Full picture!

Stone hammered!

The full picture plug-in is open to the international competition.

Miller remembered when Wu Di used to play singles.

The anti-gank consciousness made all the commentators think that Wu Di was opening the plug-in.

Previously, we thought that Wu Di was opening the plug-in.

But now we know that Wu Di is really strong.

“It turns out that this wave, IG is drunk and does not mean to drink, after Lexey dives underground, although the field of vision becomes smaller, but obtains the ability to hear, the opponent in the nearby war fog, as long as he moves, will expose the position to himself or his teammates.”

Miller explains Lexel’s skills.

“Lexel finds the position, the mouse is responsible for the output, and the IG gives us the effect of an ICBM precision strike.”

Remember to be a cultural person.

Export is a famous sentence.

In the JT lounge.

JT’s coach was a little nervous.

How did this Wu Di know the location of JT Daye?

Lexey in the grass of the red buff.

“Six Eight Three” found the prince behind the wall and hit the stone man again.

“Looking for a fight!”

King Ning shouted.

The mouse drove incognito directly to the face of the prince.

Lexel goes around the wall.

Suddenly appeared next to the prince.

Surprised or not?


Lexel flashed straight up.

The mouse releases w the first general attack output.

Professional players generally have good reflexes.

After the knock-off effect is over.

Alex’s prince had already used flashes to distance himself.


What’s the use.

The rats are already riding in the face.

Can you flash the general attack range of the rat.

The rat attacked at once.

The last e skill takes the head.

One blood was born!

Applause came to mind in the audience.

Rita was also shocked.

It’s wonderful!

The alliance completed the spy war drama, and only Wu Di could do it.

At the moment JT’s down-road duo.

He also stood under the tower with a confused look.

I’ve heard of Nosuke Shuangyu!

Nakano linkage.

Tano and ADC work together.

What kind of routine is this?

JT coach drinking water hands.

Some trembling slightly.

He saw something even more terrifying.

The mouse has a first-level q time, only 10 seconds.

Other words.

Wu Di had to find the prince’s location within 10 seconds.

to play such a wave of cooperation.

Other words.

IG at the moment of JT anti-red buff.

Even if it comes to the prince’s wilderness route.

Then wait until the time for the prince to hit the stone man.

Play such a perfect linkage between the field and ADC.

This is not the full picture.

This is a prophecy

There are many gods in the live broadcast room.

The causes and consequences of this wave of cooperation were also analyzed.

“It’s too strong!”

“Di Shen is the director of the intercontinental competition.”

“I was wrong, it turned out that the alliance had never been, and it was all performed according to the script.”

“Sanxing, I’m sorry, it turns out that you are the emperor, and next year’s Oss winner will be you.”

JT’s voice was silent.

After a while.

The prince was resurrected from the spring.

Alex said after a moment of reassurance.

“The opposite side was so lucky, found my location, there are mice on the opposite side, wait a few more real eyes on the road.”

Wu Di returned to the line and continued to match.

But the feeling for the JT off-road duo is no longer the same.

The prince did not only send heads.

Also sent double buffs to rats.


The disadvantage of mice on the line.

It’s completely gone.

The JT Road duo wanted to cry without tears.

Originally, the player’s personal ability was a little weaker than IG.

Tano also gives away double buffs.

This is if it is rank.

It is estimated that the next road is directly delivered.

Fortunately, this flute god is playing with mice, not Delevingne.

JT’s down-road duo was still able to stabilize.

At least it won’t be as miserable as the ruler emperor.

Bebe and Jay come home in waves.

Bought two real eyes.

Placed in the grass of the lower road.

From now on.

Jt Lower Road Duo.

Completely reduced to an eye-keeping duo.

As long as the rat and Lulu go over to row the eyes.

Bebe and Jay will definitely go over and stop it.

Although Wu Di took a blood.

But against the strong combination of Blom and Verus.

Don’t dare to be rigid directly.

“There is a Samsung Baota in the front, and there is a JT Eye Protector in the back.”

“The team that played against IG was really miserable.”

“The regular lineup can play new tricks.”

The commentary table is above.

“These two true eyes under JT cannot be discharged, and once they are discharged, it will be difficult to guess Wu Di’s movements.”

Remember to speak.

Miller continued.

“Indeed, and the two true eyes of river grass and triangular grass also make it easier for JT’s field to catch the road.”

“Maybe these two true eyes will become a foreshadowing.”

When Prince JT reached the sixth level.

Cooperate with the green steel shadow on the road.

Caught the shy crocodile.

Wu Di was not surprised… 0

The operation of THE, SHY is among professional players.

It’s kind of one of the top guys.

But now the THY consciousness.

Not yet at the peak of the S8S9.

So the current THY situation is.

If the opposite side dares to come, I will dare to die.

And the two big moves of the sixth-level prince and Qinggangying.

The ability to retain people is outrageous.

Whoever catches dies.

If Wu Di is trapped by two big moves.

It is estimated that it will also be accounted for.

It’s just that with Wu Di’s consciousness.

It is impossible for the prince and Qinggangying to find an opportunity to amplify the move.

King Ning took a step.

Not only did he not save the crocodile, but he let the Qinggang shadow, who had cooled down the E skill again, stayed.

As a result, King Ning’s Rexey also explained.

This time, JT’s score actually surpassed IG.

“IG This middle and upper is also too dish, Hulu baby to save grandpa, send them one by one?”

“Who is this newcomer to IG, how can it be better than Du Buchuan?”

“The god of the flute said that I can’t take it.”

“This is cold, Qinggang Shadow got the head, the rat in the later stage has no output space at all, Qinggang Shadow and the prince’s big move, who can withstand it.”

“My Samsung fan real name waits for a Qinggang shadow one Q a Wudi dog head.”

Samsung fans apparently because of yesterday’s match.

He hated Wu Di to the bone.

“IG good dish, yesterday Samsung collected money to perform a wave.”

At the same time.

The rock sparrow who reached the eighth level pushed the line and chose to go down to support a wave.

Because Lexel showed up on the road.

There were only two people down the road.

The fan on the opposite side has short legs and cannot make 5.8 go down the road in time to support.

The rock sparrow made a big move to block the road.

Two true eyes on the road.

Wu Di to be on the safe side.

Flashes directly and decisively.

Pass over the big move of the rock sparrow and return to the bottom of the tower.

Forced out Wu Di flashed!

Many fans who watched the live broadcast.

It felt incredible.

This is because this wave of Wu Di has flashed.

The next wave is gone.

Time without flashing.

The big move of the rock sparrow can refresh two.

“Wait for the next wave of my big move, Wu Di will die.”

JT’s Zhongshan said confidently.

“I can’t imagine that after such a long period of peaceful development, JT suddenly found a wave of opportunities, and both on and off the road blossomed.”

The commentary table is above.

Miller and Remembery are starting to be bullish on JT.

Next to the four golden flowers of LPL.

Someone muttered carefully.

“How do I have the feeling that IG is going to lose.”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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