Xiaohu cooperated with the wine barrel to let Wu Di leave the wild area temporarily, but waited until Xiaohu just returned to the line.

Wu Di entered the wild area again and found the barrel that was beating the toad.

The barrel of the spicy fragrant pot naturally did not dare to fight, because Wu Di’s level was higher than him.

A higher level in the early stage can really crush people.

“I’m going crazy.” The spicy fragrant pot rubbed his hair.

At this time, Shangdan Letme couldn’t see it, and took a detour from the upper road, choosing to help the wine barrel control this toad.

Since the Qinggang shadow of THE, Shy, wants to come to the toad and walk from the river, it is simply too late in time.

So the thee and shy directly did not come, and Wu Di also gave up robbing this toad.

Anyway, Wu Di has already earned.

However, Wu Di did not go far, but detoured to the three wolves of RNG, directly anti-RNG’s three wolves.

On the commentary table, Long Mao could no longer see it.

“This… This Wu Di doesn’t want to go, but also a three-wolf? This is too much, the barrel is a toad not far away. ”

Guan Zeyuan continued: “Wu Di just knows that the wine barrel is in the toad, so he dares to come directly to this three wolves.” ”

“In fact, this should be the problem of RNG on bp, the upper and middle roads at this time, it is not easy to care about this Olaf.”

“If Qinggang Shadow is RNG’s upper order, then Wu Di will not dare to play like this.”

After hearing this, Long Mao spoke: “It seems that this Wu Di has a deep understanding of BP and will do a lot of things during the strong lineup.” ”

Guan Zeyuan smiled a little: “Yes, after all, the ghost bp family made LPL a miasma.” ”

Rita didn’t go to work today, she watched the live broadcast of today’s game, bent her legs and ate oranges.

Rita felt that there was no suspense in this game, but she did not expect this game to be so high-energy from the beginning.

Sister Demon Wind’s heart was a little wild.

She has been a referee for so long, and it is the first time she has seen such an arrogant fighter.

If this is in the boxing ring, I am afraid that the referee will call a stop, and if it is not stopped, I am afraid that it will kill people.

Of course.

In LPL events, there can be no human life.

It is likely that autism occurs.

Spicy fragrant pot watched the training match of IG and KT, originally closed a wave, after two days of cultivation, it looked in good shape, but I didn’t expect to be autistic again now.

Hey, three minutes.

One of IG’s wild areas did not move, but brushed RNG’s three groups of wild monsters.

This Nima.

Is it really someone else’s wild monster that wants to be fragrant?

“The spicy fragrant pot is also too dish, and the wild monsters in my own family can’t keep it.”

“Xiangguo, this beer man, drank a fake bar today.”

After Wu Di ate the three wolves, he directly brushed his upper half of the wild area, and there were three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of the field area of IG, which was really cool.

In fact, if Wu Di is stronger, he can now go directly to the stone man.

But that would be too arrogant, and there would be a faceless road to surround.

Bloom has a stable control, Wu Di is still a little illusory, the thing was hung up by Bloom passively controlled, then Wu Di did not flash, basically explained.

The time came four minutes.

The barrel of the fragrant pot has finally reached the third level.

The spicy fragrant pot finally breathed a sigh of relief, and after reaching the third level, it was good to be able to do things.

RNG’s wild monsters have been emptied, so the incense pot must go online to catch people.

And Wu Di naturally knew this and directly let the next road be steadier.

Wei Huang, who went down the road, was indeed a little bit of a baobi, was pressed under the tower by UZI, and was pressed seven mending knives in four minutes.

But this is good, the spicy fragrant pot will not cross the tower to catch the emperor.

The Dragon King in the middle is actually very easy to catch.

But the spicy fragrant pot was a little unconvinced and went directly to the lower half of IG’s wild area.

“Wow, Blue Buff and Toad are there.”

The fragrant pot was a little unable to resist this temptation, and directly began to hit the blue buff.

However, at this time, Wu Di probably guessed the movement of the fragrant pot, in fact, whether the fragrant pot came to the anti-blue or not, Wu Di had to brush this blue buff.

Because the upper half of the field area of IG has been brushed.

When Wu Di came to the blue buff, the fragrant pot had already beaten the blue buff halfway.

“Yo, hello working boy.” Wu Di said in his voice.

At this time, the broiler also laughed: “This fragrant pot is not convinced, the anti-your red did not succeed, and it is also against your blue, I didn’t expect to become a working emperor.” ”

Wu Di’s Olaf was almost level five at this time, so the barrel of the spicy fragrant pot directly turned around and left.

Wu Di Meizi accepted this blue buff and directly rose to level five.

On the commentary table.

Long Mao sighed a little: “How does this Wu Di go which way, the economy and the level are up so fast, this is only four minutes, it’s already level five, how to play.” ”

Guan Zeyuan also has this feeling, after all, IG played SSG in the continental competition, and the scene of drinking the blood sword in five minutes is vivid.

“But fortunately, this Olaf didn’t flash, and he couldn’t keep the barrel, in fact, I think that Wu Di’s Olaf would probably be better if he took him away.”

Wu Di felt the same way.

If Olaf had taken the speed, he might have fought a lot better.

However, Wu Di obtained the field specialty, not the Olaf specialty, so some flaws are inevitable.

The spicy fragrant pot is about to cry.

There are no wild monsters, and now they have been found by Olaf, and it is impossible to succeed in catching the middle and lower levels.

Ten seconds to go.

The F6 of the RNG is about to be refreshed, and the fragrant pot arrives in place ahead of schedule, but there is a bad feeling in my heart.

Because the last wave of this F6 was knocked out by Wu Di, Wu Di is clear about the time of this F6 refresh.

Sure enough.

After Wu Di’s Olaf finished playing the blue buff, he came directly towards RNG’s F6.

Xiaohu naturally wanted to come over to help the fragrant pot get F6, and the dragon king naturally would not be idle, and followed Wu Di to F6.

The two sides stalemated, and the spicy fragrant pot tentatively hit F6, and finally gave up.

Because the third-level punishment will definitely not be able to compete with the five-level punishment.

“.. Why does this man keep targeting me? The spicy fragrant pot shouted in the voice (Qian Lihao).


After hearing it, the spicy fragrant pot also felt right.

Olaf on the opposite side plays like this, and it is impossible to grab the line, then the development of UZI is very safe.

This lineup of RNG is to ensure the normal development of UZI and press the opposite micro-emperor to the point that he cannot take care of himself.

On the commentary table.

“RNG and IG are really on the bar here in F6, ah, the fragrant pot actually directly dodged the dragon king, this wave is not easy to say ah, the opposite is a level five Olaf.”

The combo of Xiangguo and Little Tiger is very well connected, and it directly hits the flash of the dragon king.

And Wu Di’s Olaf also hammered against the barrel.

The barrel of the fragrant pot was directly beaten into residual blood, but fortunately, Gario of the little tiger covered it, so that the fragrant pot and Wu Di’s Olaf opened the distance.

… Jay…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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