"The Strongest Daddy: 100 million signed in at the beginning! ()"

There was a lot of fun at the dinner table, the men drinking and the women chatting.

Yan Zhenwei held up the cup and said, "Chen Chen, I really didn't expect that at this age, Yan Zhenwei would still be able to be beautiful, and it's because my daughter found me a good son-in-law!"

"These days when you were in the imperial capital, many of my friends contacted me and said that they saw you on the news. Don't you know, I felt a sense of joy and pride in my heart at that time."

"Now your career is getting better and better. Dad believes that you will be able to become a man at the top of the world in the future!"

"Come on, raise the glass, this glass of wine is toast to you!"

Su Haoqian heard that his father-in-law praised his son so much, so naturally he couldn't neglect his daughter-in-law over there.

So Su Haoqian immediately said: "Chen Chen, what my father-in-law said is right, your career is on the rise now, and our family will definitely get better and better in the future, and recently, the ice and snow road business has been getting bigger and bigger. I went abroad. I went on a business trip abroad a few days ago. I worked hard for a few days and won such a big project. I saw all the news about my daughter-in-law on the Internet, saying that my daughter-in-law really gave us Longguo’s pride and defeated him. Several internationally renowned large mecha groups have obtained this project today."

"This glass of wine, we have to raise a glass together and toast my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law has worked hard recently. In the future, Chenchen will come back. After all, he is also a member of the Chaofan Group. What do you want him to do? Your daughter-in-law, just let him do it!"

Listening to grandfather and grandfather complimenting their parents all the time, Lele and Tuantuan were unwilling to be left out. Watching everyone raise a glass to their mother, Tuantuan and Lele also raised the cup with milk in front of them.

"Grandpa and grandpa, my sister and I have been studying very hard recently. We will become very powerful people like our parents in the future!"

The family immediately laughed happily when they heard the words of the two children.

The old people encouraged: "Tuan Tuan and Lele must do their best, and they will become heroes like their parents in the future!"

Su Chen touched the heads of his daughter and son, and said confidently: "Our family, Tuantuan and Lele, are so smart and work so hard. Dad believes that you will do better than Dad and Mom in the future."


Su Haoqian and Yan Zhenwei both drank a little too much, and Su Chen's face also looked red. Although he couldn't see anything while walking, his eyes were slightly blurred.

Seeing this, Lin Xiu immediately advised them not to drink, "Let's drink here today, it was a happy day, it's not good to be drunk, our son is so good at drinking, he drank a little bit more today. , the child has been outside for half a month, and I have to catch a flight back early this morning, so I can't let my son sleep drunk at night!"

Su Haoqian is a wine lover, and he finally enjoyed it so much today, but when he heard his wife's words, he naturally couldn't bear his son, so he and Yan Zhenwei gave up and asked his wife to put away the wine.

After dinner, Yan Bingxue personally sent her parents to the car, and Zhang Te helped them go home.

When I returned to the house, my parents had already returned to the room to rest, and the two children went upstairs to sleep. My husband was sitting on the sofa waiting for her, rubbing his forehead and seemed a little uncomfortable.

Yan Bingxue walked over and gently rubbed his temple.

"Husband, do you have a headache?"

"Well, a little bit."

"Then you rest for a while, and I'll cook you a bowl of sober soup."

Just as Yan Bingxue was about to leave, Su Chen suddenly grabbed her wrist. Su Chen turned his head, and his eyes were as blurry as before. His eyes were deep and clear, as if he wanted to suck his wife in.

Yan Bingxue was stunned for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Husband, you are... you just pretended, you are clearly not drunk!"

"Of course I'm pretending. If I don't pretend to be drunk again, the fathers of our two families are probably going to be drunk tonight.

I've been out for so many days, and on the first night when I finally came back, I didn't want to get drunk, so I went straight to sleep. "

Su Chen said, gently pulled his wife into his arms and let her sit on his lap.

Yan Bingxue's face couldn't help turning red, she turned her head to look carefully at the location of the parents' room over there.

She lowered her voice and said, "Don't make trouble, husband, Dad and Mom must not have slept yet, how embarrassed they would be if they came out and saw this scene!"

"What are you afraid of? I hug my own wife in my own house. Even if my parents see it, it doesn't matter. They will only feel happy." Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue still felt a little embarrassed. Although she was really happy to be held by her husband like this, there were elders at home after all.

Su Chen saw his wife's shyness, so he stood up and hugged his wife horizontally. Yan Bingxue was startled, and quickly reached out and hugged his neck.

The two returned to the bedroom in this posture. Su Chen didn't put his wife down when he entered the room, and directly carried his wife into the bathroom.

Although Yan Bingxue was a little shy, but looking at her husband whom she hadn't seen for a long time, she missed her heart a lot, so she blushed, didn't say anything, and let him do whatever he wanted.


The next morning, Su Chen sent Tuantuan and Lele to school, and happened to meet Lily's father.

"Mr. Su is back, it's great, next time you can invite your family to go to the riverside for barbecue, you didn't come yesterday, and our Lily kept saying it's a pity after knowing it, saying that if you go to the uncle, you can eat it. Better BBQ."

Hearing this, Tuantuan looked at his father suspiciously: "Dad, how did you know that Lily's family went to the river for barbecue yesterday?"

Lily's dad explained it to Tuan Tuan, but before Tuan Tuan could react, Lele already understood.

After separating from Dad Lily, Lele said mysteriously, "Hey, I know how Dad guessed the surprise we gave him yesterday!"

"Dad knew that the parent meeting we were talking about was lying to Dad because he received an invitation from Lily's father, right?"

Su Chen smiled, touched the head of the earphone and said, "Lele is very smart, but you only guessed half of it right. In fact, when Dad was in the video with you, he found the expressions of the three of you very strange. You and Mom is a person who can’t lie. Dad thought there was something wrong, so he went to the circle of friends and gave Lily’s dad a thumbs up, and then Lily’s dad sent a message asking me if I wanted to go to the barbecue together. I asked him the time, He said it was in the morning, so I knew the kindergarten didn't hold any parent-teacher conferences at all."

It was only then that Tuantuan understood the whole thing, looked at his father with a smile and said, "Dad is too smart, I deduced from these clues that we are lying to you~ Hmph, it seems that I want to surprise my father, You have to be smarter!"

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