SKT’s lounge.

Kkoma slapped the table angrily.

“What’s going on with this Bang, cooperate with Panson to beat the barrel, why should you take care of the plane, and give all your skills to the plane.”

“The key is still to step on the horse and can’t hit it!”

Kim Jong-kyun also slapped the table.

“It was decided, SKT went back after this continental tournament, it was one thing to sign a substitute, it was one thing to use it, to make Bang have a sense of crisis.”

Panda TV live broadcast room.

Although Wu Di did not start the live broadcast.

But more than a million people brushed the barrage here.

It’s all “Flute God Awesome!” ”

There were even people who broadcast the game with a barrage.

“The god of the flute has killed Bang’s rock sparrow again, the god of the flute is now three heads, and the road opposite SKT is cold.”

The game paused for a moment.

The director transfers the picture to the audience.

In the audience, Yu Shuang held a glow stick and saw the camera coming, so he smiled at the camera and compared it to a yes.

Zhou Shuyi lowered her head and sorted out something.

All three looked relaxed, apparently 10 thought IG’s game had definitely won.

Timeouts in the middle of a race are a common occurrence.

Especially some important matches, there will always be a few pauses.

It’s unclear why the commentary was suspended.

This time it was SKT who suspended it, and IG didn’t know what was going on.

After two minutes, the referee came over and said that after Feike’s robbery landed just now, he released three Q-skill darts.

It was obviously pierced through the body of the plane, but it did not cause damage.

Hearing this, Wu Di laughed a little involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, his position made Feike doubt his eyes.

After the referee’s review, it was confirmed that the plane was a dart that was dodged at the limit distance.

Because the model of the aircraft is relatively large, it looks like the dart is next to the plane, but it is actually not hit.

This is more common in large, large bugs.

This is just a small episode.

Soon the game resumed.

This wave of team fighting continues.

“When the broiler comes, can you leave the blind?” Wu Di shouted.

Although the demon Ji of the broiler came for a while compared to the robbery, he still came after all, and went directly w, and the e skill chain the blind man.

Then add a q energy and copy a q energy with r.

Little Peanut’s blind monk had just been beaten off half of his blood by Wu Di.

At this time, he ate three skills at once, and directly shredded blood.

However, the blind monk’s w at this time was cooled down, and he directly touched his eyes to avoid the damage of the second stage E of the demon ji.

Who knows that there is a big move of the plane at the end, so that Wu has this head.

The plane’s big move CD is very fast, and several shells are fired.

Maybe the little peanut was a little panicked, and this ultra-long-distance trick was not avoided.

“The plane received another head! , four heads, this pace is too fast, you must know that the opposite side is SKT! ”

The doll couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Is LCK about to overturn in today’s first race?”

“Sure enough, as predicted before the game, IG found a breakthrough for SKT on the next road.”

At this time.

Huh, you took the blood tower of the shy and shy on the road.

There is no way around this, the wave that THY and SHY caught is less than ten soldiers experienced.

From that time on, it was already very disadvantageous to hit the road.

And Wu Di cooperated with King Ning this wave, and also collected the three wolves and toads on the red side.

Of course, the economy and experience of wild monsters made Wu Di eat it alone.

After a wave of team battles in the wild area.

Bang completely closed himself, honestly went down the road to collect troops, and did not dare to think about fighting anymore.

In a wave of team battles in the wild area, Wu Di received two heads.

When I get home later, the little wooden hammer will already be there.

“According to this progress, I will have three peace shoes in twelve minutes.”

“Brother Wu Di, this is also too fast!” King Ning shouted: “Brother Wu Di, I brushed the stone man again on the road.” ”

After the level is high.

The aircraft’s ability to clear the line was completely demonstrated.

Wu Di’s plane not only quickly cleared the line, but also brushed the stone people on his side, and even Wu Di also noted the refresh time of the red square three wolves and toads.

Wait a while and go straight to put it away.

“After having an advantage, it is really easy to play, SKT’s blue buff refresh time is about eleven minutes and fifty-two seconds, we control the fire dragon, and we can also control the opposite wild area.”

Wu Di feels that the situation is very clear now.

The Lower Road and the Wild Area have already achieved great advantages.

“Brother Wu Di, please be a person, the little peanut on the other side is going to cry.” Baolan said.

King Ning continued: “Little Peanut probably never dreamed in his life that it was an ADC who turned out to be an ADC in the wild area. ”

“The LPL card that the factory lost at the beginning, I will take it back from the little peanut today.”

Eleven minutes, the fire dragon refreshed.

After Feike’s robbery cleared the line, he leaned towards Xiaolong’s side.

Although SKT’s lower road was pressed under the tower by Wu Di, he was still ready to support at any time.

Little peanuts also arrived from the wilderness.

It’s going to be a team battle between IG and SKT.

Now the situation between IG and SKT is basically flat.

The advantage on the IG side is mainly on the lower road, while the advantage on the SKT side is mainly in Ueno.

“Wait a team battle, you shouldn’t come down, and you must not come over to THY and Shy.”

The, shy was stunned for a moment, he was ready to play the group TP just now.

“How are you so sure that HUNI can’t tp.”

“I watched so many SKT games and found that SKT397 really values the road on the road, and pushing down a second tower may be more important than killing one or two people in a group.”

Wu Di explained.

“Besides, the hero of the troll is not easy to play in a group, and it is easy to be kited by our lineup.”

“So you have to keep your second tower on the road no matter what, otherwise we will not earn a fire dragon if we take it.”

The, shy nodded, this game, as long as he can limit the troll’s single belt, then IG has a very good chance of winning.

SKT’s main strategy now is involvement.

SKT himself did not dare to fight the fire dragon, and did not want IG to fight, anyway, just put it on the way, dragged to the road to pull the second tower.

LPL official live broadcast room.

“This SKT is also too disgusting, and I have been stalemate with IG again, fighting and not fighting, retreating and not retreating.”

“Quickly look at the list, you actually singled out the canyon pioneer, if IG doesn’t fight the fire dragon, it will be a big loss.”

After a half-minute stalemate on the lower road, a message came on the screen calling for you to kill the canyon pioneer.

LCK’s commentary was suddenly excited.

“SKT controlled the canyon pioneer again, you must know that in the first ten minutes, the canyon pioneer is a rhythm point, whoever takes the pioneer has the initiative to push the tower.”

“And it’s still an advantage to get on the road.”

“As soon as the pioneer is released, the second tower on the road will also fall.”

“Little peanut only helped twice, call you up, really powerful.”


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