The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 200 Kneel down for me


Hades exclaimed in disbelief when he saw the crack in the magic barrier.


The magic barrier shattered.



Hades screamed and was knocked to the ground by Su Tan, a huge palm print appeared on the ground, and it was Hades in the palm print.

"But... Damn it bastard... Hades stood up slowly.

"Oh? The body is still very strong."

After picking up his own class, he could still be alive and kicking.

Suddenly, a rock shot towards Su Xian at a very high speed.

Su Yan frowned and raised his palm.


The stone was held in Su Su's hand, and then he gripped it hard, and the stone turned into stone powder and fell from Su Yan's fingers.

"Who?!" Makarov was taken aback, but he didn't expect other people to appear around here.

"President Hades, he was beaten very badly." The person who came here looked to be in his 40s, with black hair, combed into a long braid, with a little huxiang on his chin, pointed The nose, the buns of the hair have grown to the cheeks, and the white coat, from the tone, it seems that the Hades is not very respectful.

007 Hades' eyes changed slightly when he saw the person who came: "Bluenote · Stinger, why are you here, didn't you let you guard on the battleship?

"It's boring! It's so boring to be guarding on the battleship! It's rare to see such a strong guy, and I can't help but feel a little itchy. I feel that this guy can fly. How about leaving this guy to me to solve it?" Bluenote · Stinger looked at Su and said, there was war in his eyes, it was obvious that the person who came was a very warlike guy.

"It's just a stinky brat. If I get serious, I can get rid of him in an instant."

"Bluenote · Stinger, is it the great wizard who is known as the barren grass wherever he goes, has he also joined Grimoire Heart?!" Makarov heard Hades call out the person's name, and immediately knew the other person. identity of.

In the mainland of Ishgar, Bluenote · Stinger is a famous wizard, the man who independently annihilated the Blue Dragon Company led by Lieutenant Colonel Lagra in the Kabria War.

"Stinky boy, let me deal with Bluenote." Makarov worried that Su Yan would not be able to deal with Hades and Bluenote, so he stood up and wanted to share.

Su Yan grabbed Makarov and said with a confident smile on his face: "Master, you don't have to worry about this matter, you should rest well, these two guys will just leave it to me to solve it.


"Don't worry, just the two of them won't hurt me."

"Arrogant!! Kneel down to me--!!!"

Bluenote shouted loudly, raising the surrounding atmospheric gravity, trying to suppress Su Yan.


The ground beneath Su Tan's feet shattered, but Su Yan's face remained unchanged. This level of gravity was still unable to make him bow down.


Seeing that Su Tan did not kneel, Bluenote immediately increased its strength again.


The surrounding ground collapsed, but Su Tan still stood up straight.

This "guy feels like he can really fly.

The other party had already made his move, so Su Tan naturally didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, just a little under his feet, his body rushed towards Bluenote.

"Stop for me!" Bluenote raised its palm, then pressed it down.


The terrifying gravity pressed down on Su Tan, as if trying to stop Su Yan's progress, Su Tan stopped when he was about two meters in front of Bluenote.

"There is no one who can move under my gravity.


Su Tan stepped forward (bddy), and Bluenote's expression changed.

"how is this possible?!"

Su Chi clenched his fist and hit Bluenote.

"Wow!" The fist hit Bluenote in the face.


Bluenote screamed, and Su Yan's body was knocked flying.


Bluenote hit the rock wall, knocking the rock wall out a big hole.

Hades saw it and said, "This arrogant idiot."

He really thought that his magic was invincible. He was beaten a little bit by Su Yan just now. Now that he calmed down, he understood a little bit.

First of all, the physical quality of this kid is not like a human at all, but like a monster, both defense and strength are terrifyingly strong.

This is also the main reason why his previous attack failed.

And the magic is also very powerful, with a terrifying deterrent effect.

The best way to deal with this little devil is to use powerful destructive magic to destroy it completely.

"Dark Chains!!"

Hades put his palm on the ground and released his magic. He didn't plan to talk about martial arts with Su Xian, and now destroying this little devil is the first priority.

"Whoa! Whoa!

On the ground around Su Yan's body, dark chains broke out from the ground and wrapped around Su Yan's body, binding Su Yan's body tightly.

Even with Su Tan's strength, it is not easy to break free of so many chains. Makarov saw that Su Su was trapped and immediately wanted to help.

"Don't try to help!!

Hades threw a lot of dark energy bullets at will.

"Boom boom boom boom!!


Energy bullets exploded around Makarov's body, preventing Makarov from supporting him.


Around Su Tan's body, a seven-layered spell and magic circle surrounded Su Tan. It was the attack that Hades had just released on Makarov.

"Amaterasu Hundreds of Styles!!!"


A terrifying explosion appeared, and the Sirius Island shook violently again, the waves rolled, and many parts of the entire island shattered again. The power of the explosion spread to the entire Sirius Island.

"Hmph! You are lucky, if it falls into my hands, I will definitely make your life worse than death." Bluenote saw Hades' big move, and his face showed an unhappy expression, after all, he had just been killed by Su Tan took a punch and still hasn't found his place.

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