The Strongest Creatures of Sea, Land and Air Starting from Konoha Village

Chapter 118 The strength is not good! Chichi and crooked can be


I deliberately cleared my throat, and deliberately reminded Uchiha Fugaku,

My Hokage is still here,

"Master Hokage!"

Uchiha Fugaku, who reacted, took the news and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a little joy.

"Iwagakure has a great victory on the battlefield, that Qingshan Ryuyun defeated Iwagakure with one man, Hokage-sama, you must be very happy too!"


Happy? Happy dei!

The old man longed for Qingshan Ryuyun to die on the battlefield of Iwagakure,

Of course, in this case, Sarutobi Hiruzen definitely cannot say it directly.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's castle is enough,

Even if I feel angry again, but on the surface, I still know how to pretend.

"Ahem! That's right, Iwagakure won the battlefield, of course the old man is happy!,

It seems to be afraid of Uchiha Fugaku, saying something,

Sarutobi Hiruzen said quickly,

"Fugaku, you first arrange the Uchiha clan personnel, take precautions, the old man is worried that Kirigakure's people will take this opportunity to attack me Konoha!"

What is said is well-founded and convincing,

Uchiha Fugaku has nothing to refute, only 19 nodded,


After responding,

Uchiha Fugaku turned around and left the meeting room,

Originally in the meeting room, Uchiha Fugaku still looked unconcerned.

But as soon as he left, Uchiha Fugaku was full of disdain,

The thoughts of those old guys, how could Uchiha Fupinyue fail to guess,

You can be jealous!

``However, I also want to plan a way out for the Uchiha clan!,

As the patriarch of the future Uchiha clan,

Uchiha Fugaku has the responsibility to lead the Uchiha family to a better future,

Looking at this scroll, Qingshan Ryuyun is recorded,

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes flickered,

Walking without a word,

"Huh! I think this Uchiha Fugaku is not a good thing!"

As soon as Uchiha Fugaku left, F4's comments came in the meeting room.

Everyone knows the truth,

So speaking, there is no need to cover up too much,

Mitokado Homura on the side directly echoed and said,

"Yes, what is Qingshan Ryuyun? Didn't it just defeat Iwagakure? What's so great!"

In this case, let Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, who are still a bit sane,

I flipped a Byakugan all together,

It's nothing to defeat Iwagakure? Then you go and defeat me and see,

I know that I listened to the crooked here,


I’m too lazy to pay attention to Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu’s Danzo,

Said directly to Sarutobi Hiruzen,

"I think the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan has a very problematic thinking!"

Qingshan Ryuyun, Danzo dare not say anything, especially when it comes to Ninja,

But Uchiha Fugaku doesn’t know,

Not to mention, Danzo has long seen the Uchiha clan very unpleasant.

Danzo just wanted to take this opportunity to hit the Uchiha clan,

Anyway, Uchiha Fugaku will succeed the next patriarch of the Uchiha clan,

This matter, they Konoha F4, have already known about it,


At this time, even Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura nodded immediately,

"Uchiha Fugaku, thinking is very problematic!"

"What did you say that Qingshan Ryuyun is very good, can't we not be good?"

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura sometimes say,

Sarutobi Hiruzen really doesn't want to talk to him, he is too mentally retarded,

But when dealing with Danzo, Qingshan Ryuyun will still be serious,

"I know what you mean!"

Danzo’s careful thinking, Sarutobi Hiruzen knows,

"But now, it's not the time yet!"

They are now dealing with Kirigakure, and they need the power of the Uchiha clan,

Sarutobi Hiruzen also doesn't like the Uchiha clan,

It's just that, unlike Danzo,

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is very deep in the city, will never take his mind.

It's so simple to show it,


With a cold snort, Danzo didn't say much,

After all, if they want to fight Kirigakure, they must rely on the power of the Uchiha clan.

Although dissatisfied, it is useless,

"Master Hokage! Master elder!

At this time, an Anbu figure appeared in the meeting room.

"Kirigakure is ready to go to war again!"

Anbu's subpoena caused F4, which had been talking about it, to stop in an instant.

Looking at each other, they are all helpless,

"These people from Kirigakure, can't you think of other questions besides starting a war?"

How helpless, it's only a few days since the last war,

This is the beginning,

"Send a message to Qingshan Ryuyun and let him defeat Iwagakure!

What can Sarutobi Hiruzen do,

I just hope that Qingshan Ryuyun can end Iwagakure soon, and then come to support them,

Although I know that this situation is a bit unrealistic,

But it's better than doing nothing,

"Heh! This old man seems to be about to be unable to hold it anymore!"

The news of Sarutobi Hiruzen's 947 request for support soon reached Qingshan Ryuyun.

Seeing this news, Qingshan Ryuyun first smiled casually.

Then he threw the scroll aside,

See if I don’t care, it’s over,

Only brothers Hiashi and Hizashi are left in the meeting room.

Qingshan Ryuyun's disdain for Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen,

The two brothers watched their noses, and those who watched their hearts as if they hadn’t seen them,

"Master Ryuyun, how do you say this, it is also a message from Hokage!"

Although the two brothers have decided to stand,

But Sarutobi Hiruzen has not officially abdicated after all. Hiashi and Hizashi are still a little bit embarrassed.

However, in the face of this,

Qingshan Ryuyun said nonchalantly,

"When did you see I cared about Hokage's orders?"

I was muttered in an instant,

Indeed, Qingshan Ryuyun has never cared whether Sarutobi Hiruzen is unhappy,

Anyway, the most important thing is that Laozi is not happy,


With one hand on his chin, Qingshan Ryuyun thought about it.

Although I am afraid of trouble, I don't want to be Hokage,

But the position of Hokage is just given to others, Qingshan Ryuyun is not very comfortable either.

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