Even if the bull head finally made a big move, it was already out of the ruined big mouth, and the output ability was already very strong, and finally killed the bull head of Baolan .

LGD kills IG’s down-road duo.

And Wu Di and Ike also pushed off IG’s middle road two towers, and the canyon pioneer also hit the high ground.

“It’s acceptable to both sides.”

And at this time, the time has come to thirteen minutes, which also means that the next little dragon will brush ~ new.

Wu Di’s level has also come to the eleventh level, and Wu Di chose to purify the e-skill.

Because according to Wu Di’s guess, LGD probably won’t want IG to easily get this fire dragon.

LGD really doesn’t want to give up on the dragon.

It’s not that I don’t want to give up, but this fire dragon can’t be released.

IG’s lineup has this multiple output points, if you take another fire dragon, the team battle will not have to be fought at all.

If this fire dragon is taken by LGD, then with the lineup, LGD can still play in a group.

Team fighting between the two sides is on the verge of breaking out.

Kree preemptively got down the road before TP, and The, Shy, Jace followed TP.

In LGD’s team voice, there has been a word roaring.

“Open the praying mantis, this wave can only open the praying mantis!”

Wei Shen seemed very serious, because his wave of big moves was very, very critical.

It can be said that as long as the ice woman gives the big move to Kazik, the wave of team battles should be won, after all, all the economic advantages of IG are in Wu Di.

This is the biggest drawback of IG, the adoptive daddy team.

However, when the LGD crowd had not yet found Kazik, Wu Di’s Kazik had already used stealth, and then directly a waq ring, and dropped his mouth in seconds.

And at this time, the bull head of the royal blue directly flashed the WQ two-shot flying blind.

This wave of team battles has already begun.

And as soon as LGD’s big mouth died, the team battle could only be a rout.

Lucian, the micro-emperor, and Ike of the broiler went crazy, and on the other side, Kerry saw that the frontal team battle could not be won, and actually fought with The, Shy.

In the frontal team battle of LGD, the blind man, Bloom and the ice woman were all beaten into blood.

Wu Di’s Kazik walked in front of the blind man, went directly to Blom’s position, and killed the blind man with Q energy at the moment Kazik took off.

When Wu Die was in the air, Q Energy damage was hit.

This means that Wu Di will refresh an e skill again immediately after the e-skill is landed.

After Kazik landed, a w. was released towards Aya Hirano’s Bloon, and at the same time again he was next to the ice girl.

After being killed by Kazik’s W Energy, Blom once again refreshes Kazik’s E skill.

Even if the great god’s ice girl has an e skill to escape, she is also caught up by Wu Di’s Kazik with an e skill, and then two times flat A, a q can take away the ice woman’s head.

LPL’s official live broadcast room.

“Dragonfly point water! Can you play this in a professional game?

“If the flute god is not an old praying mantis, eat!”

“The old godfather is completely going to close himself, or the second half of the wild area, the previous wave is one show four, this wave takes four kills.”

“Don’t blame the old godfather, IG’s fight wilderness, no one can win…”


On the commentary table.

I remember being very surprised by this scene, the operation of the praying mantis dragonfly to point water, they knew.

After using the E skill, the mantis can refresh the E skill by killing the opposite hero, and then directly use another E skill after landing.

There are many ways to achieve this.

And Wu Di’s method of this wave is to kill the blind man with the damage of the Q skill to refresh the first E, and the release order is EQ.

“Although I have seen this operation in many highlights, it is the first time I have seen it in the professional competition, and I can’t imagine that Wu Di took out the praying mantis for the first time in the professional competition, and played such a wonderful operation for us.”

LGD’s voice was completely silent.

And in the LGD lounge.

The coach and a few substitutes also stopped talking.

For this one, LGD has no chance to turn over, because Wu Di’s praying mantis can not only play, but also play magically.

“Oh…” Cheng Xu called the boss directly: “Boss, look, it’s not that we beat the dish, it’s this person opposite, there is really something…”

“Okay, I see.” There was an affirmative voice over there.

And in the post bar of the Union.

Wu Di’s operation has been made into a collection and released.

Many people who did not watch the game only found out that the background of the highlight turned out to be LGD.

·0 Ask for flowers…

“Who is this? You can also play this operation in the game…”

“Didn’t you watch the game? LPL has appeared a top playing field, Olaf, Mantis is simply a showman. ”

“I didn’t watch the game much because it didn’t work, and the LPL couldn’t win the S game.”

“This year is really the most promising year, IG has a thigh, others are not weak, maybe in the future can beat LCK.”

“Come on, every year is the most promising year, so I don’t watch the game…”


Rita stayed in Wu Di’s study, watching today’s game.

Zhou Qing stood at the door with great interest, and said softly: “I saw such a loud cheer in the audience, is it because the wave of operation just now is very bright?” ”


Rita turned around and said excitedly: “It’s not just eye-catching, this operation is played in the professional game!” It is estimated that only Wu Di can do it. ”

Zhou Qing himself does not like to play games, but because Wu Di loves the alliance so much, he still has a good impression of the alliance in his heart.

After all, Wu Di relied on the income from professional competitions to give her such a stable family.

In the audience, Zhou Shuyi held up the sign of the flute god and entered the camera.

“Hey, this little nizi didn’t tell me, and went to watch the game again!” Rita muttered.

Zhou Qing said in the back: “Is this also your commentary circle?” It’s pretty good-looking. ”

Rita spoke: “This little nizi is bad, and she has a ghost idea in her heart to chase our family Wu Di.” ”

Zhou Qing smiled with relief, “Then it depends on her ability.” ”

Although Zhou Qing does not know the circle of the alliance, he also knows that people like Wu Di, whose strength exceeds other players, and who are also good-looking, will definitely have all kinds of girls who like it.

For example, in the audience, so many girls seem to be Wu Di’s fans.

“Like a star.” Zhou Qing said with a smile, Wu Di became what Zhou Qing wanted to be the most.

Rita turned off the computer directly, and then said to Zhou Qing: “Sister Zhou Qing, let’s go shopping, this game is over.” ”

In fact, the game is still a while, but Rita is so confident in Wu Di that she feels that there are no minutes left in this game.


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