The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter two hundred and fortieth go forward

[Jabadi: Speaking of which, Mr. Yakima, who could have predicted that the game would develop like this. Natsu, who won the first place with a complete victory record on the first day and was far ahead of the Fairy TailA player, is now far behind the leader. The team is now in a state of disengagement! It is the complete opposite of yesterday, and it is in the penultimate position!"

[Not only that, Gajeel from Team Fairy TailB, who performed very well on the first day and won the second place, is now also next to Natsu, and is the second last. ]

[Even the Sting of the Sword-Bite Tiger is in a state of disengagement!!

【What the hell is going on here? Mr. Yakima?】

[Yakima: Well, maybe these three have something in common. "


Fairy Tail in the support position was dumbfounded, and Fairy Tail won a big victory yesterday.

Therefore, there was almost no pressure on the crowd on the second day, and it was much more relaxed.

And Natsu also showed the results of the three months of practice yesterday, easily defeating Max.

So they also have a lot of confidence in Natsu, who would have thought it would be a result like 050.

"Impossible Star Rover should be the fault of the Fire Dragon guy, why am I?" Gajeel insisted through gritted teeth.

Li Li was also a little dumbfounded: "What's the matter, why is even Gajeel car sick.

"Happy" burst into tears: "Don't take away Natsu's only character trait!"

Levy said in surprise: "Even the people who bite the tiger with the sword...

Kitten Lector said: "This is trouble, the only weakness of the invincible Sting has been exposed.

"Floro feels the same way.

[Okay, let's take a look at the leading players next!)

[The competition here has reached a white-hot stage. 】

[The leader is Kurohebi, a member of Raven Tail who finished last on the first day. )

[Following this is A Night in Blue Pegasus, Yuka of Scales of the Snake, and Mermaid Heel Risley. ]

[Slightly further away is Quatro Cerberus' alternate Bacchus. "

"Men~~~!" Running hard all night, the wizards also exercised, but there were few who exercised like Fairy Tail.

It's more of a magic aspect. If it's a race like running, Jet might have won the first place early.

Yuka looked at Risley next to him and said, "It's not easy to keep up with your size!"

Risley didn't think there was anything wrong with being fat, and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate plumpness."

Bacchus, who was behind the three people, swayed: "Oh, I haven't woken up from yesterday's wine, drink it~!

Yuka saw that the finish line was not far away: "It's almost the finish line, it's time for a showdown!"

"Volatility Hurricane!!"

Yuka's hands waved, pushing Yuka forward like thrusters.

"You can't use magic in this shock wave!

Yuka's magic is wave magic, which can neutralize the opponent's magic fluctuations and make the opponent's magic ineffective.

Risley also knew it was time for a showdown: "Don't underestimate plump!"

Risley ran from the side to the front, circling the range of the wave.

【Appearance! Risley's gravity change!! She avoids the front of the chariot and sprints on the side!!)

The rest of the night was fluctuating.

"Remove the fluctuation of magic?

"The aroma of galloping! Zero distance inhalation!!"

Drop two test tubes filled with perfume into nostrils overnight.

One night's ugly face, plus a close-up on the magic screen.


"I rush--!!!"

One night (bddy directly) ran fast forward, and soon Yuka was left behind by a few people.

Bacchus saw several people speed up and said with a drunken laugh: "Oh, everyone is working hard, my soul is shaking, I will work harder, hey!"

Bacchus stomped hard on the chariot.


The chariot was destroyed, and many of the chariots in the front and rear were all overturned due to the chain.

Several people were affected overnight.

【This is the chariot destroyed by the power of Bacchus!!】

"I'm leaving first! If you fall, you will lose!!"

"Wahhahahahaha!!" Bacchus laughed and ran quickly towards the finish line.

He passed Kurohebi in a blink of an eye and crossed the finish line first.

[Bacchus crossed the finish line in one breath!! Quatro Cerberus gets 10 points!]

"There is such a man in Quatro Cerberus!" Makarov was a little surprised, this man's strength is almost the same as Erza's.



The Quatro Cerberus crowd was very happy.

[Following the second is Raven Tail Kurohebi, the third is Risley, the fourth is Yuka, and the fifth is One Night. "

The people in front have reached the end, and the three people in the back are still struggling.

"Ouch~~!" Natsu fought back the feeling of vomiting.

"No, it's impossible.. I've never been motion sick before.. Gajeel put his hands around his mouth and was sweating profusely.

Sting said next to him: "So, you finally qualified and became a real dragon slayer." That appearance was not much better than Natsu and Gajeel.

"New here, you bastard!!" Gajeel rammed towards Sting, but didn't expect to hit Natsu who was just catching up from behind.

"Ah—! I can't make up my mind!"

There was a lot of laughter from the audience, only Fairy Tail didn't laugh.



Jet and Droy were moved when they saw the two persevering people.

Orga said: " this what you call a super hot atmosphere?"

"He's the way he is, right, Rogue." Rufus knew about Sting's situation.

"Looks like dragon slayers are prone to motion sickness.

"Are Laxus and Wendy car sick too?" Mira asked suspiciously.

Wendy said: "I only recently started getting motion sickness.

"Don't tell anyone else." Laxus didn't want others to see him humiliated, so he was alone every time he set out on a mission.

"I think everyone already knows that," Juvia said.

"Oh oh oh oh! Charge forward !!!"

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