The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 203 The respective battles

Somewhere on Sirius Island.

Zancrow's hand sent a black flame to attack Natsu.

"Fire is useless to me!!"

Wendy immediately warned: "Mr. Natsu!! No way!! I have a bad feeling about that flame!!"


"Natsu--!!" "Happy" shouted worriedly.

Carla was very surprised: "The flame that the Dragon Slayer can't eat?!"

"Hee hee hee.. The flame of the "God" above the dragon flame, if eaten, it will be punished by the gods. It is not the same as your magic level. I am a god tester and a god destroyer. La."

"Woo la la la la la!!" Natsu quickly punched Zancrow, Zancrow kept resisting.

Zancrow smiled and said, "Woo hee hee, is that the only power of dragon slayer magic?"

"What is God-destroying magic!! Did God teach you personally?!"

"President Hades is also called a god, which of course is the lost magic taught by the 13 'gods'.

"What! Isn't it taught by humans in the end? This is the dragon slaying magic given to me by the real dragon!!"

"Fire Dragon's...Flame!!!"

Fire God. Kagutsuchi!!!"

Two huge fireballs collided.

"Wow--!" "Happy" screamed and was blown away by the impact.

"How powerful is this!!" Lili insisted, and was also surprised by the power of the magic collision between the two.

"What a lot of heat!!" Carla couldn't keep her eyes open from the heat.

Wendy said in surprise, "Dragon and God's powers collide?!


Natsu screamed and was knocked back.

"Hee hee hee hee!!

"Happy" was very surprised, didn't expect Natsu to be suppressed by the collision of flames: "Natsu is suppressed?!"

Carla said: "The fight between Natsu and the Azuma just took too much magic.

"Happy" reacted: "Yeah, if it weren't for that, Natsu wouldn't have lost.

Zancrow said: "So long-winded!! Kittens!!"

With a wave of his hand, a black flame appeared and attacked the "Happy" kittens.


"Ah ah!!"

"You bastard!!"

Natsu roared, and all the magic power gathered in his lungs.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!!!"


A terrifying firestorm rolled towards Zancrow.

Zancrow opened his mouth wide, then sent the flames into his mouth and devoured the flames.

"Huh?!! How is this possible. Natsu couldn't believe it, he was the only one who devoured other people's flames before, and this was the first time his own flame was devoured by others.

"It's delicious, the flames are burning and never go out, but even if you can kill a dragon, you can't win against a god. This is the magic of Grimoire Heart!!!"

"The Wrath of the Fire God!!"

A spell very similar to Natsu Fire Dragon's Roar spewed out of Zancrow's mouth and hit Natsu's body.

"Wow ah ah ah ah!!!"


"Wow hahahahaha!!

Elsewhere, Gray, Lucy, Loki, and Cana are fighting Kabliko.

Four people deal with one person, but they are suppressed by one person.

"This guy looks a little ugly in the face of the four of us, Gray.

Elfman and Evergreen also encounter Rustyrose at this time, and the two are pursued by a huge monster.

Elfman said, "What monster is this?!"

Evergreen complained: "You still have time to talk!!"

Rustyrose smiled and said, "My guardian holy beast, Belukushas of Gale."

Fairy "Machine Gun Little Fairy!!"

Evergreen unleashed a mass of needle bombs.

"Boom boom boom boom!!

The explosion drowned the monster, but after the explosion, Evergreen's attack had no effect.

"It didn't work, how could it be?!"

The monster immediately grabbed towards Evergreen.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!

Elfman appeared in front of Evergreen, his whole body received, blocking the monster's claws.

"What are you doing?! Petrify it!!" Elfman remembered that he was almost petrified by Evergreen.

"It's invalid if it's not human!!"

"You idiot!! Petrify the controller!!

"That guy is wearing glasses!! I can't petrify!!"

"You are so useless!!

"Do you want to be petrified first?!"

Elfman and Evergreen quarreled, and Rustyrose stood still and did not continue to attack.

Instead, he said, "When those people in love start to disagree...

"We're not dating!!"

Evergreen Elfman yelled, "Stop it!" Evergreen charged at Rustyrose himself.

"I know the essence of this magic. Just like Lucy's, it is summoning magic. People who use this kind of magic have obvious weaknesses, and they are very weak."

Evergreen rushed to Rustyrose and gathered magic in his hands.

Rustyrose said softly: "I am the king of the underworld. A deep black blade of this arm cuts through everything and disappears at the end of the darkness."

Rustyrose's arm immediately turned into a claws of Huaiwu, scratching Evergreen directly.


Evergreen "!! Elfman immediately shouted Evergreen's name nervously when he saw that Evergreen was injured, and thus revealed his flaws.

"Wow!!" Lou fell to the ground with a punch from the huge monster.

"Cough ah ah ah!!"

Elfman's transformation is disarmed: "Um..that..what magic is that?

Rustyrose said proudly: "Telling this kind of stuff to garbage will only lead to confusion, garbage.

"What did you say?!"

Rustyrose said: "This is a magic that is too close to the abyss of magic, so this magic has very strong side effects, what a sad fate, but when we get Zeref, this tragedy will end, and a new era of magic will begin."

"The Great Magical World is a world of only "magic", a world ruled by chaos and magic."

"Those who don't have magic can't survive, no, if they have, they can only live in hell."

"Doesn't that sound great? A world made just for us!! All the trash that can't be magically disappeared!!

"The great wizarding world will be complete when Zeref becomes king of this world."

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