LCK’s commentary table.

The commentators were excited, and saliva spewed out.

“SKT won this team battle, it seems that SKT will win this game.”

“Wu Di has eaten so many resources, what is the use, fighting the group is not only a part of running.”

“It seems that we have demonized Wu Di a little bit.”

“One person I eat three ways, team battle I shower gel.”

The audience of LPL was a little chilly, and these h’s brain-dead commentators actually used UZI memes to satirize Wu Di.

On the commentary table of LPL, the doll was a little sad.

Could it be that in the previous script, every time the LPL kicked the door, there would be an unforgivable mistake and eventually miss the championship?

“Let me say, IG can’t be reckless this wave, just develop honestly.” Guan Zeyuan smelled of schadenfreude.

Rita was not in a hurry, because Wu Di did not die in this group battle.

Then this wave of team battles of IG does not mean that you have lost.

LPL’s live room.

“Lying groove, actually lost, how did IG fight, the rock sparrow of the flute god forced out the two big moves on the opposite side, and also killed the prince and pinned down Bang, this can be lost?”

“IG can’t play a group now, just develop honestly 08, wait for the flute god to rise, and the team battle will be won casually later.”

“Yes, IG double auxiliary double c, there is backhand and damage, not afraid of the opposite side at all.”

“IG garbage team, in the hands of SKT still play routines, now play yourself out.”


However, just after LCK’s commentary ridiculed Wu Di for a while.

Wu Di’s rock sparrow directly put a big move next to the little dragon, and then quickly drove to the vicinity of the little dragon and snatched down the earth dragon.

“This, this, this!”

All the members of SKT were confused, and they didn’t expect Wu Di’s rock sparrow to have this hand.

He used a big move to drive and rob the dragon, and after snatching the dragon, he even fled.

“I come gently, just as I walk gently, I wave my arm and take only an earth dragon with me.”

Wu Di’s stomach hurt with laughter.

The opposite side did not pull Xiaolong out of the Xiaolong pit, so Wu Di found an excellent angle.

Not only snatched the dragon, but also left unharmed.

“IG awesome.” The doll stood up, unexpectedly Wu Di actually got an earth dragon for IG when he lost the team battle.

So that’s the case.

IG is not a big loss, because IG can better control the field area and the big dragon next.

Little Peanut spread his hands: “No way, the level of the rock sparrow on the opposite side is four levels higher than mine, and the punishment damage is much higher than mine.” ”

Feike sighed, “Forget it, if the group wins, we will definitely be able to win the group in the next wave.” ”

LCK’s commentary is now ugly and dead.

In this game, they taunted Wu Di many times, but each time they were slapped in the face by Wu Di.

Let these LCK commentators doubt, this Wu Di does not hear the content of their explanations.

“IG, this foster father, raised Wu Di’s so high, this dragon robbery is normal.”

These LCK explanations eventually forced their explanations.

IG’s team voice.

Everyone said a word at the same time.

“Lying groove, Brother Wu Di, you are teaching me how to fight wild.” King Ning said.

Baolan gave King Ning a blank look: “Can you learn?” This rock sparrow opened a punishment on the way to the big move, and it was impossible to react without a little reaction. ”

“The little peanut is about to close himself, the wild area was eaten by Wu Dige, and even the dragon was robbed.”

LPL’s live room.

Those who questioned IG and Wu Di just now all shut up.

This Wu Di’s operation.

It’s incredible.

After this wave of dragons was robbed, Little Peanut’s mentality completely exploded.

“We must be a regiment now, and we can’t give the opposite side a chance to breathe.”

So the four of SKT huddled and let the weapons come down, because the dragon was about to refresh in two minutes.

“The situation in SKT is very good, the economy has opened IG by more than two thousand, and the weapons on the road have taken four heads, and the shy Qinggangying can’t guard the tower at all.”

“Here, SKT’s four-point push, Wu Di’s playable is a rock sparrow, and the single-belt ability and aircraft are far worse.”

SKT controlled the field of view of the Great Dragon District.

When Bang was in line of vision, he showed the team logo directly to Wu Di.

“The dish on the other side.” Bang scolded: “Still dare to trick us, after winning, I will mock him well, take so many resources to have a fart use, it’s not that you can’t hit the output.” ”

At this time, the SKT players also nodded, because in their eyes, this one may win very big.

“The big dragon is refreshed, and SKT is the first to move the dragon.”

“Why didn’t the IG people harass them, what were they waiting for?”

LCK’s commentary, a little unable to understand what trick IG is playing.

And in IG’s voice.

Wu Di commanded calmly.

“Don’t go on, this big dragon SKT doesn’t dare to fight, they dare to fight, I dare to grab.”

Wu Di has the capital to say this, because his level is four levels higher than the level of the little peanut.

This is a very disparity in the professional arena.

And SKT is naturally not so stupid, they are just trying to force the regiment.

And IG is not fooled, which makes SKT’s performance seem a little pompous.

The dragon still had more than three thousand blood, and SKT finally gave up.

The doll saw SKT give up fighting the big dragon and began to laugh: “SKT didn’t dare to fight, Wu Di is four levels higher than Little Peanut’s level, SKT really can’t fight.” ”

Guan Zeyuan also spoke: “But if this stalemate continues, it is better for SKT, and you will take the two towers down the road with you.” ”

“Huh, this player is really strong, and this one has taken four heads, and the center of gravity of the LPL team has not been put on the road, which is indeed a little… Ay. ”

The doll still thinks that SKT’s four-point band is very good to play, and begins to worry about the I930G.

“You go and grab weapons, I’ll guard the dragon alone.” Wu Di said directly.

After Wu Di finished speaking, Baolan and King Ning, as well as the broiler chicken, all went to grab weapons.

When the four people of IG appeared on the next road, SKT had no choice but to drive the dragon, otherwise huni would be caught in vain.

Under the combined force of the four people, the weapon of Call You eventually died on the lower road, but he also did what he was supposed to do, involving the four people of IG.

“What happened, this call you a little too much, IG four people went to catch, this call you did not retreat at the first time, but wanted to operate a wave?” The dolls are a little too much to look at. ”

“This… Then SKT this wave must open a big dragon, but the level of the little peanut is too low, I feel that this wave of SKT big dragon will be robbed again. ”

And on the H commentary side.

“This is a perfect pinning, SKT will definitely be able to beat this big wave.”

“SKT is very stable, they will definitely be able to kill the rock sparrow first, and then take down the big dragon.”

In SKT’s team voice, he did not feel much threat from Wu Di.

“The big dragon has enough blood left, wait a while and directly second the rock sparrow.”

“No, the rock sparrow is standing too far away, we can’t touch it, the big dragon still has four thousand blood, shall we continue to fight?”

SKT tangled.

They couldn’t imagine that Wu Di’s mentality was so powerful.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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