July 18th.

There are three days left until the start of the continental competition.

This day.

The IG players played four BO5 matches.

When the last game ends.

It was already 5:30 p.m.

As per normal circumstances.

This time.

IG players are free to move.

Live streaming that is willing to go live.

Playing ranking.

Homecoming, home.


With Kim Myung-so received a phone call.

After the phone hangs up.

Kim Myung-so said with a serious face: “I just received official news that this time the version of the continental competition has been changed. ”


The IG players started talking.

The 7.11 version has long been decided to be used in the continental race.

The version they trained on is also version 7.11.

Suddenly changed?

“7.12?” The child speaks up.

Today, the national server is still version 7.11.

H Due to the update progress, it is already version 7.12.

For version 7.12.

The IG players have played and understand.

Except for individual heroes weakened or enhanced, 25 actually hasn’t changed much.

The IG players are also acceptable.

It’s just very confusing.

Why did the official suddenly change the version of the game.


Kim Myung-so’s next words caused an uproar.

“Not 7.12.”

“It’s 7.13.”

“Today in the evening, version 7.13 H server will be updated.”

“Groove? The version that has not been updated yet, as a competition version? “The child broke out.

He played professionally the longest of the crowd.

It’s the first time I’ve encountered something like this!

As common sense stands.

Even if the version is suddenly changed, it should be the next version.

That’s good.

Skip version 7.12 and become version 7.13?

“Have you changed anything?” Broiler asked.

“Has the incense burner weakened?” Baolan asked.

“Any information, coach?” Duke asked.

To the inquiries of everyone.

Kim Myung-so smiled bitterly and said, “The information will be sent soon!” ”

“Version 7.13, the incense burner is weakened.”

“To what extent? Can AD still play? Baolan didn’t wait for Kim Myung-so to continue, anxious to exit.

He knows it perfectly.

Without the appearance of incense burners, AD would be weak to home!

As an assistant to the adversity of AD.

Baolan is eager to know the changes to the incense burner.

“I don’t know the specifics, I’ll look at the information later.” After Kim Myung-so answered, he said, “And the wild nuclear system can’t be played anymore.” ”


“How can the wild nuclear system be weakened?”

“Is this for us IG?”

The crowd spoke up.

Version 7.13 weakens the incense burner system.

The crowd can still understand.

After all, the incense burner is a pervert with strong equipment.

Why weaken the nuclear system?

To know.

Nowadays, although there are many teams fighting the wild nuclear system.

But there are very few teams that really play effectively.

Team IG is the pioneer of the wild nuclear system.

He also used the wild nuclear system and won two victories.

It can be said.

IG is an expert in the wild nuclear system.

Weaken the field nuclear system.

What’s the difference between weakening the IG team?

“When the economy of the wild position eats the line, when it exceeds the economy of the wild area, it will reduce the gain of economy and experience.” Kim Myung-so explained: “The specific value is not yet confirmed. ”

“The wild nuclear system, most likely, cannot be used.”

Kim Myung-so sighed.

The sudden decision of the official made him also distressed.

On the field.

There have been countless examples of teams going to be extremely strong in a certain version, but after a revision.

It is not uncommon for an originally strong team to be slumped.

Generation version, generation god.

This is not empty words.

No matter how strong the Ren team is, can it beat the version?

This is true.

Not only Kim Myung-so knows.

Many IG players also know.

The atmosphere in the training room became low.

“It’s okay.” Seeing this scene, Kim Myung-so comforted in a loud voice: “Suddenly change the version, we will be affected, and other teams will also be affected.” ”

“Cheer up.”

“Take a little rest today, and when the meeting materials are sent, everyone will familiarize themselves with the information first.”

“Get acquainted with version 7.13 tomorrow.”

“Intercontinental competition, let’s just work hard!”

Finish speaking.

Kim Myung-so laughed dryly, wanting to liven up the atmosphere.


The effect is not ideal.

The most mischievous children on weekdays are all pulling their heads at this time.

“What are you doing?”

At this time, Wu Di laughed out loud.

For the official sudden revision.

Wu Di was indeed surprised.

Because of a past life!

This has never happened at all.

Wu Di knew that it might be the reason why the incense burner system and the wild core system appeared at the same time, making the official feel that the version was unbalanced.

Just went to the revision.


What about the revision?

Wu Di said seriously: “Did we IG lose?” ”

“The game hasn’t started yet, has it?”

“Didn’t even fight? You look dejected? ”

“I know.”

“You think that without the incense burner system, without the wild core system, we IG can’t beat the LCK division.”

“In your eyes.”

“The LCK division is a mountain, especially Team SKT, a mountain so high that you can only look up.”

“But I want to tell you!”

“We IG team can only climb over the mountains, over the LCK mountain, over the SKT mountain.”

“Only then will anyone hear our story!”


“To be the tallest mountain in the history of LOL!”

“Let our story be heard by all.”

“Belongs to you, belongs to me, belongs to IG’s story.”

Wu Di took off his uniform.

Turn it over.

Pointing to the back of the IG uniform, the word ‘pole’ in black was black.

Smiled, “See this word?” ”

“Intercontinental, I’ll take you.”

“Let all players in the world know this word.”

“At the same time.”

“Let them hear, our story!”

Be quiet!


Inside the training room.

No one spoke.

All 100 people looked at Wu Di blankly.


There are IG coaches.

There are IG players.


They all got along with Wu Di for a while and knew Wu Di’s character.

Wu Di is not a person who likes to talk more.

On weekdays.

Wu Di’s words are not particularly much.

But right now.

Wu Di said a lot.

Word by word.

They all listened to their ears, their hearts, and their minds.


It’s a small mound.

Only over the mountains.

The world can see IG’s little mound.

to learn IG’s story.

Only then can we recognize what the ‘extreme’ is.

The child took off his clothes because he took them off too quickly.

The T-beams inside are all messed up.

The fleshy belly is exposed.

The child didn’t care.

Kissed the word ‘pole’.

Seriously: “Brother Wu Di, I believe you will take us and tell our story to everyone.” ”

“Reminds everyone of the IG of the old days.”

“Once, IG also reached the pinnacle!”

As he spoke, tears welled up in the child’s eyes.

S2 is the pinnacle of IG.

S3 is IG’s curtain call.

Since then.

IG has one more joke that rises every year and breaks its leg every year.

No grades.

Fans are leaving.

IG back then now leaves the word ‘pole’.

Only him.

The last member of the old IG.

He wants to follow Wu Di and finish the story of IG.


To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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