During this time period.

The flash of the big mouth on the road under WE still took more than twenty seconds to cool down.

Wu Di’s men and horses are ready to catch a wave of big mouths during this time period.

The mouse of the micro-emperor is directly invisible to the line ~.

Lulu of the royal blue, the position on the line is very conservative, is to let the opposite side relax his vigilance.

Wu Di remembered that WE made a vision in the lower road river, so he chose to go around the triangle grass of WE’s lower road from behind WE’s wild area blue buff, and then went out from under the tower – grab the road duo.

Commentary at LPL.

Rita said a little nervously: “Wu Di’s centaur, the speed is too fast, although WE’s lower road duo put a real eye in the triangular grass, but this real eye did not play a role!” ”

“When the WE duo saw the centaurs, they were already here. Big Mouth and Bloom wanted to withdraw to the defense tower, but were directly kicked out by Wu Di’s men. ”

“Bloon’s big move, why is it empty again! The Q skill is also empty, and even the general attack does not reach Wu Di. ”

“A big move of the centaur, afraid of two people, the mouse of the micro emperor opened the big move crazy output…”

Wei Huang’s mouse got a double kill.

“Brother Wu Di, it’s so cool!”

Wei Huang couldn’t imagine that he also had a day of C, thanks to Wu Di.

The, shy, who went on the road, was slightly envious, after all, Wu Di usually came to help him.

Some team coaches.

After seeing this wave, I slightly understood.

Even the ADC of Wei Huang’s dish can be helped by Wu Di, Wu Di is too strong.

“WE should be gone, three human heads of rats…”

In the LPL live broadcast room, many IG fans have ridiculed the other side.

“I heard that you guys want to drag the stage on the other side? My three-headed rat laughed and didn’t speak. ”

“Now WE must be panicking, just took a canyon pioneer, but I didn’t expect it to explode immediately after going down the road… This canyon pioneer took it down and lost a lot…”


WE’s upper road 957, after seeing that the lower road was killed, directly summoned the canyon pioneer and wanted to compete for a tower of money.

But at the last second, a tower was first obtained by three people from IG’s next road.

WE blood loss.

Kangdi’s face was expressionless, how come there were dead people all the time on the line.

At this time, the night in the middle of the road actually completed a wave of single kills on the broiler rock finches.

The big screen of the game has played back the picture of the single kill.

The broiler rock sparrow wanted to consume the remnant blood of the tsar, but the tsar moved over, and a big move pushed the rock sparrow under the tower.

In IG’s voice, the broiler shouted: “It’s a pity, I misplaced the rock, otherwise I can interrupt the skills of the opposite Tsar and kill the Tsar.” ”

The broiler wanted to learn from Wu Di, full of brains, but was sent in by himself.

Wei Huang shouted in his voice at this time: “Broiler, don’t think about this to get me up, we will win steadily.” ”

A few months ago, broiler chickens were also caught or killed alone several times because they wanted C too much.

I can’t imagine that the current broiler chicken is getting up again.

LPL’s commentary table.

Rita said directly: “The Tsar of the Night is really playing well, I can hardly imagine how the previous waves of centaurs caught the Night to death.” ”

After Su Xiaoyan saw Xi Ye’s operation, she admired Wu Di even more, Xi Ye was arrested not because of too much, but because Wu Di was really too strong.

In the next two minutes.

Wu Di waited until he had finished walking, and then went to the middle again to cooperate with Yanque to capture the tsar.

Xi Ye: “It’s endless, I can’t stand it, I just stabilized, and I was arrested here again.” ”

Kandi really felt a little guilty, after all, he not only did not catch people, but even did not give his teammates a good vision.

“Let me do some vision.” Kandi said.

“It’s not a matter of vision, there is a vision, but every time I see a centaur, it’s too late to retreat.” Xi Ye muttered.

The speed of the centaur is too fast, many times I see it, but I still can’t run away.

957 put the upper road army line, after knocking down the second tower of the upper road, he went directly back to the city.

Even if 957 pushed the army line to the second tower in the middle, Wu Di did not choose to capture 957.

After all, Qinggang Shadow is not very good to catch, even if Wu Di and The, Shy surround Qinggang Shadow one after another, Qinggang Shadow can also use E skills to climb over the wall and enter the wild area.

Many times, it is easier to grasp by analyzing that road, so that it is more efficient to catch people.

After Camille of 957 returned to the city, he went directly to TP and wanted to help WE’s down-road duo to establish an advantage.

At this time, the crocodile’s TP also came down.

After Wu Di saw the TP of 957, he shouted directly in his voice: “Drag down the road, I can come over.” ”

·0 Ask for flowers…

At this time, the centaurs are still in the middle of the road.

Wu Di’s men and horses came out of the three-speed shoe, and with the acceleration of the E skill and the spirit of the nightmare, they actually rushed to the next road at the same time as the 957’s TP.

Wu Di’s outfit, after a dazzle, chose to take out the cherry blossom knife.

Three people, the continuous output will be much stronger, but Wu Di’s people and horses are the flow of people in seconds.

On the big screen of the game.

Both the two commentators and the audience were surprised.

This man is also too fast.

LPL’s live room.

“The Wind Rider is so happy.”

“If the centaur uses the e-skill like this, wait for what to output!”


“Output? Are IG’s mice transparent people… Even if Wei Huang cooks again, after the people and horses of the Di God give everyone on the opposite side a fear, the mice can also play a lot of output. ”

“That’s right, I kind of understand that the god of the flute is to save the road, just to give people a total fear when playing in a group, and then let the mice harvest.”

LPL’s commentator.

Su Xiaoyan opened her mouth and said: “After the 957 Qinggang Shadow TP fell, it directly hit the mouse on the e-wall, and then framed the mouse with a big move, and the wave of the mice of the Weihuang should be dead!” ”

957 is also very confident, he has just made three in this time period, and a two-stage AQA may be able to knock out half blood of mice.

Moreover, at this time, the brother-in-law’s big mouth also followed the output.

Lulu of the royal blue released a big move for the mouse, and also turned the Qinggang Shadow into a sheep, but as long as the Qinggang Shadow’s sheep transformation effect is over, Qinggang Shadow will definitely be able to kill the mouse.

Everyone thought that the rat was dead, and even Wei Huang himself gave up the operation.

At this time, the centaurs from Wu Di fell from the sky, hurried the way, and an e-skill that was about to end kicked the opposite Qinggang Shadow away.

Qinggang Ying’s big move disappeared immediately, and the mouse of the Weihuang immediately flashed to avoid the output of the opposite big mouth.


Everyone was stunned…

“This is also an exaggeration, the people of the god of the flute rushed from F6 to the next road, and it didn’t take 4 minutes…”

“I don’t understand… Is the Di God so strong, the big move is to kick away the Qinggang Shadow at the last point of the E skill. ”

… It…_

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