In the lounge of WE.

There are a lot of people gathered at the moment.

The WE player lost two matches today.

Let the LPL only rank second, and play a bo5 with LMS.

Win this BO5 to play with the LCK division.

Of course.

No one is blaming WE at this point.

Because the goal of the LPL has always been to win the championship, it is okay to play one more BO5.

In the lounge.

Several coaches brought chairs and sat together.

Kim Myung-so, Brother Wind, Red Rice, and OMAG’s coach**.

“Just let OMG fight Lightning Wolf, WE play JT, RNG play AHQ, and IG go and fight M17.”

This is a horse racing strategy.

Let the weakest LPL play the strongest LCK.

Even if the first one loses.

The next three games may also improve a lot if they win.

Wu Di stood next to the coach.

He heard the decisions of several coaches and was not very comfortable.

“Let’s fight Lightning Wolf, I promise to win.”

Brother Feng stared at Wu Di, not understanding how several coaches were deciding things, and why a player also intervened.

“You promise? What guarantees do you take, this is not your business alone, this is the glory of the entire LPL and cannot let you risk it. ”

Kim Myung-so spoke at this time.

“We IG just beat Lightning Wolf and lost my back.”

IG is now centered on Wu Di.

So Kim Myung-so not only trusts Wu Di, but also relies on Wu Di.

Wu Di said to fight the lightning wolf, then fight the lightning wolf.

At this time, WE’s coach Redmi also spoke.

“Wu Di, don’t think that if you trick a three-star game, your strength will become stronger, don’t you still fight back and forth with JT last time, there is little hope of winning the lightning wolf.”

Wu Di laughed.

WE had only lost to Lightning Wolf a few hours ago, and now he actually said so.

“The Bay Team, only the Lightning Wolf is more powerful, and can let me shoot, otherwise you change people, I won’t fight.”

Several coaches looked at each other.

Wu Di’s performance in the continental competition, they have seen.

It can be said to be the most famous ADC in LPL.

But individual strength is one thing, and the overall strength of the team is another.

Wu Di can’t stand up to save the team.

The, Shy, and broiler also stepped forward at this time.

“Just fight Lightning Wolf, the other teams are too weak, it’s not interesting to fight~~.”

“We IG set up a military order, we can’t win the lightning wolf, we swim back to the mainland.”

King Ning and Baolan were not to be outdone.

Several coaches discussed it and thought it was okay.

If IG really loses to Lightning Wolf.

With four games to come, WE and RNG should save the game.

After the discussion, the player first went back to the coach to discuss tomorrow’s BP and tactics.

When in the WE lounge.

Rita and Yu Shuang came to Wu Di.

But I saw that all the coaches and players of the LPL are here.

Also know that they are definitely discussing tactics.

As the commentator and moderator of the alliance, they do not intend to go to rest.

So that the tactics of the LPL do not leak out.

So when it was very late, Wu Di and the IG team members went out to eat.

Tomorrow hit the Lightning Wolf.

Kim Myung-so still decided to use today’s lineup.

Lightning Wolves is a team that mainly fights in the early stage, and is very powerful in the performance of BO1.

I turned over WE today, so it can’t be taken lightly.

Lightning Wolf has also overturned SKT several times in the first round of many international tournaments.

He is also the king of the LMS Civil War and has always been the champion team of LMS.

The Continental Race was a very tight schedule, with only four days to go.

So Wu Di was still a little tired and went back to the hotel at nine o’clock.

Wu Di opened his phone and started talking to YY.

“Dad, when are you coming back, Yaya misses you so much.”

“Dad will come back in two days, is it good to bring Yaya a gift when he comes back.”

Wu Di had only left Yaya for two days, and he missed Yaya very much.

“I heard that you are playing against Takarashima tomorrow, and I recently heard from people around me that Takarajima players seem to look down on you?”

Zhou Qing didn’t know much about the alliance.

But there are many people playing the alliance around, and Zhou Qing has also heard about it.

The game game rises above the national sensibility.

It is enough to make many people who have not been exposed to the alliance can also have some resonance.

“Come on, I’m sure you can win.”

Wu Di nodded.

“When I come back, do I want to bring you a gift too?”

Zhou Qing covered his mouth and smiled.

“Big bad, just bring yourself back.”


After turning off his phone, Wu Di fell into a dream.

In a dream.

He washed the Lightning Wolf in blood, stepped over SKT’s corpse, and received the trophy of the continental competition.


On the third day of the continental competition, the crowd was full.

Today is Saturday, and many working parties and students have come.

“Come on LMS!”

“Lightning Wolf, come on!”

“Samsung will never surrender!”

“Wu Di, I love you!”

The commentary table is above.

The two commentators are still chatting casually, waiting for the specific information of the staff to bring the matchup.

When it comes to knowing that IG vs Lightning Wolf.

Miller’s brow furrowed.

Before the start of the race, it was said that the LPL should adopt the tactics of horse racing.

Use inferior horses to fight superior horses, use superior horses to fight second-class horses, and use second-class horses to fight inferior horses.

It’s just that everyone thought that OMG was sacrificed to the Lightning Wolf.

After all, OMG is the weakest of the four teams.

It did not occur to them that the sacrificial team was IG.

“Well, we’ve learned from our side that the first match will be IG vs. Lightning Wolf.”

Miller just finished.

Some people in the major live broadcast rooms questioned it.

“How did the coach do it, let IG play Lightning Wolf, isn’t this a sending, didn’t these hanhan watch yesterday’s Lightning Wolf play WE game, Lightning Wolf is not a weak team!”

“IG is afraid of lightning wolves? Is Lightning Wolf strong with SSG, and I hit anyone with big IG is abuse. ”

“I’m sure this one is another personal show of the flute god.”


There were three people in total.

Doll Miller and remember (Qian Zhao Zhao).

Originally, it was Guan Zeyuan’s turn to explain.

As a result, Guan Zeyuan himself applied to explain the three-star competition tomorrow.

“Now that the players have played, IG still uses yesterday’s lineup, upper single the, shy, middle single broiler, play Ye Ning King, and go down Wu Di and Baolan.”

“And the Lightning Wolf side, upper single MMD, medium single Maple, playing wild Casa, lower Betty assists SwordArt.”

“Lightning Wolf’s Casa, also known as the director of LMS, has a very strong ability to control the map, and the personal ability of Zhongdan Maple is not weak, and it is estimated that he can also fight back and forth with broilers.”

“I have to say that this game is a challenge for IG.”

“Of course, if IG has a new routine, then it will be relatively easy to turn.”

At the beginning of the introduction.

IG and Lightning Wolf players have already entered.

Lightning Wolf chose the blue square and has already started banning.


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