The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 260 The last moment

Leon said it so clearly, and Gray also knew who Leon was referring to.

He had to admire Leon, and after seeing Su Yan's monster-like strength, he could still think of surpassing.

After all, when he knew nothing at the beginning, after seeing the teacher Ulu, it was similar to when he saw Su Tan at that time. Maybe Leon's original intention has not changed.

"Admit defeat, Gray, I've been practicing for seven years, you can't catch up in three months, I'm your senior brother, and I'm better than you." Leon exuded a powerful momentum at this time.

This momentum seems to be second only to Jura. Seven years of non-stop cultivation has allowed Leon to gain such a powerful strength.

"Okay, what a powerful magic!" Makarov was very surprised, a pull had already moved him, and the powerful magic was almost comparable to Gildarts.

Unexpectedly, there is a young man as powerful as Leon among the scales of the snake princess.

Even the five people from the Sword Bite Tiger and Kagura the Mermaid's Sleep couldn't help being moved. This magic and momentum already surpassed them. Who would have thought that the seemingly low-key Leon could burst out such terrifying energy.

Su Yan was also very surprised. He still had a lot of impressions of Leon, but in his impression, Leon was definitely not that strong. Maybe it was because of his appearance that Leon's fate was changed.

"Leon 063....Is Leon already so strong?!" Many people were also surprised, including Yuka, Toby and Sherria, who were familiar with Leon.

Only Ra kept his face calm, and he also knew the hard work Leon had put in these years, because he had also practiced hard during these years.

"Three months? Is it really just three months? You just had a glimpse of it seven years ago, but I really have been with that monster for seven years."

"I get along day and night, and I know his strengths better than you, and I have seen his growth bit by bit, from a small monster to a big monster, and later to a super monster."

"I don't dare to think about surpassing him, but at least I don't want to be left farther!"

Su Yan heard his teeth in the contestant area, he was a human being, how could he turn into a monster in their mouths, and after the game ended, it seemed that he had to teach these two bastards a good lesson.

"As for my type, I naturally found it too!"

Gray pressed his hands on the ground, and his body exuded powerful magic.

"ICEMAKE Ice Fortress----!!!"

A huge magic circle appeared, and then an ice fortress was continuously created around Gray. A large number of muzzles appeared, aiming in the direction of Leon. It looked very terrifying, and it was a solid fortress.

Gray was panting inside, this magic was too much for him now, but at this time he could only gamble.

Leon's eyes showed excitement, but he didn't expect Gray to find his own type.

Interesting "Let's see who we are in the end is better!!!"


Leon waved his hand, and almost all the ice beasts roared and charged towards Gray's ice fortress.

"Boom boom boom----!!!"

Gray's fortress was also bombarded.

Everyone in the audience looked at the scene in front of them in shock, as if this was not a battle between two mages, but a battle between two legions.


Many ice beasts were shattered by Gray's cannonballs.


Some of the ice cannon barrels were also destroyed by the nearby ice beasts, and then killed by other cannons.

As time passed, almost all of the ice beasts created by Leon were killed, leaving only the strongest ice dragon.

Most of the garrison barrels made by Gray were also destroyed.

"Boom!!!" The ice dragon's tail bombarded the fortress, destroying all the barrels.

"Crack--!!" There is a crack in the fortress, maybe with a few more attacks, (bddy) the ice protecting Gray will be broken, Gray is ready, if the fortress is broken, he will rush over to Leon as soon as possible body to attack.

Suddenly, 【The game ends----!!!】

The competition in the battle part of the Great Demon Dou Yanwu lasted half an hour in total. Before Gray and Leon wereted a lot of time talking, they had a protracted and fierce battle, and finally the game was over.

【Wonderful!! It’s so exciting!! I didn’t expect it to be such a wonderful game!! Both players are very strong!!)

【Because the game time is up, the two sides do not decide the winner!! Five points each!!!】


There was warm applause from the audience, and the strength and performance of the two men conquered all the spectators present.


"I can't believe that so many animals can be created! It's amazing!"

"The one who created the fortress is also very powerful!"

Both Leon and Gray were out of breath, and it was obvious that the battle magic power consumption was huge this time.

Leon looked at Gray and said: "This time there is no winner, Juvia will be temporarily stored in your Fairy Tail guild. Next time, I will definitely win, and then I will marry Juvia back to the scale of the snake princess. It's our men's agreement."

"Come on!!" Gray couldn't complain, it was too much trouble, and it seemed to be even more trouble next time.

Sword biting tiger.

Orga whispered, "Is shape magic so powerful...

Rufus said: "Sculpting magic is free magic. The magic of the two people is very characteristic. One is good at dynamic modeling and the other is good at static modeling. I have already memorized them all."

Leon returned to the Scales of the Snake Princess player area.

"What a pity, Leon, one more minute and you're sure to win," Sherry said.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Kurohebi was getting revenge for his socks by being beaten by Laxus and Toby seemed to come out of the grief that his socks were torn apart.

"Yeah, it's a pity it's just a little bit." Yuka was also a little emotional, it would be better if he said less nonsense before.

Leon shook his head and smiled and said: "Not necessarily, although my magic power is much stronger than Gray's, but the amount of dynamic modeling operations is also greater, and my magic power is about to bottom out."

"Maybe I can use the ice dragon to break the fortress, but Gray won't sit still. He will break open the fortress, or he will take the initiative to break open the fortress, and then attack my body. The outcome is still unknown."

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