In the spotlight, the trophy of the continental competition was lifted by Wu Di.

At the moment when the trophy was raised, the sound of the system also sounded.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement of the continental championship, the 5,000 points obtained have been received, and the draw has been won once.”

“The draw is over and the host gets the field specialty.”

“Congratulations to the host Double Kill SKT, Mission Award – 3,000 points.”

Specialize in wilderness.

Blood earned.

It is equivalent to a prize of 10,000 points in a lottery.

There were a total of 8,000 more points in the continental competition, as well as the points of qualifying and competition in the past few days, and Wu Di’s points came to 10,000.

“I want to exchange 10,000 points for Zhongdan Specialty.”

“Okay, the system is redeeming the single specialty for you.”

In this way, Wu Di can also play in the two positions of Nakano.

Beside Wu Di, not only the IG players, but also the players and coaches of the other three teams also stood on the field.

After all, this is the championship that belongs to the LPL.

Wu Di handed the trophy to the others, watching the LPL win the long-lost championship, and his heart was still a little touched.

During the post-match interview.

Yu Shuang came up with the microphone, and she handed it to Wu Di with a smile.

“How’s that, what was it like to win the continental championship? Happy? ”

“It’s okay, not too excited.”

“In the last game, IG’s lineup was a little weak to push the tower, and in the end, your big move blocked the road, forced a tower, looked very decisive, for that wave, do you have anything to say?”

“That wave,” Wu Di recalled for a moment: “We consume the opposite side of the highland tower, and the C position on the opposite side must return to the city to make up for the state, in fact, we have been waiting for that wave opportunity for a long time.” ”

“Oh, that’s the case, then in the last game, you learned that it was against SKT, did you feel the pressure, after all, SKT is the triple crown?”

Wu Di smiled: “It should be SKT that should be under pressure, after all, we started to win their game.” ”


LPL’s official live broadcast room.

“The flute god is still a riot, and he actually said that it was SKT who was under pressure.”

“SKT these two games, the mentality has exploded, I don’t know if it will affect LCK’s summer game.”

“Haha, it’s done, the summer competition in the LCK division has become rookie chickens pecking at each other…”

Several major live broadcast rooms in China.

Almost all streamers changed the name of the room to congratulations on the LPL victory.

Those who did not change the name of the room were directly sprayed by LPL fans to change their names.

And in Wu Di’s live broadcast room, although there is no one.

But the popularity displayed in the live broadcast room turned out to be more than five million.

“Live broadcast black screen, monthly income million.”

“There are no flute god people, is it interesting for you to stay in this live broadcast room to brush the barrage?”

“Interesting, it’s not interesting, what are you doing with the black screen?”


Today, there was also the entire LPL celebration banquet, so and Wu Di said, let Wu Di not be absent.

Wu Di went back to the hotel first, packed up his things, prepared to finish eating, and took him to the airport.

After Wu Di cleaned up, he closed the door.

Rita panted and ran to the corridor, looking at Wu Di with some tears in her eyes.

Obviously, Rita rushed all the way, just worried that she would not be able to confess to Wu Di.

Rita covered her chest that was constantly rising and falling, and said to Wu Di with determination: “Wu Di, can you be my boyfriend?” ”

When Wu Di returned, she already knew that when Rita was explaining, she had blatantly said that she was her boyfriend.

Wu Di’s heart also understood that Rita really liked herself.

But Wu Di already has Zhou Qing, so he has to explain to Rita: “I have already talked to Zhou Qing——”

“I don’t care.” Rita interrupted Wu Di.

So Wu Di did not have the slightest hesitation, nodded directly, and said: “Okay, I’ll be your boyfriend.” ”

Rita suddenly laughed, and then ran over and hugged Wu Di tightly.

“Okay, come with me to dinner.”


At the Kaohsiung venue, all teams left the competition venue.

It was already eight o’clock in the evening.

Lee Ji-hoon, as KT’s coach, found IG’s coach, Kim Myung-so, at the end of the IG-SKT match.

The two had a good relationship before.

“How, let IG and KT play two when you go back? It’s a pity that I didn’t meet this continental race. ”

Lee Ji-hoon apparently invited IG and KT to play a training match.

Kim Myung-so did not directly refuse, but said: “This, wait for me to discuss with the players, and then make a decision, you boy, shouldn’t you want to steal tricks from our IG to deal with SKT.” ”

Li Zhixun smiled awkwardly, that’s what he thought in his heart.

While eating at the hotel, Rita was taken directly to IG’s dinner table by Wu Di.

“Hey, Brother Wu Di, are you officially announcing?” Baolan asked directly.

Wu Di held Rita’s hand, and then raised it: “Yes, we have officially confirmed the relationship.” ”

While eating, Kim Myung-so turned his head sideways and asked Wu Di.

0········ Ask for flowers…

“KT wants to play two training matches with us, what do you think?”

“Okay.” Wu Di immediately agreed.

KT this team, is still relatively famous, the upper single is the first single of the official evaluation of S6, double C is the thigh of EDG once present, especially the fat general, a vampire to carry EDG into the quarterfinals of the S competition.

The assistant is also Rng’s in-team conductor, Mata.

In the continental competition, KT, like IG, won all the matches, which should be regarded as a lying loss.

After eating, Rita pulled Wu Di and whispered to Wu Di: “Can you change your ticket?” Tonight… Is it okay to accompany me tonight. ”

Wu Di nodded in agreement.

In the room where he stayed, Zhou Qing opened a video call to Wu Di.

“What… Why did you only come back tomorrow… Is there something going on today? Zhou Qing looked serious.


Wu Di did not speak, but the sharp-eyed Zhou Qing saw Rita’s bag on the sofa, so he was silent for a while and said.

“Come back tomorrow, come back tomorrow.”

After Zhou Qing hung up the call, Rita’s mobile phone rang directly.

I don’t know where Zhou Qing’s phone number came from.

“Sister Zhou Qing,” Rita looked a little flustered, but she was very sure in her heart that no matter what Zhou Qing was going to say, she could not stop her from being with Wu Di.

Who knew that Zhou Qing only said: “You don’t have any psychological pressure, I am the same as you, I just confessed before you.” ”

Rita nodded: “Thank you, Sister Zhou Qing.” ”

It was already the second day when he returned home, Wu Di and Zhou Qing chatted for a while, and Zhou Qing did not mention yesterday morning.

When school was over, Wu Di and Zhou Qing went to pick up the children together, and Zhou Qing pulled Wu Di’s arm.

At night, Wu Di finally reopened the live broadcast.

The number of people in the live broadcast room instantly soared, and the entire platform fell into a stutter.

Wu Di changed the name of the live broadcast room to Return of the Champion.

“Lying groove, is the flute god so immodest, what a temperament.”

“Double kill SKT, single kill Feike, and achieve five kills in the match against SKT, this is what many players dream of, can you be humble if you want to be humble?”


Wu Di just logged in to the customer service, and Zhou Shuyi sent a message frantically.

“Champion ADC takes me in a double row.”

Wu Di looked at the time, he had just coaxed Yaya to sleep, it was only nine o’clock, and he could still play a few games.

So he promised Zhou Shuyi.

Wu Di won the field specialty in the system lottery, and now it’s time to see how it works.

… And…_

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