: “Ten fingers pierced!” ”

Dozens of knuckles shot out from Junmaru’s palm, like bullets, and flew towards Naruto.

Ma Cang Ye instantly appeared on the path of the finger bone, and his hands were sealed: “Tudun, Tuliu Wall!” ”

The earth in front of Makura squirmed, raising a wall of earth, blocking all these knuckles and giving Naruto a chance to leave.

“You guy, looking for death, huh?” Junmaru’s gaze stared at Makura Ye, full of murderous aura.

I Ai Luo and Temari rushed to Makura Ye’s side at this time: “It seems that this guy is very difficult to deal with, let’s go together.” ”

Ma Cang Ye glanced at the two and shook his head: “No need, you guys just watch from the side, pay attention, protect the woman’s body, don’t let her get hurt.” ”

I Ai Luo and Temari listened to Makura Ye’s words, and felt speechless for a while, how is this strange, protect the corpse, don’t get hurt?

However, Makura Ye’s voice fell, and he had already moved.

In front of Aira and Temari, it is impossible for him to use those hidden methods, so in the face of Junmaru, he can only rely on physical skills and various ninjutsu mastered.

In this way, he can also test to what extent he has used these physical arts and ninjutsu after eating three generations of combat experience cards.

Facing the rushing Makura Ye, Junmaru’s eyes narrowed and he was ready.

But just when everyone thought that Ma Cang Ye was going to rush directly and fight close combat, Ma Cang Ye suddenly jumped up slightly, and then, a punch smashed on the ground!


Everyone’s eyes changed color.

Because, the earth actually cracked under the punch of Makura Ye, and a huge crack spread towards the location where Junmaru was.

“This guy, what a terrible power.” Junmaru frowned, kept jumping back, avoiding the crack, his gaze still seemed calm.

In the next instant, Makura Ye crossed the distance of several zhang in a few breaths, suddenly appeared in front of Junmaru, and slammed into it with a punch!

“Corpse Bone Vein, Dance of Tang Song!” Everywhere in Junmaru’s body, bones surged and bones converged on his chest.

Ma Cangye’s fist also slammed on these bones!


Cracks appeared in the two bones, but Junmaro resisted Asakuraha’s fist through this.

For Asakura Ye, who has the power of “strange power”, being able to block this punch is enough to prove the hardness of these bones.

Before Makura Ye’s fist was retracted, Junmaru’s body, the bones stretched, and in a moment, he stabbed at Makura Ye’s fist!

The ultimate combat experience is once again revealed.

Faced with such a situation, Asakura Ye did not choose to withdraw his hand, but bowed and kicked sideways, kicking Junmaru’s head.

Junmaru obviously did not expect that in this case, Makura Ye would also attack, and he was kicked fiercely in the forehead, and the whole person took several steps backwards, and his head was dizzy.

“Water escape, water break!” Asakura Ye seized the opportunity, his hands were sealed, and an extremely fine stream of water shot out of Asakura Ye’s mouth and cut towards Junmaru.

The current swept across, and when Junmaru was in the nick of time, the whole person jumped up, and only then did he avoid the current dangerously.

However, in this way, he was completely passive, and Asakura quickly got close to him and started hand-to-hand combat against Junmaru, although Junmaro repeatedly wanted to counterattack by changing the position of the bones, but Asakuraba’s reaction speed was too fast, causing Junmaru to have to gather all the bones into a defense and completely give up the attack.

The stormy attack of Makura Leaf fell on the bones that formed the defense, and the clicking sound of broken bones rose one after another, and with the last punch of Makura Ye, Junmaru’s whole person flew out upside down, hitting the ground, and the bones on his chest were shattered.

Between the two, it is almost a collision of physical skills, but the more like this, the more intense the collision between the two sides, and I Ai Luo and Temari next to them are intently watched, because they can see that whether it is Junmaro or Makura Ye, the physical skills are extremely strong.

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