NB’s Coco wants to drift directly over to pick up buffs, even if he dies, it is not a loss to pick up the buff of the canyon pioneer.

Coco’s tsar has died four times and is not worth much.

At this time, Wu Di wanted to guard this buff.

But when Coco’s tsar drifted directly from the blind spot, Wu Di directly took a qw hand, and then qeq dropped the crispy tsar.


“What kind of harm is this… Directly in the air dropped the tsar in seconds. ”

“When you guys fight, look at the equipment of the Flute God, the Time Scepter has three layers, the killing ring is already ten layers, and there is a spell stick…”

One hundred thousand volts died of depression, if this canyon pioneer’s buff is not picked up, then it robbed the canyon pioneer, it is useless, and it lost more than three hundred yuan.

“Captain, go take a look at the buff.”

So the captain came to the river, and when the captain just appeared outside the dragon pit, Wu Di directly started and knocked out half of the captain’s blood.

“This injury is terrifying…” The captain directly gave up the idea of picking up the canyon pioneer.

However, after Wu Di played the wind riding effect, he could stick to the captain all the time.

Wu Di’s Ryze waits until the next E skill cools down and hits an EQ damage again.

“Hey, no wonder Wu Di’s Ruiz rides out of the wind, it turns out that Wu Di’s Ruiz is not lacking in damage at all…”

Miller finally saw the reason why Ritz was riding with the wind.

The captain of NB wants to hide from Reiz’s Q skill, but Wu Di’s skill release is too accurate, and even Wu Di is not prepared to use W’s confinement.

Because the captain has W to be able to uncontrol, the confinement of Wu Di’s Ruiz Sex W skill is also a white hand.

In the end, the captain did not hand over the w, and Wu Di did not give the w, but the captain died in the end.

NB’s upper single, rubbed his eyes, this is too desperate, the opposite Ruiz does not release w skills, can beat him to death.

Seafood TV

Xiangguo laughed: “This 100,000 volts is too funny, for a canyon pioneer, gave away three heads of NB… Now it is estimated that the teammates hate this 100,000 volts. ”

After the canyon pioneer’s buff disappeared, Wu Di came directly to the middle road.

The tsar in the middle has just been resurrected, but the tower that the tsar used passively released has been set aside by Wu Di.

Wu Di had already directly pushed the second tower at this time.

At this time, IG’s teammates also followed.

On the commentary table of LPL, Miller directly said: “Wu Di is so unreasonable, this 100,000 volts robbed Wu Di’s canyon pioneer, and Wu Di directly brought IG to push it.” ”

“But IG first pushed off the three outer towers, and now it’s not impossible to push it, that is, Xivel is a little short-handed, and it’s not good to push the second tower in the middle.”

“Hey, The, shy, Sain opened a big move over the tower, ah! Wu Di’s Ruiz, how can he also make a big move under the opposite tower…”

“Oh my God! Wu Di’s Ruiz, with a big move, sent Theon, who had made a big move, to the opposite two towers to start a group. ”

“The, shy, Theon directly controlled people, providing a perfect output environment for Ruiz, and Rezi eeq’s Aoe damage and crippled five people on the opposite side.”

“That’s not right! Lying groove, a magic strike, directly took away the tsar? Am I right? The tsar was replenished as a minions? ”

“That wave, NB is completely finished.”

“Thirteen minutes, the group under the tower is destroyed.”

Miller said it in one breath, a little out of breath, feeling that he needed an oxygen cylinder.

“Ruiz once again used a big move to play an extremely bright operation for us!”

“This big move of Reitz sent Kaida Theon under the opposite tower, it was like a nuclear bomb falling from the sky.”

“Luo on the other side, because of the lessons of the first wave, did not open the R skill in advance, he thought that Wu Di’s R was another trick to deceive him.”

“There are clouds in the art of war, reality is virtual, and fiction is real…”

LPL’s live room.

Many passers-by who watched were surprised.

“And this operation? This big move of Ruiz is also too fun. ”

“Ritz’s big move can be combined with many heroes, but they are all played in rank, and if they are directly played in the game like this, it is estimated that only the flute god can do it.”

“All the NB members are confused, the commentary has said that this is a nuclear bomb, then this wave of NB will not be blown up and surrender…”

And on the field on IG’s side.

Wu Di had already begun to celebrate: “Yo yo, get off work!” ”

The, shy’s hands left the keyboard and said directly: “The cooperation with Wu Dige is comfortable, this should be the top show of LPL.” ”

“Of course…” said Baolan as well.

Wei Huang also laughed happily: “The opposite NB wave directly exploded.” ”


The audience at the scene seemed to find it uninteresting.

“IG: What’s going on, I paid to watch the game and ended up playing only forty minutes for a BO3? I saw this game bloody. ”

“NB This is also too dish, you said that the first game was bulldozed by ten minutes to bulldoze the base, probably because of carelessness, these two games are so short-lived, let’s relegate NB to the First Division.”

In the training match of RNG, Brother Feng’s mood was much better.

“It seems that there will be fewer people who spray us, such IG, no one can win.”

“This NB has more dishes than our team, we are still playing the advantage on the next road, this NB is simply a three-way explosion.”

At this time, Brother Feng suddenly remembered something: “Why hasn’t UZI come to training yet?” ”

Xiaohu spoke: “Accompany his girlfriend, don’t you know?” ”

Brother Feng sighed: “Alas, learn more about Wu Di, I heard that Wu Di is training all day at home.” ”

Xiaohu laughed directly: “What… I heard that our LPL commentary, Yu Shuang and Rita both live in Wu Di’s house, of course, I just listened to what others said, not quite sure. ”

Brother Feng: “… It’s a monster. ”


With the destruction of the NB under the IG tower, IG directly pushed off the highland tower in the middle, and the NB on the opposite side only guarded the front tooth tower.

Wu (Hao Nuo Zhao) Di went home and got out of the equipment and prepared to end the game in a wave.

Sixteen-minute three-piece, time staff, blazing angel and hat, and ten layers of killing rings.


Three minutes out of the goddess tears, sixteen minutes of blazing angels came out.

Wu Di wasted almost no time.

The theoretical speed of Goddess Tear Stacking Formation was nearly twelve minutes, while Wu Di only took thirteen minutes…

On the commentary table.

Miller said bluntly: “NB players, I’m afraid I think this is a horror game… You remember the doomsday mode of the league, I’m afraid that NB’s current feelings are the same as playing doomsday man-machine. ”

Rita covered her laugh: “Wu Di’s Ruizi is really a big devil.” ”

NB’s Zhongdan Coco, his face is blue, he can’t imagine that Wu Diruiz’s molding speed is even more terrifying than Feike.

“This man…” Coco felt powerless, regretting that he had listened to a hundred thousand volts and went to snipe Wu Di.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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