The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 150 The Disappeared City

Su Yan also heard Lisanna's name and couldn't help but recall the cute girl who was always gentle and a little naughty.

Thinking of Lisanna secretly asking herself when she would be her brother-in-law, but Mila was so fierce at that time, Su Ning dared to think about it and didn't dare to say it, it had nothing to do with strength.

Later, Mila became an S-rank magician, and Su Tan also asked the old man not to let Mila do S-rank tasks to avoid Lisanna's situation repeating itself.

Although she was angry with Mila, Mila was taking Elfman and Lisanna with her at the time, and she would not take the risk of taking them both.

Who would have thought that the real thing appeared on an ordinary crusade mission.

Su Ning knew that it had been three months since the incident. When he came back, the grumpy Mila had changed a lot and turned into what she is now.

Su Tan did not mention the information that Lisanna was probably still alive. At that time, Mila finally stabilized and needed to give Mila a longer period of calm.

He went to Mystogan at that time. He knew Mystogan's identity. After all, he was a rare S-class wizard in the Fairy Tail guild. He still remembered part of the plot about him.

However, Mystogan's whereabouts are mysterious, and he rarely returns to the guild, which is similar to his own time. After that, Su Yan left for a year.

It's almost time for him to bring Lisanna back. When Mystogan comes back next time, let him send him over and bring Lisanna back by himself.

On the streets of Magnolia Town, heavy rain is falling.

"Carla, I finally found you!!" Wendy ran out to find Carla when the dark clouds appeared.

"Wendy, you will catch a cold if you don't even have an umbrella."

“Carla is still not the same!”

Wendy squatted in front of Carla: "Carla, we just joined the guild, I think we should get along well with everyone."

"It's not necessary, as long as I have you, it's enough.

Wendy pouted and said, "Really!! You're here again.

Carla is her best friend, but she also hopes that Carla can make many friends in the guild, just like "Happy".

The Fairy Tail guild completely regarded "Happy" as one of their members, and she also hoped that Carla could become a member of the Fairy Tail guild.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and a man who had covered his body was walking towards this side from not far away.

"Who are you?" Carla immediately appeared in front of Wendy and asked the person who came.

"Wendy, I didn't expect you to come to this guild, and the person who came said took off his hood and face towel, revealing his face.


"I didn't know anything about the world seven years ago, so I told you my name is Jellal, and now I'm Mystogan in Fairy Tail."

"Mystogan?" Carla was very surprised. Joining the guild these days, she also knew several powerful S-rank wizards in the Fairy Tail guild, one of which was Mystogan.

"You you you you are seven years ago, I have always wanted to see you." Wendy's tears flowed out, dripping with the rain.

"I'm sorry I couldn't see you, but there's no time to be happy about reunion now.


"You leave the city right now.


"The city is about to disappear!"

"Well, what's going on here?

"Everything is over, disappearance is unavoidable, at least to save you."

"Where's Fairy Tail?! What will happen to everyone in the guild?!"

"Everyone will die.

Wendy immediately ran towards the Fairy Tail Guild after hearing this.

“Wendy!! (bddf)!”

"I have to tell everyone!!"

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky began to change, and a huge vortex appeared. Because of the thunder and lightning, and the heavy sound of rain, almost no one in the entire city noticed this situation.

Wendy stumbled all the way to the front of Fairy Tail.

"Everyone!!! Not good!! Sky

Suddenly, the guild gate in front of Wendy began to twist, as if it had turned into gas and began to evaporate.

Immediately afterwards, the same changes took place in the architecture of the entire city.

"What's this!! Everyone!!" Wendy tried to keep running, but was ejected.

All the buildings began to disintegrate, and then formed a tornado and rolled towards the huge hole in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the whole city disappeared, and in front of Wendy was a flat open space and the mountains outside the city.

"No?" Wendy slumped to the ground in disbelief.

"The guild disappeared, and the streets were all... how could it be...

"What the hell happened?!"

"Is anyone here?!!!"

Wendy looked at her trembling hands and cried, "Why am I the only one here? The streets and the guild have disappeared...why is it only me!!"

She just experienced a disappearance of all her partners not long ago, and she doesn't want to lose any of her partners, but she just joined Fairy Tail, and Fairy Tail also disappeared. Are you a broom star?

Why didn't he just disappear.

Suddenly, "Kick!"

The ground not far away shattered.

"Huh—!" Wendy was taken aback.

A figure appeared in front of Wendy, Wendy saw this familiar figure, and immediately rushed over crying.

"Brother Su Yan!! Everyone disappeared! The guild also disappeared!" Wendy rushed on Su Yan and cried.

"Wendy, it's alright, don't cry, don't cry." Su Yan looked at the situation in front of him and was a little confused. Before he saw Mila and Elfman go to Lisanna's grave, he was in a daze in the memory.

Immediately before he had time to react, everything in the guild evaporated before his eyes. The first time he thought of the guild being attacked, he was attacked without even noticing.

Then he heard Wendy's voice, immediately came out of the soil, heard Wendy's cry, and then he noticed that not only the Fairy Tail guild was attacked, but the entire Magnolia Town was attacked.

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