Wu Di just smiled casually.

I can’t imagine that SKT still has a hand… The Rock Sparrow Penson System.

Baolan was a little worried.

“What about Brother Wu Di, I took Yanque and Pan ~ Sen on the other side.”

Baolan’s heart is still very empty, after all, the tragic situation of yesterday’s day girl is still vivid, if Baolan fights today – the appearance of yesterday’s day girl.

I’m afraid that after this game, it will be sprayed and retired.

“Don’t worry, just be careful, if you really find it difficult, you can stand behind me.”

When Baolan heard Wu Di’s words, his heart calmed down slightly.

And IG’s next selection of people gave thee and shy a sword Ji who played well compared to the price.

Got a demon for the broiler.

The core idea of IG is flexibility.

Whether it is Jian Ji, Demon Ji, or even Luo, they are all very flexible.

Extremely high fault tolerance.


kkoma watched IG choose this lineup, still a little surprised.

According to Kkoma’s experience all along.

LOL’s team generally chooses a more meaty group type on the road.

But this one chooses a sword Ji out, is it to play 41 with SKT?

And the broiler even dared to play demon Ji in front of Feike, it was simply Feimen Ji.

KKoma gave you a completely single-strap type upper order, troll.

Commentary seats.

“This hand of troll is comfortable, you like to play this kind of hero the most, and the troll is still relatively easy to fight with Sword Ji.”

“The two more powerful heroes in this version, weapons and crocodiles, are actually quite good at fighting trolls, but both are banned.”

“It’s difficult, this lower BP disadvantage, upper road BP disadvantage, there is also a conte position in the middle that can target the broiler monster.”

On the stage.

SKT is relatively relaxed overall.

The first three hands of bp, it can be said that SKT is very satisfied, the next road rock sparrow plus Panson combination got it, the upper single call your single belt hero selected.

Kim Myung-so felt the pressure on BP.

However, he trusts Wu Di and believes that Wu Di can eventually come up with a more satisfactory BP.

IG is in the fourth and fifth hand bans, mainly for the opposite field and the center.

So banned Marzaha and Lexe.

On the SKT side, the last two bans are mainly for ADCs, because Wu Di has not yet chosen heroes.

But Wu Di’s hero pool is too deep, and SKT has only learned the combination of rock sparrow and Panson.

I don’t know about the system of rock sparrow plus Panson, it’s not good to fight any way.

Therefore, only two ADCs with displacement and high fault tolerance can be directly banned.

** and EZ.

Wu Di’s expression was still very relaxed.

“SKT doesn’t look weak, ** and ez are really good at playing rock finches, just for development.”

“But in a moment, SKT studied the system thoroughly.”


In the commentary table.

The commentators of LPL suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

“It’s an airplane!”

“IG actually chose to get off the road, how long has it been since I saw the next plane.”

The doll exclaimed.

Guan Zeyuan just smiled in front of him: “It’s not good to fight when the plane hits the road, the hero of the plane eats equipment and experience, especially experience, so he was forced to hit the middle road.” ”

“If you lay the road, the development is poor, the hands are short, and it is useless.”

At this point, Rita spoke.

“I said Guan Zeyuan, you go to see the development of Wu Di’s first few handfuls, and then you say that the development of the plane is not good.”

Guan Zeyuan was ridiculed by Rita again.

The doll had to come over to play the circle, “Okay, good head, anyway, IG was not knocked out by SKT’s first-hand selection, and came up with a way to deal with it.” ”

The woman who protects her husband can’t afford to mess with it!

“In short, in this game, if Wu Di’s plane can still be equipped to lead, the chance of winning SKT will be very large.”

“Bang this player is surprisingly stable, but it is not the way down the lightning wolf, and it feels a little difficult to play in Bang’s hands.”


Training lounges in Europe and North America.

A group of coaches did not watch the matches in their own division, but all stared at the Asian Confrontation Match.

After all, LPL and LCK have always been competing for the first division.

Completely do not pay attention to other divisions.

However, there is nothing these European and American fishing can do, who told them that their results in the S race for so many years have not been satisfactory.

“LPL and LCK two divisions, why are there so many commotion recently.”

“I think it’s because of that player, you see without him, the game over there looks quite normal.”

“Can you contact that person privately, I’ll see if I can make an appointment to play a few training matches after the continental competition.”

·0 Ask for flowers…

“We in Europe and the United States have always been good at routines, and it would be a shame if we were tricked by other teams in this year’s S competition.”

IG selected the plane for just ten seconds.

But SKT felt like a year had passed.


“This plane is off the road… It’s impossible to let Demon Ji go down, right? ”

For the first time, Kkoma felt the pressure on top of the bp.

And this pressure is not given to him by a very experienced coach, but by a player.

Who is this player, it seems that the understanding of this alliance is a little terrifying.

Bang spoke at this time, and he could see at a glance the disadvantage of the plane on the way down.

“Don’t guess what he did with the plane, I guess he wants to find an ADC with displacement, after all, my rock bulge is not so easy to hide.”


“It seems that the coach you ban ** and ez, ban the aorta of IG, this plane chosen by IG may be a helpless move.”

Kkoma nodded and continued with the next selection.

SKT selected the person in the fourth hand and asked Feike’s opinion.

Feike: “Robbery.” ”

For a talented player like Feike, the hero pool is terrifyingly deep.

Demon Ji and Robber are both famous heroes of Feike.

The broiler chicken on the opposite side took out the demon Ji in front of him, which made Feike’s heart a little unhappy, so he directly took out the robbery.

Moreover, the hero of the robbery of Kant Demon Ji is very easy to play to the advantage.

SKT took out the blind monk in his fifth hand.

There is no need to talk about this, Little Peanut is known as the world’s first blind monk, and he kicked and shattered the dream of the factory.

“Director, I’m your fan.”

It became a famous phrase for Little Peanut.

Since S5, the competition of the blind monk who does not ban peanuts has basically cooled.

And IG’s last hand took a wine barrel for King Ning.

The director screen switched to the audience.

In the audience, there were many young ladies.

Someone has the icon of SKT painted on their face, and someone has a dite god written on their face.

When the camera sweeps over the viewer in turn.

The young lady with the god of the flute written on her face suddenly covered her face in embarrassment.

The front of the auditorium.

Yu Shuang, Zhou Shuyi, and Xiaoyu all sat together, holding glow sticks, cheering Wu Di.

“Come on LPL! Come on Wu Di! ”


… It…_

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