“This wave of OMG has a bit of an idea, and all five people are running on the road.”

Su Xiaoyan then spoke: “I don’t know if the Di God noticed this wave, after all, four minutes and five people are packed, it is indeed a bit incredible.” ”

OMG’s down-road duo have come to the Shanglu River.

At this time, Juejue’s prince is directly on the road, and then helps Theon push the line.

OMG this wave is actually quite wise, even if the prince appears on the road, Wu Di will only think that the prince is to help Sain push the line.

By the time the line advanced under the tower, all five of OMG appeared.

On the field of IG.

King Ning was the first to shout: “Lie in the groove!” Is it playing like this on the other side, Wu Dige steady, I’ll come over right away. ”

Wei Huang, who got off the road, said very apologetically: “I didn’t report miss, I thought that the duo on the opposite side of the road returned to the city, who would have thought that they would come to the road to catch Wu Dige at this “three nine seven” time!” ”

Baolan didn’t speak, just looked at the road.

Wu Di was very calm, and said directly: “Leave me alone, the middle and lower levels directly push the troop line, if I don’t die in this wave, this wave of blood on the opposite side will explode.” ”

In the command of OMG.

Bloom is the first to prepare to resist the tower, because Bloom’s passive control is the most stable, as long as it is hung, then Wu Di has no room for operation.

Wu Di was under the tower, moved to avoid Blom’s Q skill, and then kept his distance from Bloon.

If Blom didn’t make a move, the rest of OMG wouldn’t have shot.

When Wu Di kept his distance from Bloom, a hammer form QW could close the line of troops under the tower.

At this time, the prince resisted the tower.

When the prince saw that there was no more troop line, he immediately panicked, and directly wanted to take the lead first, and the second company of EQ wanted to pick Feijie.

The result was still like that, Wu Di’s hammer form of the e-second skill directly interrupted the prince’s eq.

Then Prince Pinga.

“The prince is fighting the tower, the big mouth began to output, and Jace’s blood volume fell quickly.”

“The prince carried the tower three times, and when he flashed out, Wu Di’s Jace turned into a cannon form and directly collected the prince’s head with a pinga.”

“Jace returned blood, Wu Di’s talent, ordered the dangerous game, and recovered the amount of health that had lost five percent of the amount of health, although it was not much, but it could last a little longer.”

“After the prince died, it was Sima Lao Thief’s big mouth that resisted the tower, and Sima Lao Thief carried the tower twice, and directly flashed out of the tower.”

“Wu Di’s Jess has always distanced himself from Bloom and Sein, and these two people of OMG have no effect at all.”

“Next it’s up to the vampire, the vampire’s EQ is lit, it should be able to take Jace.”

“The vampire charged the E skill, the flute flashed and opened the distance, and when it came to Theon’s back, the vampire’s E skill was empty, and Q had no distance to release.”

At this time, Wu Di had already run from the upper road to the middle river channel, and he gave himself an e skill to accelerate, and the rest of OMG could not catch up with him at all.

OMG’s Theon, Vampire, and Bloom came out from under the tower in turn, trying to chase Wudi down the river.

Wu Di’s Jess traveled from the river to the wild area, but at this time he was still on the IG road between the first tower and the second tower.

A cannon-shaped Q, and then a flat A, took away Sima Lao Thief

After this wave of team battles on the road is over.

The audience cheered

OMG arrested one of the five people, and was killed by two people.

This Nima, who trains whom.

In IG’s voice, King Ning kept shouting again: “Lie in the groove!” Groove! Ness! Handsome. ”

Baolan was also stunned, “This can also not die? How to play Bloon on the opposite side, flash hanging passive ah! ”

Wu Di smiled: “When I didn’t flash? Let’s say it directly, the opposite Bloom and Theon who did not break in, if they touch me, I will lose. ”

“Brother Wu Di, how long your brain is, this wave is too showy.”

“So be it.” Wu Di explained, “The prince alone can touch me on the other side, but my e-skill interrupts the prince’s eq.

“Moreover, even if I make a mistake, I flash directly outside the tower, and then use Q energy and passive acceleration to run away.”

“Terrible.” The broiler shook his head.

Commentary at LPL.

Su Xiaoyan really obeyed.

LPL military training has always been a tradition, and those who have received this treatment in the past have also been 1ooper and Ma Rui.

But Wu Di not only received this treatment today, but also killed two people back.

This is simply murderous!

In OMG’s training room, OMG Mingzhe was completely desperate.

“Look, are you still operating a human operation?”

In EDG’s training room, Abu simply regretted not starting out.

“If Wu Di had come up with this kind of operation at the beginning, how could I EDG not want him, even if my EDG broke his leg on the road, he would have to help on the road!”

Audi behind Abu said nothing.0

The director also sighed with great regret: “Such a top list, miss it, miss it, this person is stronger than Ma Rui and 1ooper.” ”

“yes.” Mei Guo also blamed herself for not seeing Wu Di’s strength at the beginning.

If you look at it from the perspective of the next few seasons.

Wu Di has stronger operations than the shy, better consciousness than Ma Rui, and a deeper hero pool than Looper.

In IG’s training room.

The, Shy stared intently at the game screen.

The, Shy’s own Jace operation is also very strong, but it is impossible to let him complete the wave of operations that Wu Di just now.

Jack Spicy Dance had nothing to do today, and also came to the lounge.

After this year’s S race, Jack can play hot dance, and by that time, IG will make up for the shortcomings of the road and become the strongest IG.


After this wave of five people caught it, OMG collapsed.

The experience and economic avalanche of the middle and lower roads were beaten by the middle and lower parts of IG after returning to the line.

Wu Di’s Jess got two heads, which can announce the sunset on the opposite side, and there is no game experience anymore.

Four minutes after returning to the city, Wu Di’s serrated dagger and a shoe had already come out.

On the field of OMG.

The sunset is already desperate: “I don’t care, I went on the road avalanche, now I can’t guard the tower at all, opposite Jess two QE5.8, I directly remnant blood…”

“You pay attention to the position.” Juejue said.

“Pay attention to what, this QE on the opposite side is very evil, the door is almost vertically placed, I may be able to avoid it with three-speed shoes.”

At this time, Sima Lao Thief said directly: “Last wave, what are you pinching the flash for, Bloom flashes up to passive, or Sein flashes up to slow down, Jace must be dead.” ”

At this time, Auxiliary Five spoke: “The opposite Jess didn’t hand over the flash, how can I hand it over?” I flashed up, and Jace could still flash to open the distance…”

OMG everyone was silent, they could no longer target Jace this point.

Five people were caught and killed back, how to target ah!


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