This wave of team battles is too exciting.

Many spectators stood up directly and stared closely at the game on the screen.

Yu Shuang and Zhou Shuyi also stopped waving the glow stick and looked at the screen without saying a word.

IG’s team voice, only Wu Di was roaring.

“Hold steady and steady, wait for the opposite side to open, wait for the opposite side to open, we must not open!”

“Pan Sen must hold me down, King Ning, you must interrupt Pan Sen’s W with an E flash, so that I have room to operate!”

Wu Di’s plane was alone in front, and the other three people of IG were all behind Wu Di.

The goal of this wave of team battles is clear.

Let Wu Di hit a wave of output first, and then cheat a wave of skills.

Wu Di’s position is terrifying, and IG’s wave is a bit of an empty glove white wolf.

Sure enough, the blind man’s Q skill kicked towards Wu Di.


Pan Sen then flashed that W wanted to fix Wu Di.

And King Ning had just listened to Wu Di’s words, and he was already preparing to flash at any time.

When King Ning heard Wu Di roar, “Open!” ”

King Ning didn’t even think about it, and it was an e-flash against Pan Sen, blocking Pan Sen in the air.

After this wave of operations.

SKT was dumbfounded overall.

Because apart from Pinson’s stability control, SKT does not have any stability control.

Wu Di’s plane was no longer threatening, and once again w to SKT’s side, and the hijacking was a meal.

There is no big move to robbery, so Wu Di is not afraid at all.

Although Feike’s robbery used w to open the distance, but ate a critical hit, plus the effect of flare, directly two-fifths of the blood volume was gone.


If you eat another big move and a general attack, I am afraid that it will be directly cold.

This wave of team battles.

Wu Di’s two w positions were released very well, allowing all five people in SKT to eat a lot of AOE.

Without Panson’s first-hand control, the rock finch’s skills are naturally completely empty, and the troll does not have the breakthrough skill and cannot touch the plane at all.

Although SKT has only five people, they are all going to be beaten at the moment.

Wu Di is going to harvest!

However, at this time, Little Peanut once again stepped forward to save the SKT team.

He ws the plane next to it, and then kicks Wu Di’s plane away.

Wu Di smiled: “A little operation, but it’s useless, all the skills are given to me, how can my teammates deal with it?” ”

When all the members of SKT were beaten by Wu Di to retreat, the broiler and King Ning and the shy began to operate.

The broiler’s demon Ji rushes in the fastest, W goes in, and then uses r to copy a w to Bang’s face, and a q can take Bang.

The demon Ji of 7.13 is still the demon Ji who was modified halfway.

W adds imprints, and Q can type a wave of AOE.

So this rock sparrow was collected by the broiler, and the five people of SKT had more blood

King Ning’s barrel passed with a big move and blew back Panson and the troll.

Wu Di’s eyes were quick, and he went directly over, predicting the landing point after Pan Sen was bombed by the wine barrel and collecting Pan Sen’s head.


“Wu Di is on the field of the continental race! Once again, supergod! Rita shouted, sincerely happy for Wu Di.

“Rita, Wu Di Chaoshen, you seem to be happier than himself.”

“Of course, who made him my boyfriend.”

Guan Zeyuan sat here and ate a handful of dog food, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But it’s no wonder that Wu Di’s strength in the competition is there, and he looks quite handsome, and Guan Zeyuan began to envy Wu Di.

“SKT’s wave suffered a fiasco, and only Feike and Little Flower survived! Hey, how are you still alive, but you can only live for a few more seconds. ”

“IG in a four-on-five situation! Hit a wave of perfect operation! Whether it’s Wu Di’s crazy trick skills, or King Ning’s e-flash, or even the harvesting of broilers…”

“In this wave of team battles, Wu Di doubled W damage and hit devastating damage, this plane must have stolen Rambo’s skills!”

“IG won this team battle! IG took down the dragon! IG is never runner-up! ”

Hoo you are surrounded by four IG people in the middle.

In the face of the siege of the four big guys, Hu you are also desperate.

Others did not put skills, or even general attack trolls, call your troll directly taken away by Wu Di’s plane qaraea set.

These three general attacks have not made a critical attack, otherwise Wu Di would not even have to open E.

Desperate, shouted in SKT’s team voice.

“How can the experience of ADC on the opposite side be higher than mine! The equipment is also so perverted. ”

Little Peanut: “In the second half of the wild area, all of them are controlled by aircraft, and they can’t win on the next road, and they don’t let go of the vision.” ”

Wolf squinted and didn’t speak, indicating that I had carried the pot.

Bang didn’t care about chewing gum, this game must be lost, but he was much more relaxed.

Isn’t it just a loss in an intercontinental race, followed by KT and SSG.

Feike was a little speechless, he killed Luo alone, which originally created a wave of perfect opportunities for SKT.

Unexpectedly, this game ended because of this.

“IG won the first big dragon of the game in twenty-three minutes!”

On the commentary table of LPL, from the team battle just now to the current big dragon, my voice is going to roar.

Rita is more reserved, she believes that with Wu Di’s team battle, there are infinite possibilities.

“After this wave of groups, SKT basically has no chance, and the rest is the question of how to lose.”

“Hey, a generation of dynasties, actually turned over in the hands of IG.” Guan Zeyuan sighed.

Rita said a little unhappy: “It’s not whether it’s good to roll over, it’s a strength gap, if SKT and IG fight again, SKT will still lose.” ”

Guan Zeyuan laughed: “Rita, don’t be too sure, if you can only win one game in the next three games of the LPL, then IG is really likely to play another game with SKT…”

Rita: “So what, I just know that IG must win SKT. ”


The dragon is gone.

There is also the corpse of a blind monk inside the Great Dragon Pit.

When IG hit the big dragon just now, the blind monk tried to fight for punishment, but before he went down the big dragon pit, he was directly attacked by the plane with an R and a general.

Twenty-three minutes, the plane class sixteen.

Three levels ahead of the push stick, two levels ahead of Feike and Shang (Hao Nuo Zhao).

Wu Di’s plane, its molding speed, is much faster than the middle road.

SKT’s lounge, the coach of the rest of the LCK team, patted Kkoma on the shoulder and told him not to give up.

In fact, everyone understands that the chances on SKT’s side are already very slim.

But SKT has always been a legendary team, and has played countless economic reversals of more than 10,000, and I hope this one can do the same.

This is just the self-consolation of the LCK coach.

In SKT’s team voice, the situation is worse than expected.

“Now that IG has pushed it, who is going to stop the plane.” Little Peanut asked.

Huni: “If I don’t go, I will have two thousand blood, not enough for a set of planes, and it will be seconds to meet, and I guess I can’t even touch him.” ”

Bang: “Just hold the highland tower, I still have the ability to clear the troops.” ”

Wolf only then spoke: “We SKT just sit and wait? ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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