In the NB training room, the other NB players almost laughed, but seeing the head coach Hiro’s livid face, he could only hold back.

“These 100,000 volts…” Hiro didn’t know what to say.

And on the playing field.

Wu Di just saw Qinggangying playing F6, and he had rushed over as soon as possible.

On the LPL commentary table, Miller spoke directly.

“It seems that Wu Di’s blind monk wants to suppress Qinggang Shadow to the point where he can’t get up, it’s over, blind monk level four, Qinggang Ying will definitely not be able to fight this punishment.”

One hundred thousand volts panicked in his heart, and directly released this F6, he also knew that the level was two levels lower, and the punishment would definitely not be able to fight.

“It’s miserable…” Miller spoke directly.

Rita smiled happily: “This Qinggang shadow seems to be the kind of passerby who trains heroes.” ”

This sentence is really very harsh for professional players.

In the backstage of the organizer, the management of the event said: “This Rita, is it a little too much?” ”

The other managers shook their heads: “There is no problem, this Qinggang Shadow is really a good game, if I encounter this kind of ranking in the ranking, I will directly withdraw from the game point and report…”


One hundred thousand volts a little regretted sniping Wu Di during the live broadcast, today’s game is played, it is estimated that the black fans of the NB will all spray him.

Four minutes, 100,000 volts of blue steel shadow, only hit a red buff.

Qinggangying had no choice but to let the next road come over to help him eat this stone man.


LPL’s official live broadcast room.

“One hundred thousand volts laughed me to death, I haven’t been weaned for four minutes, and I still need two dads to help me on the road.”

“Maybe this is the team bully, 100,000 volts enjoy the treatment of a king.”

“NB this h h-hit wild vegetables into this b-like, and still play, there are domestic wild vegetables in the NB team, why not use it?”


“Although NB’s next road came to help 100,000 volts eat stone people, Wu Di doesn’t seem to want 100,000 volts to upgrade to level three~.”

“Is Wu Di going to rob this stone man in the hands of three people? It’s too much, he has no punishment now, he can’t grab this stone man. ”

NB’s assistant inserted an eye behind the wall of the stone man and could see Wu Di’s blind monk behind the wall.

One hundred thousand volts was stunned, he did not dare to fight.

Because 100,000 volts did not know if Wu Di had punishment, if Wu Di had punishment, then the blind monk Q came to eat the stone man, and he could still look over the wall.

Commentary seats.

Miller laughed again: “This… It’s the weirdest game I’ve seen in so many years. ”

“A hundred thousand volts is like a baby,” Rita continued.

In IG’s lounge, Wang shouted that he could play all day. ”

Kim Myung-so felt that there was this, so he spoke: “Principal, you can really go on.” ”

“Another day.” Wang Tearing Onion said and continued to look at the comparison

And King Ning in the lounge, he is playing the wild position, naturally knows very well how 100,000 volts feels now.

“100,000 volts, I don’t know what to do now, I can’t brush the wild, I can’t catch people, I estimate that if it weren’t for the competition, 100,000 volts might have hung up directly.”

The child also spoke: “Let’s guess when this Qinggang Shadow will reach the third level… I guess six minutes. ”


IG’s lower road troop line has already advanced to the lower road tower.

NB’s descent lost almost a wave of experience and economy.

In IG’s voice, Wei Huang directly praised: “I’m playing too comfortably, it feels like playing a single machine…”

Baolan said directly: “It’s not interesting. ”

Wu Di’s blind monk hit the stone man with the Q skill, but the stone man did not reach the amount of blood slashed.

And 100,000 volts waited until the blind monk’s Q skill disappeared before hitting the stone man again.

One hundred thousand volts eventually pulled the stone man into the grass behind him, and then punished the stone man.

This wave did not reverse the stone people though.

But IG’s blood has been earned, and the 100,000-volt Qinggang shadow has still not reached the third level.

Although the stone man has a lot of experience, the current Qinggang Shadow still needs to eat two small wild monsters to be able to reach the third level.

And in this wild area of NB, there is currently a group of three wolves.

So Wu Di’s blind man didn’t say a word, and walked directly towards the three wolves of NB.

“It’s a complete no-live… Wu Di’s fight is the strongest I have seen. Miller felt his heart beat.

“It’s terrible, the 100,000-volt Qinggang shadow doesn’t even seem to have the right to upgrade.”

Before Qinggang Shadow came, Wu Di had already reversed the three wolves of NB.

One hundred thousand volts came to the place of the three wolves, and immediately felt the despair of life.

After Wu Di reversed the three wolves, he found that the toad here was also refreshed, and the last toad was eaten by Wu Di, so it was clear when the toad was refreshed.

“Don’t give a way to live…”

This is everyone’s feeling, Wu Di, this one, directly controls the four wild areas.

IG’s team voice was already in a commotion.

“Brother Wu Di, slow down, if you fight like this, the other side will hang up.” The, SHY also have great advantages on the road.

It stands to reason that weapons are better to fight Jian Ji, but now, Jian Ji directly pressed the weapon under the tower to fight, and the mending knife pressed more than ten knives, and just now there was almost a wave of single kills.

The broiler also opened his mouth and said: “The second level Qinggang shadow on the opposite side, I don’t know when it will reach the third level, but it is useless to reach the third level.” ”

“One hundred thousand volts is me… The best dish I’ve ever seen,” Baolan shook his head directly.

Wei Huang was happy, because this one did not hit the field to target him. “Brother Wu Di, come on, hit the opposite side in the wild, and then we will win without bloodshed.”

“Hang up…” Wu Di was a little speechless, this is not a game, the opposite side of 100,000 volts can no longer play, will (Nuo Wang Zhao) continue to play.

In fact, in the game, the middle field is the best linkage point, if the wild area is inferior, if the middle road gives a little support, it will not be too miserable.

Moreover, the middle road supports the wild areas on both sides, which is very convenient.

But this one, the middle of the NB, not only did not help 100,000 volts, but even the wild area did not insert an eye.

Wu Di naturally saw this clearly, so he dared to fight like this.

With 100,000 volts of hands off the keyboard, the game seemed to mean little to him.

Second-level Qinggang Shadow, what are you doing now…

There is not a wild monster in the wild area, and it is even more impossible to catch people, so Qinggangying directly wandered around F6, and when F6 was refreshed, he could directly knock out F6 Nian .

“One hundred thousand volts laughed me to death, shopping in the wild.”

“No, no, no! One hundred thousand volts is hanging up, he walks around just so as not to be kicked out by the system. ”


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