After controlling this little dragon, Wu Di had just returned home when he saw a wave of kills on the road.

Jujue’s Lexe, combined with Nar at sunset, killed Duke’s Rambo.

Duke’s Rambo didn’t flash, and it took dozens of seconds for the flash to cool down.

After he died, Duke said directly: “I seem to be pressing too deeply…”

Wu Di smiled with relief: “It’s okay, it doesn’t affect…”

Juejue’s Lexey still has something, Wu Di controls a small dragon, and this person immediately comes on the road to catch Rambo.

However, Duke’s own big heart is the key, and the level and development of Nar on the opposite side have been crushed to death by Wu Di’s first two waves of arrests, but he did not expect to cooperate with Lexey or kill Rambo.

At this time, there were still cheers in the crowd, after all, this was the first head of OMG.

“Juejue finally found a rhythm and settled his mind.” Su Xiaoyan spoke directly.

Rita also continued: “Sister Xiaoyan is right, but she only stabilized her mentality, and she couldn’t stabilize the situation, and in the first few minutes, OMG was an avalanche. ”

At this time, many OMG fans in the live broadcast room sent barrages.

“What the hell is this Rita, why has she been blowing IG, she doesn’t have the mentality of being fair and just as a commentator.”

“If you don’t blow IG, do you blow OMG? Now in six minutes on the field 397 economic gap has been pulled to two thousand, what do you say OMG is not an avalanche? ”

In fact, the wind dragon is still better for spiders.

Spider wilderness tends to catch people, and in some competitions, some wilderness even naked five-speed shoes.

Because the confinement time of spider cocoons in the early stage can be described as very long, the success rate of gank is very high.

After Wu Di’s spider came out of the spring, he brushed his F6 and then prepared to catch another wave of midways.

Victor in the middle just handed it over.

When Wu Di’s spider had just reached the middle road.

Rita, who was on the commentary table, said directly: “This Viktor is dead, and I can think of three ways to kill him.” ”

LPL’s live broadcast room.

“Does this Rita like Wu Di too much, blowing Wu Di so much?”

“Rita’s game understanding, don’t believe it, the cold Victor is under the tower, it is impossible to die.”

In IG’s voice.

After Wu Di finished playing F6, he said directly to the broiler: “Broiler, open it.” ”

The Cindra of broiler has a flash, a flash of QE two in a row, and basically there must be no flash of Victor.

After the broiler’s Xingdra flashed the QE second company, Wu Di’s spider came out directly from the river channel and followed the control with the cocoon of the E skill.

The damage of these two heroes of Spider and Sindra, Victor simply could not bear it.

Cindra of the broiler did not even make a big move, and Viktor under the tower was directly violently killed.

Wu Di used the spider-shaped Q Keto under the tower, and then the E soldier left directly.

This wave of clouds and water, there is no burden.

Juejue’s Lexey joined the army at this time, and then helped Leng Shao clean up this wave of troops.

OMG fans on the scene.

Many people are already shouting the end.

Nakano on the opposite side didn’t need any operation at all, so he killed Viktor directly under the tower.

This is the most terrifying and proves that IG’s Nakano is simply unstable.

In the professional arena, although there are often players who make brilliant operations, but more often, the operations of professional players are terrifyingly stable.

Because of too many bells and whistles, the operation is very difficult, and it is easy to make mistakes.

If you make a mistake, you can lose all your advantages.

In OMG’s in-team voice.

Leng Shao wanted to cry without tears, Nar was targeted for two waves a few minutes ago, how come it is his turn now.

At this time, the sunset directly spoke: “See, Leng Shao, what is the way to do this, IG this wild, there is too much something, the only way we can win IG is to buy Wu Di on the other side.” ”

Juejue spoke, “If I really bought it, wouldn’t I have to keep the water dispenser all the time.” ”

Sima Lao Thief said expressionlessly: “You die a few more times in this game (bafi), I estimate that you are not far from guarding the water dispenser.” ”

OMG fans at the scene, a little too sad.

After all, OMG is also the fourth in the spring competition, and during the spring game, he still pressed IG to the ground and rubbed.

But now, with feng shui taking turns and IG becoming the undisputed overlord of the summer race, OMG has no room to resist.

“IG’s lineup of players, just different from the spring game, has increased its strength so much…”

Juejue’s Lexi is trying to find the rhythm, and he controls a lot of vision in the wild area, in order not to be targeted by Wu Di’s spiders.

Now this equipment of Wu Di spider, as long as it is cocooned, it will basically die.

Fortunately, Lexey listens and can detect enemies moving beyond his field of vision, so as long as he is careful and stays underground, it is basically impossible for spiders to catch him.

But even so, Juejue’s Lexi lost a lot of wild resources.

Wu Di grabbed the middle road directly and went directly to catch the road.

OMG was at a disadvantage, the field of view control was still very good, and when Wu Di reached the upper half of OMG field, he was seen by the vision of the blue buff intersection.

Wu Di’s spider has long changed the scan, and at this time it is already known that there are eyes here.

In IG’s voice.

Wu Di told Duke directly: “Duke, go up, keep Nar.” ”

Nar now walked under the second tower of the upper road.

Wu Di is in the position of the blue buff, so he will definitely be able to stop Nar before Thar reaches the second tower.

The sunset was desperate, and he felt that his side was not fighting wild at all.

“Juejue, I’m going to be arrested again!”

Juejue said directly: “You sacrifice it, my wave is going to catch the next road, there is no double move on the opposite side, there is no state, and there is no vision!” ”

After hearing this, the sunset became even more desperate, and only began to operate wildly.

Nar has e skills, and the ability to escape is still there, but it is very delicate to operate.

Nar of the setting sun stood outside the toad’s wall, waiting until Wu Di’s spider and Duke’s Rambo front and back bags.

The setting sun jumped the toad directly over the wall, and then the two sections of E had already opened a very long distance.

In the LPL’s live broadcast room.

“This wave of sunset is a show, show off the spiders of the flute god, etc.! How did I find that Xiudi God didn’t end well…”

Wu Di’s spider has always been in spider form, because if Nar operates well, he can use double e to pull away a very long distance.

So at this time, Wu Di’s spider needs to use the spider form to ascend to heaven first, and then use the cocoon of the E skill.

Wu Di’s spider E directly to the toad that Nar jumped over just now, and then instantly transformed into an adult form, and then an E skill cocooned over.

E skill cocoon to Nar!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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