Tiger’s Gario obeys UZI’s command and directly collides with the royal blue toad with an e skill, and then a q skill hits a large amount of output.

UZI is very aggressive and comes up with a toad.

“Look, Olaf on the opposite side, don’t dare to come in at all now.” UZI laughed while output.

The reason why Wu Di has not yet started is because it is not yet time.

Any hero, as long as it is out of full output, must play very steadily, and it is best to be able to kill with one hit.

And Wu Di’s current equipment is also very terrifying, more than UZI. Fight the Wild Knife, the Nightmare, the Curtain Blade, and a Tiamat, and a Warhammer.

Wu Di’s outfit idea is very clear, that is, to be UZI in seconds, so he directly came out with a set of explosive outfits.

Both sides at this time.

Already fighting, the kidney directly set a big move for Uzi, ready to come to the regiment.

And The, Shy Qinggang Shadow, also tp into the grass of the Dalong River.

At this time, Longhair was already out of breath.

“Baolan is about to be killed by UZI points, IG’s lineup is completely divided, Toad and Dragon King together, Olaf and Cold Ice together.”

“Why is Wu Di’s Olaf still staying in the Great Dragon Pit, Baolan is about to die.”

“The dragon king was spit out, but the kidney also landed ah, kidney 913 an E flash, directly controlled the dragon king of the broiler.”

“The broiler ball was targeted, and the two e-flashes of the barrel and kidney were used on him.”

“IG this wave is going to collapse.”

In the audience, many viewers sensed that something was going to happen to IG and covered their eyes.

And in the lounge of the RNG.

Brother Feng shouted happily: “Finally won IG!” ”

Brother Feng had long expected that this outfit of Olaf on the opposite side could not fight the regiment at all.

For example, now, Olaf does not dare to go out at all, and can only stay in the dragon pit.

Because once Olaf goes out, he has not yet touched UZI, I am afraid that he will be killed by UZI’s general attack.

The three-piece policewoman output exploded, and this Olaf did not even produce cloth shoes, but a pair of three-speed shoes.

IG’s team voice.

Wu Di kept shouting again: “Come close to me!” Close to me! Bring UZI over. ”

Wu Di was standing behind the wall of the Great Dragon Pit, and it had been scanned with scans, and there was no view of the RNG here.

And now the most important thing is to bring UZI here.

In the commentary table.

Long Mao shouted a little unwillingly: “The toad of Baolan has fallen, and the dragon king of the broiler is also going to die, although The, shy, Qinggangying rushed to the frontal battlefield, but IG can still fight this wave of team battles when there are two fewer generals first?” ”

RNG did not find Olaf’s location, but did not care, after all, Olaf is so brittle that he can only send him to death now.

“IG died two, we can.”

UZI was the closest to the dragon pit, because he had just chased the toad of Baolan and chased it to this position.

In fact, this location is already very far from Wu Di. But Wu Di is still waiting, because there is still a little distance.

After RNG finished talking about fighting the dragon, UZI’s position moved a little towards the dragon pit.

It’s now!

Wu Di’s Olaf threw out a q skill, and then flashed instantly, and an e skill slashed at the policewoman of UZI.

At this time, Q Neng’s axe fell to UZI’s feet, and then was instantly picked up by Olaf.

After Olaf’s level rises, Q Energy has almost no cooldown.

So after Q Neng’s axe was picked up, Wu Di once again cooperated with a general attack with a Q, and there was a green punishment plus Tiamat.

UZI’s blood bar disappeared in an instant.

At the back of the IG arena, Miss Demon Wind shook her fist and said a YES.

Next to Miss Demon Wind was another referee.

When he saw the appearance of Miss Demon Wind, he said with a direct smile: “We can’t have a position problem as a referee…”

Miss Demon Wind asked rhetorically: “We can’t be fans as referees?” ”

On the commentary table of LPL, Long Mao was not the first time he saw Wu Di’s operation (bcbf).

But every time it looks, it’s very shocking.

Longhair said bluntly: “To be honest, I didn’t understand this wave, Olaf is not an explosive hero in the strict sense.” ”

Guan Zeyuan was also stunned, he just said that IG’s wave was going to collapse, but he didn’t expect Wu Di to play such an operation.

Why is UZI gone in an instant?

In the lounge of the RNG, the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

Brother Feng remembered that when watching the IG and KT training matches, the speed of light three A after Lexel topped up the people, it also directly made people disappear.

It’s almost exactly the same as now, except that Wu Di plays a different hero.

This wave of operations has not yet been replayed.

Because there is still a wave of team battles on the playing field.

The, Shy’s blue steel shadow came down and directly controlled the barrel in place.

Wu Di’s remote Q energy, the wine barrel directly lost one-third of the amount of health, and then was directly taken down by Qinggangying.

This lineup of RNG, after UZI died, there was no output at all.

So Gario and Blom and Kidney all wanted to retreat.

Where would Wu Di let them go, he directly threw a Q skill into Bloom and Gario, and then opened a ghost dream and chased them.

The escape route of the kidney is different from that of Bloom and Gario, and it is towards the middle road, so Qinggangying chases it.

And Wu Di and Han Bing kept Bloom.

Gario was really hard enough to resist the next E skill, and then E left.

Wu Di’s Q energy can no longer touch Gario, so he doesn’t care, and reflexively goes to fight the dragon.

Wu Di’s equipment is very good, and there is a fire dragon and an earth dragon, and with the cold ice, he can take down the big dragon.

At this time, the screen of the game began to play back the operation just now.

The operation is four times slower.

Wu Di first threw out a q. and then when Q could approach UZI, Wu Di flashed over the wall, and while releasing the e skill, he also picked up the axe and released a q again

And the punishment and the damage of Tiamat were also fought at this moment.

It can be said bluntly that the picture looks like Wu Di’s Olaf, who hit and killed the policewoman of UZI with a flash.

The output of this set of damage, killing UZI is more than enough.

Seeing this operation, Brother Feng sighed.

“How can there be such a monster in the LOL game, you have such a fast hand, why don’t you play interstellar, just run to play LOL.”

Brother Feng was a little speechless.

And in IG’s lounge.

King Ning touched his chin and muttered, “How did this Olaf play the feeling of a male knife, it’s too terrible.” ”

“Ah, Wu Dige is so strong, it seems that I am really going to retire.” The child said a little depressed.

Kim Myung-so looked like I had guessed this was the case, sitting at the table without saying a word.


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