The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 223 The Way to Be First

Lucy asked embarrassedly, "Ms. Polyusica, is there any good medicine?

Natsu shouted excitedly: "A medicine that can increase the power a hundred times at once."

After closing the door, Gray said helplessly: "Sure enough, we are too self-assured."

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, Gray thought that the other party was moved by the piety of himself and others, but then, he saw Polyusica pick up the broom and start attacking them.

"I hate humans the most!!! Go back!! Go back!!! Go go--!!"

"Oh ya ya ya ya!!"

"We say goodbye!"

"What's the matter, that mother-in-law!!"

"She was the old man's former love," Gray said.

Polyusica angrily threw an apple on Gray's head and roared, "That's not it, idiot!!!"

Fairy Tail Guild

Everyone gathered together, the fourth-generation president of the Fairy Tail Guild, Macao, was going to deliver his last speech as president after he left office.

"Cough cough! Seven years ago, the tail of our fairy 13 met with"

Wakaba interrupted Macao and said, "Let's put it simply! Do you still want to be sensational, Macao."

"Bastard! Call me president!"

"Come on, Macao!"

"Yeah, what are you talking about, Macao."

Macao is helpless, all the young and old in the guild call him Macao, not because he is disrespectful, but because he feels kind to him.

"Hmmmm!! Now I'm announcing two things!"

First, "allowing Laxus to become a member of Fairy Tail again."

Laxus couldn't believe it when he heard it. He has been in the Fairy Tail guild these days. Although the members of the guild don't mind, he is thinking about whether he wants to leave or not to leave. .

"Stop making your own decisions--!!" Makarov roared angrily.

"Great, Laxus!!!"

In this way, "One class, Thor is completely resurrected!!"


“Macao, I am impressed by you!!”

"As expected of Macao!"...

When Macao heard these words, she felt a little helpless. She finally did what the president did once, but she was still Macao.

Forget it, Macao is just Macao. The president or something is really not suitable for me, so I am most comfortable being Macao.

The second "thing, I appointed Makarov Dole as the fifth-generation Fairy Tail president."

"The boss again!!"

He had told Macao that he would pass on the chairmanship to Su Tan, so how did he become himself?

Makarov quickly turned his head to look at Su Tan, Su Yan smiled and said "Yeah" to Makarov.

These two things are what Su Tan asked Macao to do.

"It turned out to be back to the way it was... Alzack is so nostalgic seeing this.

"Isn't it good?" Bisca can understand her husband's mood. Some things are not the best way to move forward, but to return to the starting point is the happiest

"Grandpa Beard." The two's daughter Aska pointed at Makarov.

Bisca said: "What a great grandpa."

Natsu jumped on the table: "Now that everything is back to the way it was, let's make Fairy Tail the No. 1 guild in Fiore again!!"

"That's right!! Men are going to be number one!!" Elfman agreed.

"Stinky boy, he even gave me the position of the president again, since I will never give the position of the president to others, I want to be dead!! Wine!! Bring wine!!

Makarov started drinking. Compared to becoming the guild leader, he looked unhappy, but he was happiest when Laxus returned to the Fairy Tail guild.

The guild was also lively again.

Number one, "Guild, this is too much to say." Max sweated.

"Without that, it's good to have big goals," Erza said.

"Seven years ago was okay, but it's different now."

"Let's not talk about the tiger that bites the sword, the scales of the snake princess and the Blue Pegasus have become more powerful guilds than imagined seven years ago."

"In contrast to us, although all the main members have returned.

"The strength of the Sirius Group is still at seven years ago. Although the strength of Su Yan, Gildarts and Uncle is still far superior to the others, a guild cannot be supported by just two people."

"Especially Su Yan is still not working..."

This is right. Su Yan has really been out of work for a long time now. For the Sorcerers Guild, his fame is accumulated little by little.

At the beginning, Fairy Tail was called Fiore and even the strongest sorcerer's guild in the Ishgar continent.

The reason is that the president of the guild, Makarov, is one of the top ten magic guides, Su Yan has also defeated the top ten magic guides, and there are many famous magicians in the Fairy Tail guild.

At that time, Fairy Tail was in the limelight for a while, so it was called the strongest.

Now almost all the people in the Sirius group have been reduced to nameless, and only the citizens of Magnolia Town may still remember the glory of Fairy Tail, and even they are proud of the fairy tail.

"It's okay!! We'll protect Levy!!" Sarusuk and Droy were still around Dumby.

Varun said: "The seven-year gap cannot be filled in a short period of time. Whether it is personal magic or the comprehensive strength of the guild, it is still a little bit to become the No. 1 guild in Fiore.

Erzasha let out a sigh of relief: "I see, it seems that it will take some time to get back to what it was 7 years ago.

Suddenly, Romeo jumped on the table.

"We've waited seven years and don't want to wait another seven years!!"


"I have a way to be number one right now!!!"


"Is it difficult...

"that is

The expressions of everyone in the left-behind group immediately changed drastically.

Macao hurriedly said: "No!! Didn't we already decide not to participate in that!!"

"What is that?" Su asked.

Romeo said: "During your absence, Brother Su Tan, there was a festival to decide the first Fiore Sorcerer Guild. All Fiore Sorcerer Guilds gathered together and competed for piety. The name of the festival was called --Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts!!!"

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