Seeing the flares lit up in the air, Cana bit her lip: "Why at such a time,

Lucy has already guessed the location of the cemetery of the first-generation president, and she will soon be able to find it and pass the second test, so there is only the last test left, as long as she passes her, she can become an S-rank mage.

"This is the last time I take the exam!! I'm all determined to quit the guild if I fail!!"

Cana"." Lucy didn't know what to say when he saw Cana like this.

Cana shouted unwillingly: "What a joke!! I'm going to continue the exam!! If you dare to interfere with me, then try it!!

Gray appeared at this point and said, "Calm down, Cana.

Loki said, "We feel the same way as you.

"Gray! Loki!!"

"Why are you here?"

We're stopped by Gray before we can tell Loki about the stalking.

"It's just a coincidence, why are you asking so much?" Gray was still thinking about continuing to follow Lucy and Cana after this time. Lucy had clearly guessed the location of the first-generation president's graveyard.

Gray continued: "Now that we've come to a consensus, there's no time to move on to the exam."

Loki: "Let's go to the emergency assembly point, we're completely confused right now.

"What's going on?" Lucy was a little frightened again, there were too many dangerous things in her life.

Where Gajeel was attacked.

Erza asked Yumaz, "Then I ask you, what are your plans?"

Yumaz sneered, "Hoo! As if we were going to tell you..

Erza was not polite at all, and immediately went up to punch and kick Yumaz, who was seriously injured.

"Zeref!! We're here to find Zeref!! The legendary Black Mage Zeref, is on this island."

Except for Su Tan, Erza's discoloration immediately changed.

how is this possible!!!"

"Zeref is the one hundreds of years ago.." Juvia has also heard of Zeref's name.

"It's 400 years.

"Impossible!! How could he still be alive!!" Erza shouted loudly, she suffered a lot because of Zeref, Jellal created Tower of Heaven to resurrect Zeref, and Zeref is already a character from 400 years ago , It is impossible for people to survive for so long.

Yumaz said: "He is still alive, and has been alive for another four hundred years, but President Hades said that Zeref is still sleeping" state, when Zeref wakes up, the world will fall into complete darkness among.

Su Tan said: "Well, he is indeed still alive."

"Su Yan, you know?" Erza looked at Su Tan.

Su Tan pointed to Zeref who had passed out under the roots of a tree not far away and said, "Well, he's right there."


Several people looked at Zeref, who had passed out, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Su mean that person is Zeref?!" Erza asked in disbelief.

Su Jian nodded: "Well, this guy was knocked unconscious by me on Sirius Island before, he is a trouble, I want to ask the president if there is a way to seal him for hundreds of years or something. "

Everyone looked at Su Tan, Zeref, who had brought terrifying disasters to the entire continent. He was called the strongest and most vicious black magician in history, but he was beaten by Su Yan like this. Like a dead dog.

"No!! Impossible!! Black Mage Zeref is known as the strongest Mage in history. It is impossible to lose to others, no, it must be because he is sleeping, so you can defeat him." Yumaz Shouting in disbelief, the man was exactly the same as the image given by the president Hades, and there was no doubt that it was the Black Mage Zeref they had been looking for.

"Sleep? It's not right, but it's almost the same." He knew that Zeref was not really sleeping, but Zeref at this time was similar to Mira at the time, and his combat power was indeed greatly reduced.

Great!! Finally found Zeref!! You are finished!! The army under the command of President Hades will come soon, and your Fairy Tail will be completely destroyed.

Erza shouted angrily: "Ridiculous! This is the Holy Land of Fairy Tail, are you trying to cause chaos on this island guarded by fairies?"

"You better not underestimate the Seven Kin of Purgatory."

"The Wizard of Time Ultear, Rustyrose, our eldest, Kablik, Kain Hikaru, Zancrow, Meredy, and one more is already on this island."


"Su Tan, what should we do?" Erza asked Su Tan, the current situation is very serious, and everyone on the island must be notified. If Warren is here, Warren's words can inform the island on almost everyone.

"I'll take Zeref to find the guild leader, and then block those guys from Grimoire Heart, you go and gather the people in the guild.


On the side of Mest and Wendy, after failing the first level, Mest took Wendy on a tour of the island.

"Mr. Mest, what does the signal of that color mean?" Wendy had just joined the guild and had never seen a red flare, so naturally she didn't know what it meant.

Mest also began to think when he heard Wendy's words, but he didn't know it at all. In a hurry, he began to agree to the stone next to him: "I want to know!! I really, really want to know!!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded: "Wendy--!!

Wendy looked up and saw Carla and Lily flying towards him.

"Carla!! Lili! Zero!

"Just keep him away!!

Carla and Lilly fall between Wendy and Mest.

"Mest!! Who the hell are you?!"

"Huh? What do you mean by who? I'm Mystogan's apprentice. …

Li Li's body suddenly grew bigger and punched the rock behind Mest.

"The prince will not accept any apprentices in this world. You use people who are no longer in this world as an excuse. You are indeed very smart. It's a pity that you made a mistake in the setting. Mest, no matter what your real name is."

Wendy froze: "Hey! What are you two talking about all of a sudden?!"

"You be quiet first," Carla said bluntly.

Lili asked, "Who are you?!"

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