The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 226 The Third Generation

"Master Gray!"

Gray looked back and saw a girl with aqua blue hair standing behind him: "Juvia, why are you here?"

"Not only Juviazui, everyone else in the guild, everyone cheered for you."

Then Juvia said shyly: "Well, if you can, eat together, two or two.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little hungry by myself."

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind the two people.

"So there's a nice restaurant on this street."

"Leon!!" The two were taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, Leon took Juvia away: "It's a restaurant integrated with the aquarium, which is very suitable for two people on a date."

"That? Wait, this" Juvia was a little confused.

Gray hurriedly shouted: "You bastard!! Don't take any shots at our people!!"

Leon stopped, turned to look at Gray and said, "You will participate in the Great Demon Fight, Gray."


"However, the victory must belong to the scales of our snake princess. Last year, even if Mr. Mala and I didn't scream, we won the second place. You understand what this means."

"Don't forget that there is a monster like Su Tan on our side. You have seen it with your own eyes, and he is not able to catch up with him in just seven years.

"Su Yan is indeed an incredible monster, but in the Great Demon Fighting and martial arts, it is not for one person to win, let's make a bet with me, if the scale of the snake princess wins, Juvia will join the team. Our guild."

"Ah ah ah!" Juvia saw that the two men had decided to fight for him.

"What if we win?"

"Then give Juvia to you."

"It was originally from our guild!!"

Don't forget the pact between men, Gray. "

"It's impossible to gamble!! What a joke!!"

"Are you afraid of losing?"

"What did you say?"

On the other hand, Natsu and Lucy and "Happy" hang out in the capital.

"There are tweeds everywhere in this city.

"The so-called flower is really worthy of the name."

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Someone's fighting--!"

"Hey! Is there a fight right now at the festival?! Where? Natsu" immediately ran towards the direction of the voice, Natsu likes fighting and watching fights.

"Happy" quickly followed: "Because there are many guilds in Fiore!

It is said that peers are enemies, so many peers gather together, nothing is normal.

"Wait, Natsu!" Lucy hurriedly followed, worried that something was wrong.

At this time, in the center of the chaos, there was a circle of citizens around, many people fell to the ground, only two people stood in the middle, and there were two kittens like "Happy" beside them.

"Do you want to keep fighting?

"That's the difference!"

"Floor thinks so too."

The onlookers also recognized the two men.

"Those guys are the twin dragons of the Tiger Bite!

"Sting and Rogue!!"

"One of the strongest guilds!!"

"A sword biting tiger?"

Natsu slipped in from the crowd and was a little curious to hear the name of the Sword-biting Tiger, because I had heard that the Sword-biting Tiger was the strongest magician guild in Africa now.

Sting and Rogue were surprised to see Natsu.

"You are..

"Natsu Dolaniger!!"

"Happy" was also startled when he saw two kittens: "Cat?!!"

"What, that stupid-looking cat."



Lucy said helplessly, "Should I complain?"

Sting came to Natsu and said, "Haha!! The rumors that you guys participated in the Great Demon Fight and martial arts turned out to be true."

"You know about me?" Natsu was a little puzzled.

Sting leaned in and said, "The Dragon Slayer that even Akronoria couldn't beat, right? What kind of Dragon Slayer are you?"


"I adored you before, by the way, this guy adores Mr. Gajeel."

"Just a little concerned, he is also a Dragon Slayer.

Natsu couldn't believe it when he heard it: "Dragon Slayer?! Both of you?"

…for flowers…

"Can you please call us the real Dragon Slayer, if it were us, we would be able to defeat Akronoria?

Lucy said, "You're saying that because you haven't seen Akurolia."

"Yes, yes!" "Happy" echoed unwillingly.

"What a cat with a bad brain."

"Lector has a good brain.

Rogue said: "It has nothing to do with whether you have seen it or not. What matters is the gap between the qualifications of being a Dragon Slayer."

Kitten Lector said: "Let me explain, Natsu-kun, the dragon slaying magic you learned was taught by dragons, which is the so-called first generation."

"Your Laxus-kun and Oracion Seis's cobra are the second generation who can use dragon-killing magic by burying the dragon's magic crystal in their bodies."


"And then, Sting-kun and Rogue-kun are the third generation of hybrids who were raised by real dragons just like you, and buried the dragon's magic crystal in their bodies at the same time!! The strongest Dragon Slayer!!"

The third "generation?! The dragon that raised you also disappeared in 777?!"

Sting smiled and said, "Well, in a sense...

Rogue said: "Let me tell you directly, in order to become a real Dragon Slayer, we will kill the person who taught us the magic of dragon slaying with our own hands."

Lucy couldn't believe it: "Killed. Dragon?!"

"Humans can...

Killing "his own parents?" Natsu had a grim face. He regarded Igneel, who raised him, as his father, and his family was the most important thing. As a result, the other party did such a rebellious thing.

Sting and Rogue turned to leave, and said to Natsu: "If the main event of the conference is determined to be a duel, we will show you the true power of Dragon Slayer, bye bye."

Lector said: "That cat following that outdated Dragon Slayer looks dead, doesn't it?"

Flo" felt the same way.

Fairy Tail's hotel.

Natsu and "Happy" grew angrier as they thought about it, then roared together, "Anyway, I have to get it back from those two bastards!!!"

"What happened?" Wan,

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