The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail

Chapter 276 What are you laughing at

"Not bad, your strength is comparable to Erza, but it should stop here, if you don't get any points, the old man should be angry.

Brat "! I'm already angry!! What are you still dawdling at, don't act fast!!" Makarov shouted frantically.

"Don't think you're going to win! I won't lose to save Millianna!!"

Kagura gritted her teeth and rushed towards Su Yan again, the knife in her hand slashed towards Su Yan's neck.

Su Yan raised his left index finger.


The Kagura knife slashed on Su Tan's finger, the finger blocked Kagura's knife, and nothing happened, Kagura's eyes widened.

【Stopped it!! Susai player blocked Kagura's unsheathed knife with one finger ----!!!

"real or fake?!"

"Kagura's knife is unsheathed!!"


The three people who were eliminated by Mermaid Heel, including all the audience in the auditorium, were dumbfounded.

Kagura of Mermaid Heel, they have seen how powerful they are in these years. In the eyes of many people, Kagura is one of the strongest people in this Great Demon Fighting Tournament.

They had already seen Su Yan's strength in the first day of the competition, but only today they found out that what they had seen was only the tip of the iceberg of Su Yan.

"Milianna? That little girl from seven years ago still wanted to tie me up with a rope, don't worry, for Erza's sake, I'll save her too.

Su Yan flicked her middle finger, and Kagura felt a powerful force coming from her knife. She quickly clenched the handle of the knife, but her body involuntarily slid back and stopped after sliding a distance of more than ten meters.

What a terrifying power, just a random shot, there is such a powerful power.

Su Tan wrapped the scabbard with domineering and armed domineering.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The scabbard began to wrap around dense purple lightning.

Kagura immediately stood by, and the magic continued to gather.

"Thunder Gossip!!!"

Su Tan's body quickly rushed towards Kagura, and the scabbard in his hand was hit towards Kagura like a mace.

Kagura's face changed, and he quickly attacked with a knife.


As if the symphony of two weapons collided, Kagura felt a powerful force that he couldn't resist coming from the scabbard in the opponent's hand.


Kagura's body flew directly behind.

"Wow ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

One by one, the buildings were smashed by Kagura, and finally Kagura crashed into a huge wall and stopped.

【What a terrible attack!! Will Kagura lose the game?!)

" seems to be a little stronger...

Su Tan stepped on his feet and rushed towards Kagura's position.

"Hey! Are you all right?"

Kagura stood up with difficulty.

【Not yet!! Kagura is on his feet again! The game continues!!)

She had already been hit hard by the blow just now, and it was only at this time that she realized how big the gap in strength between herself and Su Su was.

"Hey! You...really bringing Millianna back?

"Of course!"

"Well, I agree...


A space suddenly appeared behind Kagura and exploded.


Kagura screamed and his body was blown away. Su Yan raised his hand to catch Kagura.

"Kagura!!!" The faces of several people in Mermaid Sleep changed drastically.

【What?! What happened just now?!】

At this time, the space was distorted, and Minerva appeared in the position where Kagura had just been.

【It's Minerva of the Tiger Bite!! Minerva attacked Kagura when Kagura was about to concede defeat!】

At this time, the score of Sword Bite Tiger also changed from 63 points to 73 points.

【Overtake!! Because it was Minerva who defeated Kagura in the end!! Kagura couldn’t fight! Got 10 points!! Could it be that the Tiger of Sword Bite just won the first place?!)

M Millianna "...please you...

"Are you talking about that kitten? She's useless, so I'll give it back to you." Liana was also released in the future, and at the same time, the score of Sword Bite Tiger increased by two points to 75 points.

…for flowers

Great." Millie.

Immediately afterwards, Kagura saw a lot of bloodstains on Mililiana's back, and couldn't help but change: "This is...

"Because it was too boring to wait, I played a pain-triggering game, and her screams were very pleasant.

"You bastard... Kagura angrily wanted to attack Minerva, but was stopped by Su Tan.

"Go and take Millianna for treatment, I'll deal with this guy.

Kagura nodded, and with difficulty helped Liana to leave.

Su Xun looked at Minerva and said calmly: "To be honest, I haven't felt the emotion of anger for a long time, and you managed to make me feel this long-lost emotion.


I remember the last time the Phantom Lord Guild attacked Fairy Tail, and now the grass in the ruins of the Phantom Lord Guild headquarters has grown a few feet high.

"Really? That's really a little girl's honor. In order to prove that our guild is the strongest guild, we have to take the last step, and that is to solve you."

At this time, in the other three directions of Su Tan, several people from the Sword Bite Tiger appeared.

【Appeared!! It's the other members of the Sword Bite Tiger!!!)

【Have they been hiding before to save their strength and hunt Fairy Tail Susai players at this moment?! 】

"Now all of your people are haunted by your opponents, and no one will come to help you. The champion of the Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts Conference, Fiore's strongest wizard guild, belongs to our sword-biting tiger!"

【Fairy Tail Susai players are in a big crisis!!!】

When Su Tan heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help showing a smile, it was a sarcastic smile.

"What are you laughing at?!" Seeing Su Yan's smile, Minerva burst into anger for no reason.

At the same time, Makarov, who was jumping a little in the audience because of the tie, calmed down after Fairy Tail was overtaken by the Sword Biting Tiger by twelve points.

Not only Makarov, but the others in the Fairy Tail guild were not nervous at all because Su Tan seemed to be in crisis.

"It's over." Wan,

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