The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 271 No more failure

Su Yan chuckled and said, "Different opinions? I don't have any different opinions, but I admire your whimsy a little too much. What you want to do is to change history, and what you want to change is not the history of an ordinary person.

"Do you know how many lives that Zeref guy has affected?"

"Do you know what the world would be like without the black dragon Aknorollia?"

"If the dragon race is not extinct, then is it the extinction of humans?"

"And changing the past, do you really think the world will change?"

"If history is a surging river, then what we are in is only a tributary downstream. You change the source of the tributary, and you only give birth to another tributary.

"And this new tributary has no connection with the original tributary.

"The past you went to is not the past of this world since the change, and if you go to the future, it is only one of the countless world lines in the future."

"It's good that you want to save the world, but it's not necessary, the black magician Zeref and the black dragon Aknororia, we magicians will do it."

Although Su Yan looked down on Zeref's personality, he also had to admire that this guy was indeed capable of tossing, and he was extremely talented in magic, especially in the research and development of magic.

Traveling through time and space is a plot that only exists in novels. He can turn it into reality, and he completely forgets that he seems to be a traveler too.

"But haven't you failed?"

When Su Tan and the others came back, about Sirius Island, they asked the guild about Grimoire Heart, Zeref, and the black dragon Aknororia.

But nothing about Fairy Tail was reported, as if Fairy Tail was simply a victim of bad luck.

No one knows anything about the battle between Su Tan's incarnation of Cheng Qinglong and the Black Dragon Aknororia. It stands to reason that so many people in the Magic Council have seen it, and they will definitely not be able to keep the news.

But no one knows better and saves a lot of trouble.

"But we will not fail again.

Natsu and the others also showed resolute expressions when they heard Su Yan's words. That's right, Fairy Tail doesn't need to use such despicable methods, they will try to become stronger, and one day they will be able to defeat those bastards head-on.

"I thought you saw the horror of Aknororia, and you should understand that it is an existence that can destroy the entire world, and the same is true for Zeref, the Black Mage, I can't believe you, so...

Suddenly, a voice shouted: "This is the end!!"

Then a large number of soldiers of the Royal Army armed with weapons ran over and surrounded several people.

"Soldiers of the Royal Army?!"

"What is this for?!

At this moment, an old man with a small stature came over: "Please be obedient and capture it, Arcadios.

"Your Excellency Minister of Defense, what do you mean?!" Arcadios was surprised to see the visitor.

"That's exactly what I want to say. It is absurd to divulge secret plans and supranational secrets to outsiders."

"They are not outsiders!! You should know that they have important responsibilities for this plan."

"It's not something simple enough that you can decide arbitrarily.

"You are simply opposing this plan!! Please stop this nonsense immediately!!"

"Of course I object!! You actually want to change history!! Can't you imagine the danger of this kind of thing!! Stupid bastard!!"

"Arcadios is arrested on suspicion of treason, along with Yukino Agulia and Lucy Heartfilia, and the rest from the palace!!!"


"Wait a minute, why even me... Lucy is a little confused.

"Don't even get Lucy in you bastards Natsu has flames wrapped around his fist.

Arcadios changed his face and shouted: "Stop!! You can't use magic here!!"

Suddenly, a suction force came from the eclipse gate, sucking Natsu's magic power away, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

Natsu "!!" "Happy" was a little worried after seeing it.

The minister said: "Don't worry, he's fine, it's just that the magic power has been sucked away too much, did you say it just now? The big magic fight is to collect the magic power of the magician bit by bit and deliver it to the sun. The eclipse system, in a place so close to the solar eclipse, if you use magic, all the magic power will be sucked away, don't bother me any more, the magician who can't use magic is not the opponent of our kingdom soldiers at all.

ask for flowers


The domineering arrogance like a white fog spreads out.

All the soldiers of the Royal Army who were arresting Lucy and Yukino suddenly stopped in place, their eyes rolled.

Then, "Crack!"

One by one, all the soldiers fell to the ground and fainted.

The minister's expression changed: "What's going on?! Magic cannot be used here.


Arcadios was also very puzzled. He didn't know why the soldiers fainted, but everyone in Fairy Tail was overjoyed. They almost forgot that Su Tan was still here, and what Su Tan used was not magic at all. .

Su Yan's voice sounded and said: "Yes, you can't use magic, then it's better not to use magic."

"You did this?!" The minister, Arcadios and Yukino all looked at Su Yan.

"This minister, we actually agree with your decision. I don't like changing history, and of course I don't like someone arresting my companion. So, can we go?"

" are resisting arrest!" The minister was a little angry when he heard Su Tan's words. He stunned all the soldiers and left swaggeringly.

"You're right. We Fairy Tail and the official generally have little to do. I hope the official will not come to provoke us. After all, it is very easy to destroy a country, but the subsequent impact is something we don't want to see."

"Let's go." Su Tan said and took the lead and walked outside, while Gray and the others helped Natsu to follow.

All the soldiers fell, and there was only one defense minister left. Naturally, he could not stop him. After all, he saw it with his own eyes. This is a monster that can defeat the top ten magic guides, and the entire kingdom's army may not be able to take down the opponent together. , Since the other party has no intention of changing history, it is better to let the other party leave. ten thousand,

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