On the commentary table of LOL, Mirage said: “Wu Di’s wave, there is no chance, the ice woman on the opposite side is already so conservative, and Wu Di is not given a chance.” ”

“Don’t say that there is no chance, Wu Di, a player, generally does not do too unnecessary movements.” Remember to say a word.

And in IG’s voice.

Wu Di directly told the broiler: “After you are promoted to the second level in seconds, you will directly flash and retain people, and our damage is completely enough.” ”

Kazik’s damage and Ike’s damage are completely enough to kill the first-level ice woman, but you have to jam the time, otherwise after the ice girl reaches the second level, she increases her health and can’t kill.

The broiler obeyed the command, and when it just reached the second level, it directly flashed e up to put Q energy, hit the passive three-ring hanging and ignited, and also slowed down to the ice girl of the great god.

And Wu Di’s Kazik walked out directly next to F6, and when Wu Di’s Kazik E came to the ice woman, the ice woman directly flashed to avoid damage.

However, Wu Di’s Kazik flashed an AQ. After slowing down, he added a flat A, and directly took away the ice girl of the great god.

Due to Kazik’s e skills and flashes, there is a long distance, and at this time, Wu Di’s position is already between the first tower and the second tower on the opposite road.

So Wu Di chose to evacuate from the upper half of the LG-D.

“This damage calculation is also too accurate, right, the first-level ice girl full of blood was directly killed like this?” Remember apparently – a little unbelievable.

Hallucino explained: “This should be the only wave of opportunity for IG Nakano, otherwise when the ice girl reaches the third level, she will not be able to catch it after that.” ”

After catching the ice woman.

Wu Di said directly in his voice: “The broiler came to pick me up, and the blind man on the opposite side must be in the upper half of the wild area.” ”

Wu Di’s consciousness was terrifyingly strong.

The blind man of the wild king is in the location of the blue buff.

After the wild king saw Wu Di’s kaziketa kill the ice girl, Silk Blood fled to the Shangluye area.

So the wild king directly stopped playing blue buff and came to block Wu Di.

The blind man of the wild king saw Kazik in the wild area, and the wild king originally wanted to touch his eyes and directly attack and kill Wu Di, but he had no eyes on his body.

So the blind man of the wild king can only be Wu Di first.

Move, move!

Wu Di made a small move, directly dodged this Q. and left safely.

And at this time, Ike of the broiler has come to support.

“Aaaaah! This is the closest I have come to killing Wu Di! The wild king complained directly, he was worried that Wu Di was going to come against his wild monster just now, so he put his eyes into the river.

And at this time, Wu Di did not retreat with the broiler.

Because now that the ice woman is dead, it will take at least thirty seconds to get here.

So now in the wild area, there is only one blind man.

In the LPL’s official live broadcast room.

“O bandits! These two brothers even have to oppose the blind blue! The wild king is also too miserable, the head is not obtained, and the blue is gone. ”

There is an even bigger reason for Wu Di to be anti-blue.

That is, Wu Di has punishment, and Ye has.

The blind man of the wild king dares to be angry and dare not speak, although the Kazik on the opposite side is bloodless, but Ike is full of blood.

And Ike also helps Wu Di’s card. Anti-blue buff damage.

As Wu Di’s punishment fell, Wu Di Kazik’s blood volume came up.

And at this time, the river crab in the river channel was also refreshed, and Wu Di could directly control this toad.

However, what is even more excessive is that after Wu Di fights buff, he also has to oppose the toad of the wild king.

“It’s too much!” On the explanation table, Mirage shook his head: “This Wu Di, it is clear that he does not want to let the blind upgrade.” ”

After the blind man of the wild king was reversed by the blue, he was a little unconvinced and directly let the great god in the middle of the road come over.


The Great God is only one level now.

So I could only watch Wu Di eat this toad.

Starting from catching the dead ice girl in the middle, the things behind this are completely chain reactions, and there is no way to deal with it.

“Wu Di’s rhythm is also too good.” Remember to sigh.

LGD not only can’t win, but may also lose badly.

“Aren’t we a little too bandit?” The broiler asked quietly.

“Anti-wild things, with their own skills, can they be called bandits?” Wu Di said.

The wild king was depressed, and in three minutes he was turned against three groups of wild monsters in front of him.

It’s no different from being killed by a counterpoint.

After Wu Di finished beating the toad, he went directly to control the river crab.

The, shy’s upper road Jess, did not press the line, because the blind man is IG’s red open, so it is very likely to be caught when the second level,

If Wu Di is this blind man, then the second level will definitely be able to catch Jess on the road.

·0 Ask for flowers…

Because the outbreak of the blind man and Kree is very high, even as long as the army line enters the tower, he can cross the tower to kill Jace.

But the blind man of the wild king, whether it is operation or confidence, is not of the same level as Wu Di, this is the gap.

After Wu Di killed the river crab, he walked directly towards the upper road.

And at this time, Kerry, who was on the road, directly turned back and retreated.

“Eyes?” Wu Di felt that there might be an eye in the river, “No wonder the blind man didn’t touch his eyes just now, but directly q. It turned out to be no eyes.” ”

The broiler asked at this time: “If the blind man had eyes just now, then Brother Wu Di would you die?” ”

Wu Di smiled directly and said: “Of course not, isn’t there a grass next to me, I go directly into the grass, give the blind man a Q skill to look back and slow down the blind, the blind man has no E skill, after being slowed down, he can’t get me.” ”


Broiler: “…”

Wu Di’s early anti-wilderness is simply too comfortable.

The enemy’s wild area is one and a half, and his own wild area is all collected.

Wu Di Meizhi finished eating the wild monsters in his upper half of the wild area, and then saw if there was any chance on the road.

After finding that there was no chance, Wu Di went straight back to the city.

One head, coupled with the economic advantages of three groups of wild monsters, directly allowed Wu Di to go home with a red punishment and a long sword.

When he came out, Wu Di came directly to the lower river channel and happened to see the blind man of the wild king playing river crabs.

The wild king shouted directly to the screen: “How to fight a river crab can meet a praying mantis!” ”

Wu Di came up directly with e-skills, and he was blind at w-speed.

The blind man of the wild king already had eyes at this time, and directly touched his eyes and left.

Then this river crab was accepted by Wu Di Meizi.

“Working boy!” Wu Di said in his voice.

After driving away the opposite field, Wu Di directly brushed his lower half of the field.

When I met the blind man just now, the blind man already had twenty wild monsters, which proved that the blind man had brushed all the wild monsters in his own lower half of the wild area.

So Wu Di did not continue to go past and rebel.

After Wu Di finished brushing the second half of the wild area, he went directly to the upper road.

According to Wu Di’s guess, the blind man on the opposite side, eighty percent is going to catch the road, because The, Shy arrived at Jace, and saw that the blind man just appeared in the lower road, so he was frantically suppressing the sword fairy.

… It…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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