The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter one hundred and sixty-eight


The ground shattered.

The armed color is domineering and hardened and entangled, the overlord color is domineering and compressed and entangled, and purple lightning is wrapped around Su Tan's arms and fists.

This is Su Yan's real and essential attack in human form, his powerful body strength, combined with the hardening and entanglement of the armed color domineering, and the compression and entanglement of the overlord color domineering.

Su Tan punched Erza Netwoka.


The invisible impact spread to the surrounding, and all the places it passed were shattered.

"Wow ah ah ah!"

"Wow ah ah ah!"

Many soldiers of the Kingdom's army were knocked into the air by this shock, and they had no resistance at all.

The towering buildings in the palace also began to crumble, the ground trembled violently, and everyone in the palace screamed in horror and ran away from the palace.

Erza Netwoka also made the strongest attack.

"Crack Kick--!!!"

The red and black thunder blooms in the void. In the world of One Piece, this is a special phenomenon that only occurs when the 13 qi of the tyrant collide. However, in the world of Fairy Tail, the collision of the tyrannical arrogance and magic will produce a similar effect.

Su Yan didn't know what was going on about this, but he speculated that it might be the reason for the similar nature of waste power and tyrannical arrogance.


Erza Knight Ika's attack was destroyed by Su Tan's blow.

"Crack clap!!

Erza Knight Ika's holy spear began to shatter inch by inch.

"I... my holy spear... turned out to be...


Erza let out a scream of pain.

After a while, everything subsided, and in the center of the explosion not far away, the figure of Erza Nate Ika was lying on the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The surrounding area is also in ruins. Half of Edolas' palace has been destroyed.

After Su Tan saw it, he pouted, he came to punish these guys, but it seemed that he didn't exert much force, and these guys were almost killed.

At this moment, Erza moved his fingers not far away, trying to get up with difficulty.

Su Xian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you still conscious?"

"I can't lose! I can't lose for the sake of the world!!"

"This world is on the verge of death. Once the magic power is exhausted, the world will perish."

"I can't let anyone take the magic I already got! This is the magic that belongs to us Edolas.

Hearing Erza Netwoka's words, Su Yan's expression turned gloomy, "The world will perish if the magic power is exhausted? Then let this damn world perish."

"Taking the lives of irrelevant people as energy, just to light up the street lamps in the royal capital, what you said really made sense.

The magic of this world is actually a kind of energy. From the perspective of application, it is similar to the oil on the earth in the previous life.

If oil suddenly disappears one day, the world may fall into chaos, but it will not be life-giving at all. After all, it is not these things that keep people alive, but food.

It doesn't matter if you start a war for resources, because it's an enemy, either you kill me or I kill you, but Su Yan, the guy who needs to set up an archway when he becomes a bitch, can't stand it.

"I heard that people can't live without food, but I haven't heard that people can't live without street lights, or can't live without the playground in the capital?"

"I heard that you have deprived everyone other than the capital of the right to use magic power? Are they all dead?"

"And the Fairy Tail guild in this world, the only thing that prevents them from living is the pursuit of your royal army."

"Just for the convenience of your own life, you will deprive others of the right to use magic, and even the right to live."

"Even if there is no magic power, this world will not perish, the world will not be so fragile, and people will not be so fragile, and only your rotten dynasty will perish."

Erza Netwoka was very shocked when she heard Su Yan's words. She has always lived in the panic of depletion of magic power, and even in her conception, the world will perish when magic power disappears.

But after listening to Su Yan's words, she suddenly realized that those people who were deprived of magic power except the king were still alive.

Only the royal capital is constantly wasting magic power and greedily wanting more magic power. It doesn't matter if you start a war, it doesn't matter if you kill anyone. This is not her idea alone. The people of the capital, the unified idea of ​​all people.

Suddenly, a voice sounded above the Edolas Palace, spreading throughout the entire palace.

"The world will not perish! Dynasties will not perish!! We Edolas will have inexhaustible eternal magic in the future!!"

Erza Netwoka was stunned when she heard this voice: "It's Your Majesty!!"

When Su Xuan heard Erza's words, she also understood that the person who said this should be the mastermind of turning all the people of Magnolia Town into magic power, the king of Edolas.


983 - A huge figure appeared not far away.

"Is that Doloma Anim?! Did your majesty take this out too? Erza recognizes this thing, it is a forbidden item, as long as it is turned on, it will continue to absorb the magic of this world, if it is not stopped, it will even Absorb all the magic power.

This is undoubtedly worse for a world that lacks magic power, so it is listed as a taboo item.

This is a mechanical prop that looks like a mechanical tyrannosaurus. The whole body is made of metal, and it looks powerful.

"Cough, the style of painting is really getting more and more strange."

Su Tan couldn't help pouting when he saw this thing. There is a Gundam in the magical world. Is there a problem? No problem!

Having lived in this world for seven years, he has taken this kind of thing worth complaining very lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the king of Edolas, Faust, continued to say: "We Edolas are the strongest, all magic is naturally ours, and anyone who opposes us should be damned!!

We're "not just taking in one Fairy Tail! We're taking in more of Aislandon's Magistrates' Guilds and Cities!"

"I'm going to make those guys all the magic of our great Edolas kingdom!!",

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