Miller narrated several IG games.

It’s basically IG powder.

So he shook his head and said: “Not necessarily, the rats didn’t put any skills in this wave just now, obviously they wanted to find the right opportunity to output.” ”

“JT is five people, Wu Di’s mouse, as long as it shows its head, I’m afraid it will be…”

Remember to say halfway.

I remembered Wu Di’s position.

So I didn’t dare to continue.

He was also afraid that Wu Di would hit him in the face next.


Miller laughed.

The prince’s big move was given to Lulu, and the big move of Qinggang Ying was given to Ka~Erma.

That JT team of five – people.

There are no skills that pose a threat to rats anymore.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room.

Most do not explain the situation clearly.

“IG What kind of stuff is this, Baolan is also too dish.”

“No need to look, the big dragon is definitely gone, I never expected King Ning to snatch the dragon.”

“IG come on, it’s nothing to throw a big dragon.”

“Stone hammer, LPL Division 3.”

Just when the JT Five beat the dragon halfway.

Wu Di appeared behind the JT Five.

The five JT players had expected this for a long time.

Apparently not very flustered.

Qinggang shadow to the wall of the Great Dragon Pit.

Then Erduan E prepared to go to Wu Di’s side.

Twist. Positioning.

Wu Di’s little butt was particularly commotiony, and he dodged Qinggangying’s second dan e.

The prince eq came out in a row, still empty.

Wu Di opened a big move while taking the position, and there were a few more bangs.

The five people on the opposite side, like crispy watermelons, suddenly fell apart, too fast, so fast that the opposite side could not react at all.

“I knew there was such a wave, rats in the Great Dragon Pit one dozen five!”

Blom raised his shield though.

But Wu Di still flashed and directly crossed Bloon.

Face fit!

Is it so coquettish.

Wu Di said while operating.

“It’s up to you to do it.”

However, the JT Five disappointed Wu Di very much.

Ninety percent of the skills are empty.

Broiler and royal blue beside Wu Di.

Hands directly off the keyboard.

They’re dead anyway.

“Brother Wu Di is too powerful, really a dozen five.”

The broiler also spoke.

“JT is simply a younger brother, and the mouse dares to fight the dragon before he dies.”

King Ning also explained.

“No way, JT’s outer tower is all gone, the vision is suppressed, if you don’t huddle and fight the big dragon, then the rhythm is in Wu Di’s hands.”

In this team battle of Wudi alone, Verus fell, and the rock sparrow fell.

Qinggang Shadow also fell, and the prince’s Q energy cooled down, and he did not choose to go to Q Mouse, but Q went to the place where E was just now, and chose to escape.

Alex has completely lost the confidence to put his skills.

Bloon of the Giant Shield.

With the shield that was about to break, he also ran.

But how fast can an assist run? As the prince and ran in both directions.

The prince is facing the middle road, and Bloom is facing the uff, so Wu Di chooses to chase and kill, and let Lexi and the crocodile chase the prince.

Wu Di chased after Blue Buff.

Directly clicked two general attacks,

Then use the E skill to collect Bloon’s head.


Wu Di saw the four kills lit up on the screen.

I don’t feel anything in my heart.

Now he.

It’s not that the five kills are already unhappy.

And the other side.

The prince’s EQ skill was refreshed again, and he ran away with the EQ company.

“We big dragons.”

Wu Di saw the prince run away, and he was not lost, this wave of Wu Di turned the tide, and one person hit the output of five people.

On the commentary table.

“There are unforeseen storms in the sky, JT has bad luck, I can’t imagine that this battle will have twists and turns.”

Remember to export into chapters.

“It’s a pity, JT If this big dragon wins, maybe there is still a possibility of winning.”

“In this game, IG is at a disadvantage from bp, the upper single and shy are targeted, and the middle Kalmar is a protective middle single and it is not good C.”

“IG was able to fight in such a situation, it was completely Wu Di who pulled IG to victory with his personal ability.”

Miller passed by this one.

Apparently has become Wu Di’s fan.

A foreign live broadcast room.

Bay players and fans curse wildly.

“JT this is what kind of thing, the advantage game is played like this.”

“I strongly recommend that JT players throw away their mice and switch to touch screens when they play games, and I can put my feet more accurately than they do.”

“10-headed rats, gee.”

“JT surrender, like Samsung, be a man, don’t be abused.”

UZI has a famous fan called Ou Cheng.

He is a famous ADC player in Europe.

He heard yesterday that an ADC that did not lose to UZI appeared on the Asian Tournament.

So watch the live broadcast today.

When he saw Wu Di’s operation.

The eyes were dumbfounded.

This operation turned out to be UZI stronger.

“This year I’m going to go to the S race to see who this guy really is, it’s too strong.”

··· 0 Ask for flowers…

Next to Oucheng there are several of his teammates.

They heard the admiration of Oucheng.

Also came to watch the live broadcast.

The screen plays back Wu Di’s operation in slow motion.

The silence in the room was terrible.


The room erupted in cheers.

“I decided that the goal of this year’s World Championship is not to win the S race, but to kill Wu Di!”

Several contestants patted their teammates on the shoulders.

Each said a word of cheer.


After a wave of team battles between JT and IG, IG has already started to fight the dragon, and the damage of rats is very high.

In just twenty seconds, the big dragon should have dropped in seconds, just when the big dragon still had more than five hundred blood.

The prince’s flag actually appeared in the Great Dragon Pit!


In an instant, Wu Di shouted out punishment.

…….. 0


Lexi’s punishment was still cooling, it turned out that King Ning had just used the punishment on the prince in the process of chasing the prince, and the prince knew that Lexi did not punish.

So sneak around and grab the dragon! The prince was punished, and the dragon was taken down by JT.

With tears in his eyes, Lexi took away the prince’s head.

King Ning was so angry that he should have told Wu Di just now that he had not been punished, and the reason why he did not tell was that he did not expect that the prince with a very small amount of blood would actually return.

“It’s okay, JT brother team, it’s useless to take the big dragon, I have four and a half pieces of equipment.”

King Ning took a look.

Eleven heads in the team.

There were ten heads in Wu Di’s hands.

No wonder rats are so fat.

See Wu Di’s equipment advantage.

King Ning was relieved.

After Alex grabbed the dragon.

JT’s in-team voice.

Excited shouts erupted.

“Brother Alex is awesome.”

“Dano Daddy, I’ll invite you to dinner in the evening.”

“This one won, we pushed 41 points, the opposite side was not controlled, and we couldn’t catch Qinggang Ying.”

Because when the big dragon knocks off.

The JT team members except Blom and Prince. 、

All have been resurrected.

Three dragon species.

This is a huge advantage for JT.

“Do the vision first, defend it, and wait for the opposite buff to disappear.”

Wu Di calmly commanded.

In fact, in this game, Wu Di deliberately dragged out time.

Because Wu Di wants to play more, after all, the JT team is really a little weak, Wu Di wants to show a few more waves of operations, show to the opposite mentality explosion.

As Wu Di said before, he prefers opponents with a spirit of resistance.


… Piece…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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