IG Lounge.

As soon as Wu Di entered the house, he saw Wang tearing green onions in his pocket, standing in front of the IG team members and talking.

“The great hero is back.” Wang Tearing Onion came over with a smile.

Just give Wu Di a hug.

“Stop!” Wu Di hurriedly shouted.

Wu Di, who had already been attacked by Kim Myung-so once, was very vigilant to look at Wang tearing onions with open arms.

“You want to kiss me?”


“Fuck off.”


Wang tearing onions is a little confused, what is this?

Kiss you, why should I kiss you?

Lao Tzu is not bent either.

Also, are you being disliked?

Wang Tearing Onion looked at the IG players who were leaning forward and backward with a smile, and there was a question mark at the end.

“Don’t laugh, let’s study how to play the next game.” Kim Myung-so’s suitable opening broke the joyful atmosphere of the IG players.

“Yes, everyone listen carefully to the coach, we strive to win the EDG 2:0, leave work early, and eat ‘Huang Gongzi’ casually tonight!” Wang tears the onion and also speaks.

“Young Master Huang, wow, the principal is going to bleed!”

“Must win 2:0.”

As soon as the child heard that ‘Huang Gongzi’ was eating casually, he jumped up and spoke: “Coach, hurry up, I’m hungry!” ”


“It’s wrong to call the child god, the pig god is almost the same!”

Children are collectively despised.

“Well, in the next set, we are the blue side, we can grab people first, and then we will choose the next duo first.” Kim Myung-so waved his hand, waiting for everyone in IG to be quiet, and said: “Wei Huang’s performance on a handful of cold ice is good, EDG red square is not enough, we can take cold ice first.” ”

“Choose a protective auxiliary for Baolan again, and you guys will get off the road steadily.”

“As for broilers, choose a late middle order and brush it in the middle.”

“The child is the same as the last game, adapt to the situation, and listen to Wu Di’s instructions.”

Speaking of which.

Jin Mingming paused and said seriously: “In short, you all stabilize and wait for Wu Di to develop.” ”


Wang Tearing Onion listened very seriously at first.

After all, whether it is the recent IG training match, or the first game of EDG in the opening game of the summer competition, IG has a dominant performance.

He wanted to see if Kim Myung-so, the coach, had any know-how.

The more Wang tore the onion, the more wrong it became.

The next road is obscene and steady.

Choose a brush-type hero in the middle to stabilize!

Hit the wild and listen to Wu Di’s instructions?

In short, is it all stable?

Just wait for Wu Di to develop!

What kind of tactics is this?

In total, his annual salary of more than two million a year will be stabilized in exchange for Wu Di’s development?

If that’s the case?

I can be a coach myself.

Dott is so simple, steady and stable, wait for Wu Di Carry to finish!

Kim Myung-so was originally proud of his tactical arrangements.

This is a saying in Huaxia, the heavy sword has no edge, and the big trick does not work!

The simplest tactic, but also the strongest.

No way, who let IG have Wu Di as a player.

But Kim Myung-so soon saw Wang’s increasingly dark face.

All of a sudden, Kim Myung-so reacted, his face straightened, and he organized the language, and said: “Wu Di performed so well in the last game, this EDG will most likely target you, and give you a counter position in the choice of heroes.” ”

“Children go on the road more often to prevent the factory from catching them.”

“It depends on the situation when the broiler comes, and if possible, bringing TP is the best choice.”

“Hmm.” Kim Myung-so looked at Wang’s much more relaxed face and said, “Wait a while to select the heroes, I’ll talk about specific tactics, you guys rest first.” ”

After speaking, he picked up the book, looked like a master lonely, raised his head to meditate, and wrote on the book.

Wang Tearing Onion nodded in satisfaction.

Such a coach can take IG further.

Conscientious, responsible.

Thinking of this, Wang tore the onion and walked next to Kim Myung-so, wanting to see what Kim Myung-so wrote.

“Boss, this is a secret, you can’t read it.”

“IG still has secrets from me?”


Wang tore the onion and snatched the book and glanced at it curiously, but his face darkened.

Just look at the book.

Very short words.

After 2:0, what does Huang Gongzi eat?

Kung Fu Full Bamboo Banquet is good.

Well, this game makes Wu Di choose the early heroes to play fast-paced, so hungry!


7:20 p.m.

Commentary seats.

“Welcome to the second battle between IG and EDG’s BO3, hello everyone, I’m Miller.”

“Hello everyone, I’m commentator Rita.”

“Seriously, although the number of people in the last game was not much, it was as exciting as the spring finals.” Miller warmed up the scene: “Especially Wu Di, the new IG list, I believe it has brought a deep impression to everyone, and the one-handed reverse version of the knife girl Carry played the strength of dominance.” ”

“In fact, many LPL players have amazing debuts, and I only hope that Wu Di players will not suffer Waterloo this time.” Rita smiled, her voice very soft.

Miller glanced at Rita strangely.

Is there such an explanation?

People performed so well in the last game, and now you say people don’t suffer Waterloo?

What about curses?

Strange in his heart, Miller still took the conversation: “The MVP of the last game has been determined, I believe everyone can know who it is, yes, it is the ‘knife girl’ of Wu Di player.” ”

“Yes, I hope that Wu Di players will not debut at the peak, and continue to work hard.” Rita echoed softly.


Have a grudge?

The last one was still so amazed at Wu Di’s performance, so admired?

Now there is something Waterloo, and the debut is the peak?

That’s not a good word.

After the peak, isn’t it free fall?

Miller glanced at Rita again.

“Okay, we can see that the players from both sides have already played, and everyone gave the warmest applause to the two teams.” Rita said to herself.

But my heart is full of pride.

Stinky rascal, what can you do again?

I’ll quietly hack you, you’re going to beat me?”


“IG come on!”

“Come on EDG!”

“Factory, factory come on!”

“Come on the god of the flute, come on the god of the flute.”

Sit on the playing table.

Wu Di is a little strange.

Just now he walked to the stage, and Rita’s words were completely heard.

What do you say about Rita?

In the eyes of fans, it can be seen as Rita’s expectations for Wu Di.

But from a pro perspective, this is black!

“Brother Wu Di, Rita is crazy to black you!” The child tilted his head and exaggerated, “Are you…”

“Fuck off.” Wu Di glared at the child fiercely.

Then I saw the gossipy expressions of the broiler, Baolan and Weihuang.

“Fuck me.”

After Kim Myung-so finished talking to the referee, he walked over and was just about to speak, when he heard Wu Di’s words.

Subconsciously looked around.

It’s such a big playing field.

Where is he rolling?

Didn’t the boss find out what he wrote and cancel the dinner at ‘Huang Gongzi Restaurant’?

As for what?

As a coach, he not only couldn’t eat dinner, but was also scolded by the boss.

Now pour well.

Even Wu Di began to train him.

Kim Myung-so was sad from the heart, and he was very aggrieved: “This is a good fight, if it ends at 2:0, I will arrange for you to go to Huanggongzi tonight.” ”

After speaking, my heart hurt.

If Shangri-La Hotel is a show.

Huang Gongzi Restaurant is a small family jasper.

Sometimes Xiaojia Jasper is much darker than everyone’s lady.

If a person does not have ten thousand things, it will not come down at all.


Kim Myung-so’s words.

Let IG veteran team members, children, broiler chickens and other four people, I don’t know why.

Iron rooster plucked?



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