In the lounge of RNG, Brother Feng covered his face and said directly: “IG is too difficult to fight, it can’t be against Wu Di, it’s still not okay not to target Wu Di, IG’s next road has been wasted, and the team battle still can’t be won.” ”

“Qinggang Shadow is too difficult to deal with, how could this person think of using Qinggang Shadow to fight wild…”

On the screen of the match.

IG’s pace suddenly accelerated, after all, fifteen minutes to lead the economy of six thousand, it is simply possible to hit with your feet~.

So at fifteen minutes, IG took down a fire-dragon.

LPL’s commentary table.

Longhair smiled a little: “Let me say, if IG has an advantage, the dragons of the brush are basically fire-dragon earth dragons.” ”

“It’s already clear that with IG’s never-working style, the game will end soon.”

Sure enough, after tasting the sweetness of a wave of team battles, everyone at IG knew that RNG could not win against them.

So they began to huddle and push the tower.

RNG was unable to defend and directly retreated to the second tower of the lower road.

The Weihuang’s Verus equipment is not good, and the Qing soldiers are a little slower, but fortunately, Jace and the vampire are well equipped and can help Verus clear the line.

The entire RNG shivered at the second tower.


UZI held seven heads, but could not play any advantage, so he could only sit and wait.

“The second tower of the lower road of the RNG has also fallen, IG has turned to push the second tower of the middle road, the economic gap between the two sides is too big, and the RNG cannot guard the outer tower at all, but can only guard the high ground.”

“In this case, IG will boil frogs in warm water, and directly pull out all the outer towers of RNG, and the economy of the two sides will directly pull the gap of eight thousand.”

“This wave … RNG is completely gone, and I want to say congratulations to IG now. Longhair said very objectively.

Su Xiaoyan smiled at this time: “Don’t say anything wrong.” ”

The two people thought of the previous explanation, because this fatal mistake directly buried their careers, and both laughed in unison.

It seems that Guan Zeyuan’s interpersonal relationship is indeed a rotten mess.

“After RNG pushes all the two towers, can it wait to fight the dragon?”

“But IG didn’t have this idea, Qinggang Ying went directly over the wall into the highlands of RNG, which is too inappropriate, but RNG still held back and didn’t fight, it seems that RNG really wants to win this game.”

Wu Di waited until the next e skill cooled down and turned out of the heights of the RNG.

Now, the entire four wild areas of the Summoner Canyon are Wu Di’s alone.

After IG returned to the city to resupply, the prince of the spicy fragrant pot came out, wanting to go to the wild area to see if there were any wild monsters left by the Qinggang Shadow Brush.

This look is so miserable that eating wild monsters can only pick up the leftovers of others.

This prince of the spicy fragrant pot is completely passive hunger strike, only forty-two mending knives in fifteen minutes, and the level is four levels behind Qinggang Ying.

The fragrant pot was depressed to death, he hit the wild can be regarded as LPL, but he did not expect that both of them were sanctioned by Wu Di.

“It’s better than when you don’t play the position.” Kabube muttered.

UZI frowned and said directly: “It’s not Wu Diqiang, but you’re in a bit of a bad state, you took so many assists on the next road, and the wild area still can’t control it.” ”

And Ming’s hammerstone still wanted to win this one, so he spoke: “I’ll be more serious in the next wave, and I’ll release the skill when Wu Di opens a big move to fall on you.” ”


“Drag it, you can only drag it, I am equipped, the Qing troops are very fast, and it is not easy to push the ground on the opposite side.”

The spicy fragrant pot also spoke: “The big dragon will let go, and now it can’t be beaten at all, so we will guard the high ground.” ”

After RNG played so steadily, IG had to go and get this big dragon.

After IG took the big dragon, it pushed directly from the middle.

RNG’s ability to clear troops is actually not strong, so IG relies on the big dragon buff and directly pushes it to the high ground in the middle.

Not only the highlands in the middle, but even the highlands on the upper and lower roads have been pushed down.

“This one, it should be stable, the three highlands are all broken, it is impossible to turn over.”

“The economic gap between the two sides has reached 12,000 at this time, and RNG has let go of all the resources that should be put away.”

In IG’s voice, Wu Di also muttered: “RNG slave fighting, this is not with us.” ”

Baolan also said: “Yes, we have already won this game, wait for the next big dragon, we will take the buff over, even if we don’t open the group, the opposite Qing soldiers can’t be cleared.” ”

Wu Di nodded, brushing wild monsters all the way, and there were still three thousand yuan on his body, and Wu Di was not in a hurry to go home.

At this time, Wu Di met the fragrant pot in Laiye District again.

There is no way to do it, he is so far behind in level, he always has to come to the wild area to make up for development.

···· Ask for flowers… 0

Xiangguo originally thought that Wu Di’s Qinggang Shadow would leak several groups of wild monsters, but he didn’t expect that Qinggang Ying would not only clean up the wild monsters, but also kill him in the wild area.

Xiangguo cursed: “My Nima wild monsters have beaten you, you still want to come and kill me?” ”

Wu Di’s Qinggang shadow controlled the prince, directly made a big move, and then the second stage Q took away the prince’s fragrant pot.


This one, the number of times the fragrant pot was killed in counterpoint, I am afraid it has broken the record.

In the live broadcast room of LPL, RNG fans sprayed fragrant pots one after another.

“RNG change to play wild, there is a fragrant pot can’t win, this fragrant pot a game, the whole process is sending and sending, sending Qinggangying into a daddy.”

“Wu Di of your IG, there is only bullying and bullying fragrant pot, does he dare to catch UZI when he is on the line, he is not bullying others, relying on the advantage of equipment to cut our bath sauce.”


“Why are these dogs so disgusting… My flute god bullies the fragrant pot? Didn’t I see the rhythm of the flute god in the early stage, grab it in the middle … On the contrary, your UZI, how many times has it been shouting to fight the wild? ”

“UZI has taken so many advantages, it’s not that it didn’t cause counterpoint kills…”

“Don’t compare UZI with my flute god, UZI technology is not great, temper is still thief Nima monster, team boss.”


The RNG three-way highland was broken, and it is still insisting, but this persistence, for the mentality of the players, is more of a torture.

RNG was disgusted by Wu Di in this game.

Qinggang Ying’s ability to catch people in the early stage is also too strong, and it is even more terrifying to get the advantage to squeeze the wild area.

The technique of the fragrant pot is considered to be the top in the LPL, and it was actually killed four or five times in the counterposition.

And in the last hand, the barrel of the fragrant pot has not been killed like this.

After Su Xiaoyan saw that the situation of the game was determined, she chatted directly with Changmao.

“Wu Di, a player, only competed in the summer competition, but I didn’t expect to grow directly into this, and his debut was the pinnacle.”

Long Mao also nodded: “But IG also has weaknesses, and the point of the next road, if IG is not handled well, it may be a hidden danger in the future.” ”

“RNG seems to have found this weakness today, but the other roads have not stabilized, IG’s upper road Jass, the middle vampire, the equipment is up.”

“So RNG’s team battle can’t be won, and the two points on the road and in the middle are also very big reasons.”

… Just…_

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