“Wu Di still has a game tomorrow, let Wu Di rest well, although JT lost to SSG, but it can’t be taken lightly, those Wanwan fans are so sour, we must let them take a good look at the strength of the LPL.”

Yu Shuang and Wu Di said goodbye.

Rita was a little lost.

But also smiled goodbye.

“You go to rest.”

Zhou Shuyi patted Wu Di’s arm.

“Take me to the double row when I return to the mainland, champion ADC hahaha.”

Zhou Shuyi has already awarded Wu Di the champion ADC of the continental competition.

Xiao Yu didn’t say anything.

With Yu Shuang they went together.

After returning to your accommodation.

Wu Di gave Yaya a video call.

Zhou Qing and Yaya both sat on the bed.

Yaya held the phone in her hand.

They had finished eating.

Wu Di saw Zhou Qing wearing black tulle pajamas.

Looks like it’s ready for bed.

“I watched your game, it’s amazing.”

Zhou Qing’s eyes were full of pampering.

It’s like the look in the eyes of a newlywed wife looking at her husband.

What like.

It is at all.

Wu Di and Zhou Qing have already been together.

Wu Di and Yaya chatted for more than half an hour.

It was already past nine o’clock.

Yaya has to go to school tomorrow.

So Zhou Qing turned off the video call with some reluctance.

“You came back early, I missed you.”

Zhou Qing finally said 817.

The next day.

Inside the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall.

The number of spectators continues unabated.

Before the IG game.

Baybay team M17 lost to H team MVP.

This is to be expected.

Interesting is the second game.

RNG lost to KT.

When KT was formed, it was known as a galaxy battleship.

It is used to snipe SKT.

Although KT did not succeed in revenge in front of SKT in the LCK Summer Championship, it also finished as a runner-up.

KT team characteristics.

It is that the player’s online ability is extremely strong.

The style is also more like LPL’s fighting style.

So after RNG lost.

It made LPL fans a little uncomfortable.

“Carry the RNG down, let IG come up, and take turns to beat four H teams.”

“RNG disappointed me so much.”

“I’m afraid that the H team will win all today, and it is worthy of being the first division.”

By the third game.

It’s the JT and IG game.

Is there suspense in this game?

There is certainly no suspense.

But now fans.

Most of them shouted “Come on JT.” ”

This is on the Treasure Island mainland.

It’s understandable that Team JT has more fans.

Kenima “gives revenge to Samsung.” ”

What the hell.

It’s so much JT.

“Next up is Team JT from LMS, against Team IG from LPL.”

“Team IG gave us a great game yesterday, I don’t know if it will bring us another good game today.”

At this time, both JT and IG players are on

“Wu Di! The flute god is awesome! ”

“Flute, I love you.”

“IG is never a dragon.”

Da Long: I was hit for ten minutes, and I didn’t step on the horse.

Team JT is not very famous.

In the Bay Team.

The strength is also relatively weak.

LMS in addition to Lightning Wolf.

The strength of the other teams is really a level lower.

Not to mention compared to LPL.

Fans at the scene shouted Wu Di’s name.

Occasionally someone shouted a broiler or two.

But no one called out to the JT team players.

The director switched the screen to the BP screen.

This IG is still on the red side.

Kim Myung-so stands behind IG’s contestants.

When it comes up.

Kim Myung-so originally thought that he came up just to make a show.

The specific BP is still up to Wu Di to decide.

Who knows before coming up.

Wu Di said that this time BP let Kim Myung-so be in charge.

Hit wild with Lexey, ADC with mouse.

Let Kim Myung-so decide the rest.


Kim Myung-so was a little puzzled.

Recent matches.

It’s all BP made by Wu Di.

And very good results have been achieved.

So Kim Myung-so thought that Wu Di would always be his own BP.

“JT is too weak, and my bp words are too bullying.”

Kim Myung-so smiled.

He knew that what Wu Di said was the truth.

SSG is such a stable team.

I was pushed by Wu Di in ten minutes and broke my mentality.

The coach of Team J (ahaj) T was very stressed.

Because he watched the IG and SSG match yesterday.

Also know about IG’s recent matches.

It is basically decided by the ADC in the IG team.

So Coach JT went to see IG’s recent match.

I feel that the head is a little big.

What the hell is BP.

Not at all common sense bp.

Even more terrifying.

These BPs have also achieved very good results.

BP is important.

Team JT’s coaches understand the importance of BP.

If bp falls into IG’s trap.

SSG is a good example.

JT is far inferior to Samsung in terms of team capabilities.

If you fall on BP, you will be down.

I’m afraid I will die worse than Samsung.

“Blue square Ban Gario, it surprised me a little, I thought JT wanted Ban Levine firsthand.”

The commentary table is above.

Miller opened his mouth to explain.

Guan Zeyuan did not come to explain the JT and IG match today.

I don’t know if I was really angry and hospitalized.

Replace Guan Zeyuan’s.

It’s the memory of the re-entry commentary queue.

“I looked back at IG’s game yesterday and found that there are too many IG routines, basically every one has new routines, and the routines taken out are never used a second time in the competition.”

“I’m sure the coach of Team JT also found out, so I don’t think IG will take the combination of Delevingne and Oloi again.”

Miller nodded.

While talking.

The red square banned Gario.

The blue side then went by banning Delevingne.

“Still afraid.”

Miller laughed.

Unexpectedly, they just said that JT would not ban Delevingne.

JT slapped him in the face.

Both sides ban after three heroes.

JT took a hand of rock sparrow first.

On the commentary table.

“JT chose the rock sparrow this time, I’m afraid to clear the line quickly, and then put pressure on IG.”

“It seems that this IG’s ADC is going to be targeted again.”

“Reminds me of the previous UZI, it is also this treatment, I still remember the two levels of the factory.”


IG chose to take the field and assist first.

Let King Ning take Lexey.

Because Lexel is in the recent race.

It occurs very frequently.

Kim Myung-so was worried about being preemptively chosen by the opposite side.

The last Samsung took Lexel to hit IG.

In fact, the effect is still good.

It’s just that Wu Di’s Delevingne is too terrifying.

A direct general attack made Lexey disappear.

The auxiliary chose soft auxiliary dew.

Because Wu Di is ready to play with a mouse.

Output of mice in later stages.

It can be described as one of the best in the alliance.

It’s just that the ability to go online is slightly weaker in the early stage.

And because of the short legs.

So it’s easy to be targeted.

As a result, he rarely appears in the professional arena.

On the choice after that.

JT Tano took the prince and assisted in choosing Blom.

And IG’s middle single, chose Kalmar.

“Hey, does this IG have to be four and one, it seems that the next hand JT is going to have a big mouth.”

JT has studied IG’s matches.

Naturally, he also knew that Wu Di’s big mouth sprayed five.

“The intention is too obvious.”


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