Pig Girl went directly towards Prince Q.

Wu Di’s prince directly turned around and walked away, avoiding the pig girl’s Q energy.

Brother Gun’s barrel is relatively calm, he has analyzed it, the pig girl’s q can be hit, then there is a certainty to kill, if it is not hit, then retreat.

At this time, Lexi had not yet arrived, and Wu Di began to choose to fight back.

The barrel was taken aback.

“Someone from the other side?” Brother Saint Gun asked, but no one was seen on the map.

So Wu Di’s prince and the wine barrel and pig girl got up with A.

After the pig girl hit the passive, the damage of the wine barrel was also all hit, and because the talent and runes of the wine barrel were biased towards defense, Wu Di still had blood left at this time.

“Wu Di is going to die?”

This is what everyone feels subconsciously, but it feels impossible.

When Wu Di’s prince was in the blood, the “Three Nine Seven” King Ning’s Lexi arrived, and at this time he had already arrived at the side of the wine barrel.

Wu Di faced A with the snake team Ueno, while paying attention to the flag that was put at the beginning, while adjusting his position according to the position of the two people on the opposite side.

The purpose is to wait until Q can cool down, so that the two can be picked up at the best angle.

In the end, the prince’s Q energy cooled down, and Wu Di released the Q skill and flew towards the Demacia military flag, and as expected, picked up two people.

After this wave of Q energy was released, Wu Di distanced himself from Pig Girl and the wine barrel, and the opposite skills were all handed over just now, and it was no longer possible to attack the prince at this time.

“Okay, go home…”

The bloody Wu Di stood in place, and King Ning’s Lexi had already collected the wine barrel.

In this wave of team battles, Wu Di’s prince, two Q can pick the opposite Ueno duo twice…

In the commentary seat of LPL.

Miller did not hesitate to praise: “This wave of the prince is also too perfect, and the opposite Ueno duo pulled for seven or eight seconds, and waited for Lexer…”

“That wave, the wine barrel exploded even more, the army line did not advance, the people died again, the snake team’s fighting field just now also divided the experience of the wine barrel, to make matters worse, I am afraid that it will be pressed by Wu Di’s prince by two levels.”

LPL’s live room.

“How did the snake team come up with the idea that the selection of the pig girl and the wine barrel was not to be stable, and why did they fight again?”

“The acting skills of the Di God are also too good, can’t you play the single if the acting skills are not good…”

“The Ueno of the snake team fought really badly, and the holy gun brother couldn’t hold the wine barrel steadily, and if he changed to other heroes, I am afraid that he would die more.”


Four minutes later, IG’s Ueno alone took a head.

This is okay for IG, the mid-to-early lineup.

The snake team can also accept it, after all, the late lineup, the next thing is to do.

But here’s the problem.

Can it be stabilized?

Brother Saint Gun was also asking himself this question, because Di, this one did not press him hard, but controlled the line.

After waiting for more troop lines, push the line to cooperate with Lexey to grab.

The prince and Lexi have one head, and the equipment is already ahead, and it is not very difficult to cross the tower to kill him at this time.

“Does Sofm help me with a wave of squats?” Brother Saint Gun asked.

Because after Wu Di returned to the city just now, the army line could not be controlled, and now Wu Di has pushed the army line forward.

The snake team’s vision on the road was dark, so Brother Saint Gun was afraid to die.

Sofm Pig Girl came to the triangular grass on the road at this time and directly put a real eye in.

Lexey was crouching here in this triangular grass.

King Ning’s Lexey went directly towards Pig Sister E, and Sofm Sister Q directly Q, not wanting to fight with King Ning.

After all, IG’s current Ueno is much stronger than the Snakes.

“After King Ning’s wave is illuminated, I’m afraid he can’t be caught.” Miller spoke.

The doll followed and said: “Yes, the snake team has stabilized the rhythm, as long as you ensure that you don’t die on the road, then the middle and lower will definitely be able to play an advantage.”

In IG’s voice, King Ning muttered: “No, I’m afraid the pig girl on the other side will have to stay on the road next.” ”

“It’s okay, you go and grab other roads, I’ll find an opportunity myself.”

After Wu Di saw that the opposite side was playing so steadily, he felt that he had to wait for the sixth-level wave and find a way to take away the wine barrel on the opposite side.

Sofm’s thinking is now clear, he doesn’t use it to catch the road, as long as he keeps the road from being caught, drag it to the later team battle, that’s good to win.

The middle and lower teams of the snake team, although they are pressed under the tower, can also make up for development very well.

And the little dragon is still just a wind dragon, which is useless, which is even more good news for the snake team.0

Zhu Kai sat next to Kim Myung-so and pointed at the screen of the game: “You see that we played well, your family Wu Di is strong, I don’t play with him.” ”

Kim Myung-so smiled a little: “My BP has made you a lot Oh, strictly speaking, the prince is not a carry-type list, more for the team to contribute, not too highlighting Wu Di’s personal ability.” ”

The time of the game gradually passed, and by this time it was already five minutes and forty seconds.

After Wu Di cleared this wave of troops, he could go directly to the sixth level.

Although the wine barrel of the Holy Gun Brother was enough, it was still consumed by the prince at this time into residual blood.

Brother Saint Gun knew that Wu Di’s set of outbreaks after reaching level six was enough to kill him in seconds, but the reason why he didn’t leave was because he was very confident that he would definitely be enough to interrupt the prince’s EQ with the e-skill

That’s right, too.

If the prince attacks the wine barrel, the wine barrel only needs to put the E skill in the direction of the prince EQ.

It is still easy to interrupt the prince’s eq from the front of the barrel.

The reason why the eq. can amaze the audience is because every time the prince escapes, Wu Di’s barrel is interrupted from the side. 、

After Wu Di estimated the amount of blood, he slowly approached the side of the wine barrel.

Brother Saint Gun’s barrel mastered the distance, because if the prince got too close, Brother Saint Gun would have little time to react.

“Oh, you’re dead 5.8.” Wu Di said in his voice.

At this time, all the eyes of IG were on the road.

Wu Di and the wine barrel still had a position of six hundred yards, directly beckoned, landed and flashed behind the wine barrel, and then immediately towards an EQ company outside the tower, not only killed the wine barrel, but also showed a wave of defense towers.

The defense tower did not make an attack, and the barrel did not have time to react.

Brother Saint Gun’s face stiffened: “This hand speed…”

Sofm thought of the situation that had stabilized, and this time it was broken by a sudden kill.

Being killed once by Wu Di under the tower means that he will be killed a second time by the tower.

And the prince Yueta on the road killed a wave, and now it is still full of blood.

Sofm panicked and asked Brother Saint Gun: “What’s going on?” ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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