Several people in the snake team knew that Brother Saint Gun was desperate, and it was naturally impossible to return to the city full of blood.

Sofm finally told Brother Saint Gun: “Let the tower go, just eat the experience, and make sure that the prince on the other side can’t eq you.” ”

Brother Saint Gun did so.

The soldiers also do not make up, only eat experience, and then put the tower.

Wu Di’s prince pushed down the first defensive tower without pressure, and then went to control the canyon pioneer.

“There’s a GG on the other side.” King Ning said.

Wu Di and King Ning fought the canyon pioneer, and the pig girl on the opposite side came to see the same, but did not come down to fight.

Although they blew up on the road, the Snakes still felt the hope of winning.

After all, the Snakes team is strong in the team, and Big Mouth and Gario are developing quite well.

After IG took the canyon pioneer, he did not directly push a tower in the middle, because Gario was still in the middle, and the tower was still full of blood, and this wave definitely could not be pushed.

The game reached 14 minutes.

In the past four minutes, Wu Di has been on the road, but the prince is different from the hero of Jace, who was born for the tower.

The prince actually doesn’t want to push the tower, because he can’t hand over the E skill at will, otherwise he will be caught by the opposite side after handing over the E, and he basically can’t escape.

The prince relies too much on EQ energy, and the CD of E skills is relatively long.

Wu Di now has a 15 percent CD.E reduction skill and a cooldown of nearly ten seconds.

At this time.

Sofm Pig Girl found a wave of opportunities, caught IG’s down-road duo, and opened the situation for the Snakes again.

There is still a little gap between King Ning and Sofm.

After all, this is only S7, and Ning Wang has not been favored before the S8 knockout.

Commentary at LPL.

Miller opened his mouth and said: “Brother Crystal’s big mouth got two heads, which is very bad news for IG, Wu Di is privately known as an ADC killer, can this game still play such an effect with the prince?” ”

The doll shook her head: “It’s difficult, the output space of the prince’s wave is too small, the opposite barrel Gario, just wait for you eq to go in, and then the barrel opens e, Gario opens w. directly counterattacked.” ”

LPL’s live room.

“Wei Huang is also too dish, he was shot away by the bull head flash wq company, but if a professional player, it is not difficult to flash and dodge the bull head wq, right?”

“Yo yo, IG is finally going to lose, I’m finally waiting for this day!”

“Wake up ahead, IG still has two thousand economic advantages.”

“In front of this lineup of the snake team, the economic advantage of two thousand is a fart, and the advantage is all in the hands of the prince, then it is even more useless, if it is in the hands of the rock sparrow, it is almost the same…”

“IG lick powder still does not admit the reality, IG this one is definitely going to lose…”

IG audience at the scene.

After seeing the IG down road duo being killed and taking down two heads with big mouths, my heart felt cold.

LPL’s big mouth, but the hero against the sky, countless ADC heroes, has played a lot of turnarounds.

LPL is a rich ADC production area, and water is also a strong ADC, and its strength is among the top few LPL.

So in this game, Big Mouth should become IG’s henchman.

When the Sofm male gun was caught.

Wu Di felt that he had to do something at this time, otherwise the two people on the road would die in vain, and a defensive tower would be lost.

Wu Di wanted to call King Ning to come to a wave of wine barrels, but King Ning was in the second half of the wild area at this time.

So Wu Di directly put the canyon pioneer on the road.

The canyon pioneer crashed headlong on the snake team’s upper road second tower, only the half-blooded upper road second tower, directly gone, and then was able to hit the upper road highland tower.

When the canyon pioneer hits the heights.

The wine barrel suddenly found that he couldn’t guard this highland tower at all, because the prince on the opposite side, as long as he found it, could take him away with a set of outputs.

“Leng Shao, come here!” Brother Saint Gun shouted anxiously.

Leng Shao saw that the highland tower on the road was not safe, and directly handed over the wine barrel, and then helped the wine barrel clear the line and knocked out this canyon pioneer.

At this time, in order to comfort the duo on the road, Wu Di directly smiled and said: “I pushed the ground high in fourteen minutes, what about you?” ”

Wei Huang also laughed: “Brother Wu Di, this ordered me, what about you?” ”


The second tower fell on the road.

Wu Di’s prince was liberated, and he could help Shangzhong establish an advantage.

The next little dragon is still more than a minute away, and the five people of IG don’t want to let this fire dragon go.

On the Snakes’ field.

The decision of the five people was unanimous, that is, to let go of this fire dragon.

The snakes even decided that after six minutes, the dragon could be released. ,

“The Snakes are too stable, do they really want to drag the game until thirty minutes later?” King Ning muttered.

Wu Di smiled a little: “To be honest, the snake team has played so many training matches with us, and we still know a lot, and this game should be the most stable on the other side in this month.” ”

Baolan nodded, indeed.

So far, the snake team, only the wave where Ueno wanted to kill Wu Di, there was a mistake, and it has been stable since then.

At this time, the number of people was only 6 to 3, and the economy gradually returned to within 2,000.

For the next four minutes, IG pushed off the middle road and pushed off the next tower, but that’s about it.

Gario of the snake team, wine barrel and big mouth, Qing soldiers are very strong.

IG is really hard to advance without the dragon buff.

Wu Di took four teammates and frantically suppressed the development of the opposite side and controlled the opposite wild area.

The economy of the two teams gradually opened, from one thousand eight, to two thousand eight, and at this time it had been opened to three thousand two.

LPL’s commentary table.

The doll spoke: “. IG is still waiting for this big dragon, but the snake team should not put it, the big mouth two-piece set has come out. ”

“Lucian Broken Black Cut, Big Mouth Broken and Sheep Knife, the output of these two is not a level ah.”

“IG’s wave is very risky, winning does not necessarily win, losing a complete collapse.”

The audience at the scene saw (Hao Nuo Zhao) say this, and they all became worried.

Rita snorted: “These explanations, I haven’t remembered them for a long time, how many times Wu Di has hit them in the face.” ”

In IG’s team voice, Zhu.

All five people unanimously decided that this big dragon must be fought.

Because if we do not fight now, the situation will become more and more unfavorable.

“Can you win?” Wei Huang was a little worried.

King Ning opened his mouth and said, “Wei Huang, how many handfuls have you been lying down, do you still have no confidence in Brother Wu Di?” We IG are not afraid of fighting, we IG are afraid that others will not fight with us. ”

When Wei Huang heard it, this sentence really made some sense.

Wu Di took the other four people of IG to stand in the river channel of Dalongkeng first, and then cleared the snake team’s vision.

After the river view is cleared, IG is also ready to take the upper half of the snake team’s field area and also do a little more vision.

In fact, IG just doesn’t want to fight the dragon directly, fighting the dragon is a secondary purpose, and opening a group is the most important purpose.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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