BO5 training match.

IG matches Snake in the first game.

At 22 minutes with the Snake crystal explosion.

IG won the first training match.

For such a result.

Kim Myung-so behaved flatly.

In his opinion.

IG loses to Team Snake in training.

That’s called weird!


Kim Myung-so looked at the settlement interface, Jianji’s 5-1-7 record.

I am still very satisfied in my heart.

This game plays.

He saw the end from beginning to end and paid most of his attention to the play of The and Shy.

One training round is over.

Let Kim Myung-so feel that the addition of The, shy, may make IG stronger.

After all.

Kim Myung-so is well aware of the strength of the IG players.

Duke on the single can fight output heroes and anti-suppression heroes.

Not bad compared to output heroes.

Duke is better suited to fighting anti-stress heroes.


Give Duke an output hero, many times Duke can’t hit the output.

Playing on the field position.

King Ning rotates with the child.

One control chart.

One attack.

It can bring a different style to IG.

The broiler chicken of the medium single is a very stable point, and the auxiliary type of the single type, the output type of the single and the open type can be played.

Don’t worry about Kim Myung-so.

As for the next road.

Look at the checkout screen.

Kasumi’s record of 11-0-4 and Kazeme’s record of 1-0-16.

Wu Di and Baolan used Xia and Feng Nu to play such a record.

Kim Myung-so felt that if he was worried again, he would be an SB.

Therefore, he spoke up: “The, shy, how did he play the 623 heroes on the list?” ”

“I prefer the output type on the single, and the pressure-resistant type can also be played.”

“Then you finish this BO5.”

Kim Myung-so looked expectant.


The, shy’s hero pool is good.

Fits the current version.

And play the words that have always been bright.

Kim Myung-so feels that he can give The, Shy some opportunities.

The next road is naturally strong.

Strong in the middle.

Strong on the road.

Match the different fighting styles of children and King Ning.

IG can’t go to heaven anymore?

With such thoughts.

The second game of BO5.

Kim Myung-so gave The, shy the mainstream meat type of Daeshu.

In order to see, how is the stress resistance of The, shy?

As the second game progresses.

The more Kim Myung-so looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

The big tree of The, Shy, hit very fiercely!

Facing the blue steel shadow of the Holy Gun Brother, it was completely worthless.

Not bad, not bad.

Although the fight is too fierce, it may give the opposite side to seize the opportunity.

But it can help Nakashitano attract hatred.

Kim Myung-so thought about it.

If you let The, shy field, what will be the change in IG’s playing style.


Duke was uncomfortable.

As early as the first game of The, shy, use the Thunder Sword Ji, the sixth level to forcibly kill the Holy Spear Brother.

Duke began to feel bad.


Watch The, Shy take the big tree and fight with the green steel shadow of the Holy Gun Brother.

Don’t be afraid.

Even small prevails.

Duke had an idea.


Is his starting position going to be ceded?

As a pro.

Duke is well aware of Brother Saint’s strength

The, SHY can suppress the Holy Gun Brother to this extent.

Duke knew it was his own.

Duke was reluctant.

He finally waited until Wu Di transformed into the AD position before becoming an IG starter.

He didn’t want to be a substitute.


Duke continued to watch The and Shy play.


This is just the result of The, Shy’s extraordinary wielding.

Who hasn’t given a time to perform beyond normal?

I play with Wu Dige, and I play super every time!

Duke comforted himself.


The second inning of the BO5 training match.

IG wins again.

This game is won faster and easier.

It’s over in 20 minutes.

The number of heads obtained by both sides reached a terrifying 21-7.

IG is 21.

Snake is 7.


The strength of the two teams is no longer on one level.

Kim Myung-so smiled with a Maitreya Buddha.

Walked to Wu Di’s side.

Whispered: “This is just a training match, don’t be so serious, just play casually, it’s almost autistic for snake.” ”

“I’m not serious.” Wu Di turned his head and said.

It’s just a training match.

He hit very casually.

Otherwise, VN heroes would not have been selected.

To know.

Even the incense burner version VN is not strong.

Compared to strong AD such as Big Mouth, Mouse, Kasumi, Small Cannon, and Calista.

VN is a sewer hero too.


Not serious!

Kim Myung-so looked at the settlement interface, and the VN record had nothing to say.

10-0-7 Still have nothing to say?

You’re all autistic on the other side!

That’s a monster!

Shaking his head, Kim Myung-so walked (daca) to The, Shy.

Take a deep breath.

Calmed his mood, looked at Da Shu’s 1-2-11 record, and said: “The performance is good, let’s choose an output type on the list.” ”

“Coach, I will work hard.” The, shy got up and said seriously.

See here.

Kim Myung-so nodded in satisfaction.

That’s like words.

Respecting the coach is what a player should do.

Which is like Wu Di?

I talk to him, turn my head and it’s over!


Not only has a bad attitude, but also often robs me of BP’s rights.

Woo other team members.

I don’t know, I thought Wu Di was a coach.


The, how good is shy.

If only there were a few more players like The, shy…

Come to think of it.

Kim Myung-so immediately shook his head and shook off the thought in his mind.

Although Wu Di has a bad attitude!

Although Wu Di loves to BP without permission.

Although the other team members listened to Wu Di’s words, they listened to their own words more.

But Wu Di can’t be changed!

If the players are as strong as Wu Di, what is it if they don’t even listen to me?

It’s important to win the S7 championship.

How do you say it according to Yanhuang language? Well… Please, God? Give me a few more players like Wu Di!


Kim Myung-so’s thoughts.

Wu Di does not know.

At this time.

The third game of BO5 has already begun.

After some BP.

Wu Di thought about what Kim Myung-so said just now, and felt that there was no need to beat Snake to autism.

Rats that were not strong in the early stage and did not have displacement were selected.

Bollan’s choice is Bloon.

After the red BUFF refreshes.

After helping the child get the red buff.

Wu Di went online with Baolan.

Snake’s down-and-road duo is different from the last two picks for soft assists.

This game AD is Big Mouth.

The assist is Titan.

Titan of the Stone Pact.


This was inspired by yesterday’s IG match.

The Titan hero E skill slows down, Q skill control, R can control.

It is easy to trigger the talent of the Stone Clan contract.


In the face of the gap in strength.

Titan this hand black technology!

It doesn’t seem to be of much use.

Before going down the third level, the two sides fought back and forth.

Big Mouth fought the long distance of the early attack, and secretly lit Wu Di from time to time.

and other three levels.

Wu Di pretended to go to the triangle grass to make a vision, walked behind the wall, and directly turned on the Q skill stealth.

Bypassing the Titan’s position, quietly approaching the big mouth.


The Baolan W skill jumped on Wu Di.

The Q skill was released, hit the big mouth steadily, and set the big mouth on fire.

Wu Di W skill broke the position where the big mouth flashed.

Flat A

Flat A

Move to dodge the Titan’s Q skill.

Flat A and Baolan’s passivity, dizzy with a big mouth.

Another flat A.

Wu Di unleashes the E skill.

Go straight back and prepare Titan.


After the big mouth falls, it turns into a passive effect.

Run to the troop line.

The Titan Q skill has been put and there is no displacement at all.

In Wu Di and Baolan Tiger Watch.

There is no idea of running.

Walk to the line.

One shot of the E skill to cripple the minions with blood.

This is to prepare the big mouth to collect money.

The Titan made his last contribution and died under the output of Wu Di and Baolan .

4 minutes time.

Wu Di got a double kill.


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