The hotel where Sword Bite Tiger stayed.

"It's not worthy of sympathy at all, you can't even squeeze out tears, you bastards!!"

"Give me a good recollection, why we can stand at the top of the Sorcerer's Guild!

"Don't look at the ants around you, don't waste time talking, just step on them and smash them. What we need to focus on is more important things."

"It shakes the sky, boils the earth, and silences the sea. This is the tiger biting by the sword."

In the hotel lobby, Jiemma, the president of Sword Bite Tiger, was sitting on the sofa and talking, while everyone else in the guild was standing not far in front of Jiemma.



"I'll give you one last chance, don't make that ugly appearance again.

"Thank you very much, and I will definitely do my best to respond to your expectations."



"There is no room for excuse for your words, you should understand.

"Yes... 13 I lost to people from other guilds, and also tainted the prestige after Tianyao."

Jiemma threw the grapes from the fruit bowl on top of Yukino's head: "That's not what I'm talking about!! You want to bet your life, but no one loses without risking your life. We are tigers with swords! !!

"Look at what this achievement is now, the second to last, you will be ridiculed when you go out!!"

"When did our sword-biting tiger be looked down upon like this?

"Yes, I am willing to suffer any punishment, no objection."

"Take off your clothes.

"Understood, follow the order.

After Yukino finished speaking, he took off his clothes one by one, and soon appeared naked in front of everyone.

"Let's remove the guild's coat of arms."

Yukino's body trembled when he heard this: "Yes.

After the coat of arms was removed, Yukino knelt on the ground: "Although the time is short, I still want to thank you for taking care of me.

"Get the hell out of here, trash.

Soon, the president's lecture ended, and everyone dispersed.

On the way back to your room.

"Our president is really extreme." Sting scratched his head and said.

Lector said: "No way, this is how the strongest guild survives."

"Flo feels so lonely."

Rogue said in a deep voice, "Is this the 'guild'?"

"Huh?" Sting looked back at Rogue in confusion.

"Yukino used to be our companion."

Sting said: "But it disappeared due to lack of strength. Isn't that what it takes to be open-minded in the strongest guild?"

"Speaking of which, the eldest seems to be coming in in place of Yukino-san.

"Ohhhh!! Isn't this the best quintet together"?"

Kitten Flo looked up at Rogue and asked, "Rogue, is Flo also going to disappear because he's too weak?"

"You're not going away, Flo, because I'm with you." Rogue smiled at Flo.

"Hmm!! Flo is not going away.

The strongest "Guild, can we still be considered the strongest now?" Rogue said to himself, Fairy Tail returned, and showed his terrifying strength, can the Tiger of Sword Bite defeat Fairy Tail.

A pub in Rockers.

"To celebrate we won again today! Cheers!!"

Makarov stood on the table and raised his glass.


Everyone in the guild gathered together, as if the banquet was held again. Although there were a few twists and turns in the competitive part today, I only got 1 and 2 points.

Fortunately, the duel part has won again. Now the two teams of Fairy TailAB are ahead of the other teams by at least ten points, although not much, but not a lot. As long as this momentum continues, Fairy Tail has a very high probability of winning.

Everyone in the guild was naturally very happy, and they all drank a lot of wine, and Su Yan was also a little drunk.

Erza was almost drinking and came out to the roof to get some air.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"finally found you!!"

"Who are you?" Although Erza was a little drunk, he remained vigilant, and the man couldn't see his face with his hat on.

"Full of energy?" the man said, taking off his hat.

Erza was taken aback for a moment, then a happy expression appeared on his face.

"Milianna?!" It was Millianna, a childhood friend who reunited with Erza from Tower of Heaven.

From Erza's point of view, it's only been about half a year, but seven years have passed in this world, and she was still thinking about what happened to Liana and the others some time ago.

"Little Elu, long time no see! I miss you so much~~~!!" Millianna threw herself on Erza like a cat.

"Ahaha! Millianna!! Did you join the guild?"

"Well, Mermaid Heel."

"Are Hugh Wally and Simon in the same guild?"

"What are you talking about, Mermaid Heel is a female-only guild!"

"That's right!"

"Hugh and Wally are still traveling, and occasionally they can contact the streets late. Simon is now living in the city where our guild is located, because his sister is also in our guild."

"Really 057?! Simon finally found his family?!" Erza was also happy for Simon.

"Well, what you've seen, is our Mermaid Heel's big ace, Kagura.

"It's that girl!" Erza remembered the other party, and instantly killed Blue Pegasus's sound with one move. He was very powerful, and his swordsmanship was very superb.

"Hmm! It's awesome!

"Yeah! Very strong! Really nice to see you, Millianna."

"Me too, Xiao Ailu, I didn't expect you to change at all."

"You haven't changed much, being healthy is better than anything, Erza tears down.

"Little Ailu, don't cry~! I'm also participating in the Great Demon Fight and performing martial arts. If I meet Xiao Ailu, I won't be merciful."

"Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it."

The two of them chatted and laughed together, and then went to the side to chat. They talked about the fun things they have encountered in the past seven years and how their life was. Millianna was also very concerned about Erza and the others who disappeared for seven years. After hearing about the return of Fairy Tail She had long wanted to come and take a look.

But when she came to the door, she found that Fairy Tail was already empty. I heard that it was to prepare for the big magic fight, so she also participated. .

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