Zhou Shuyi sat in the audience and walked through the forum and liked the video of Wu Di Sanxiu setting sun.

Rita and Su Xiaoyan were still in the commentary table, discussing the game just now.

The intermission was short.

Kim Myung-so was in the lounge and frowned and said something about broiler.

“How did the last wave of team battles work, your double C was almost dropped by the opposite side.”

The broiler chicken spoke: “I also dropped the opposite Luo in seconds.” ”

“What’s the use of dropping Luo in seconds, if Wu Di didn’t kill Sima Lao Thief in the last wave, you would have to lose that wave of team battles with an economic advantage of seven thousand.”

“And Duke, your last wave of team battles, didn’t do any damage…”

Wu Di sat on the chair and said: “Don’t say anything about the coach, OMG is not a weak team, and the last wave of the opposite sunset played okay.” ”

“Looking at Wu Di’s face, I won’t talk about you today, reflect well, our IG is a streak of victories, there are many fans, if you lose, I am afraid that some unaccustomed lemon viewers will find a chance.”

Now there are quite a lot of lemon players with acid IG scores.

At this time, King Ning spoke: “This is not Wu Dige, we IG will not lose, you see the sunset has been shown by Wu Dige like that.” ”

King Ning held up his mobile phone.

The small video of the sunset being shown has more than 100,000 likes.

When King Ning was 397, he said to Kim Myung-so: “I won all the games, let me play the next one.” ”

Kim Myung-so thought about it, and it was not okay to keep King Ning hanging in the water dispenser, so he asked Wu Di’s opinion.

Wu Di nodded and said, “Okay, then do I play in the middle or on the road?” ”

“The, Shi Duke’s state is a little bad, you go on the road.”

Wu Di squinted his eyes and returned to the road, and the opposite sunset was shown by him like that, can this one resist?

LPL’s commentary table.

Rita spoke: “The second game has begun, the players of both sides have entered the arena, IG’s lineup has changed slightly, Ning Wang has played, and Wu Di, this one, is back on the road?” ”

Wu Di debuted from the road, so the commentary and the audience at the scene were not surprised.

LPL’s official live broadcast room.

“The director gave the camera to the sunset! We’re going to watch the sunset! ”

“The sunset was stunned, the last one was madly caught by Wu Di Daye, and this one actually came directly to the road to hammer him.”

“Are the medical staff ready to be in place, we fans are really worried about the sunset.”

“The god of the flute, this is excessive, haven’t you hit enough of the sunset last time, this (bafi) is still going to play on the road…”

On the field of OMG Arena.

Sunset stood up and glanced at IG’s arena, making sure that Wu Di was single.

“How many meanings? I’m miserable! I was miserable. “The setting sun was almost crying.

Juejue comforted the sunset: “Brother, don’t worry too much, I’ll help you catch it.” ”

“You can pull down, you Shu wants to let Tano help.”

Coach Mingzhe of OMG was relieved.

If Wu Di plays on the road, as long as the sunset can resist the pressure and wait for the middle and lower side of OMG to have a chance, there is still a chance to win.

The director gave the camera to the BP picture.

This IG is the blue square, while the OMG is the red square.

IG took the lead and banned Lexey with a handful.

Although the last Juejue’s Lexi was completely suppressed by Wu Di, he still found several waves of opportunities in the medium term.

This Wu Di is playing on the road, so in the field position, it is necessary to limit the opposite side.

On the OMG side, there must be a few relatively strong heroes on the road.

Qinggang Ying is definitely going to ban, and Wu Di’s Qinggang Ying is taken out to play the game.

IG next banned Marzaha.

On the field of OMG Arena.

Sunset spoke: “Kenji ban, wait a minute, ban Olaf.” ”

Mingzhe understands that in this way, he must provide the best bp for the sunset, and then he also fights the wild Juejue to help the sunset on the road from time to time.

IG’s last hand, Ban Gario.

In many of IG’s games, Gario is the hero, and Gario is indeed a bit awesome in this version.

The damage is extremely high, the support is fast, and the candidness is terrifyingly high.

OMG’s third-hand ban is naturally Olaf.

On the field of IG, Wu Di asked to take the order first-hand.

There are several 10,000-year-old heroes on the list, Jace, Rambo, Kennan…

These heroes seem to be unpopular heroes, but in the hands of those who can play, they can be taken out at any time.

So on IG’s side, he locked Jess firsthand.

On the field of OMG, Mingzhe was a little unsure whether Jess on the opposite side was walking in the middle or walking, so he decided that he wanted to choose the next way first without taking the upper middle first.

“Big mouth and Bloom are locked.” Mingzhe directly spoke, “This is a system of resisting pressure on the road and playing four guarantees and one.” ”

The second and third hand selection on IG’s side is also the next way, the combination of cold ice and toad.

OMG took down the Prince of Tano in the third hand.

LPL’s commentary table.

Rita spoke, “Next it’s time for the last two bans, IG banned Rock Sparrow and Kenan, and OMG banned Demon Ji and Snake Woman. ”

When IG banned Kennan, OG’s coach Mingzhe finally knew that IG’s Jace was going on the road.

IG’s last two hands chose people, taking the pig girl for King Ning and clockwork for the broiler.

On the field of OMG.

Sunset did not speak, Mingzhe had already taken him Theon.

In the upper unit, the hero Jace basically has no natural enemies, so whatever hero the sunset takes, it is not easy to fight, only to resist pressure.

OMG took the vampire for Leng Shao in the middle with his last hand.

BP is over, and the Herald switches the screen to the auditorium.

“OMG lineup is a standard late-stage lineup, if Big Mouth and Vampire can take shape, then OMG late-stage team battles should be very good to fight.”

“In fact, this hand, it depends on the road, if the sunset on the road is stable, OMG is an advantage.”

“Juejue should target Wu Di, after all, Jess took it out, and it was easy to be targeted by the wild.”

“Wu Di’s anti-gank awareness, I still believe very much, Juejue should not have any chance to catch Wu Di.”


On the big screen of the game.

The contestants from both sides have come out of the spring.

Wu Di and the other four walked separately, and by this time they were already in the river on the road.

At the level of both sides, they were relatively stable, and they didn’t even see each other, let alone break out in team battles.

IG’s down-and-road duo helped King Ning finish the red buff.

The director put the camera on the road.

When Jace was at the first level, he could be described as the strongest, so Wu Di stood directly in front of the line of troops and wanted to suppress Jace in the sunset.


To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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