In the LPL’s live broadcast room.

“Understand and understand, IG’s team is indeed too evil, but today’s game, the victory and defeat are almost known.”

“Whatever he is, just shout IG, flute god.”

At this point, the BP picture has already begun.

IG first is the blue square.

At this time, Kim Myung-so had already begun to ask Wu Di what he meant.

Because Wu Di said that this one should end the game quickly and let IM see the real strength of IG.

IG’s game is mainly based on Wu Di’s performance.

Therefore, the choice of this handful’s upper order is crucial ~ important.

“The AJ on the opposite side will definitely choose a bastard, and when he comes out of EDG, he will have a big tree-.” Wu Di said.

“I’m not afraid of big trees, but if AJ can get heroes that I’m not good at, it’s easier for me to play – to give the upper hand.”

Kim Myung-so understood and directly banned the big tree.

AJ saw IG ban the tree firsthand, and directly said with a smile: “It seems that IG is still quite afraid of me, ban me in the tree, I still have a hand of Sein.” ”

IM’s coach stood behind AJ and also began to target Wu Dibandan.

“Jace, as long as Wu Di plays a single in the future, this hero cannot be released.” IM’s coach remembers well that Wu Di’s Jess bulldozed OMG in fifteen minutes.

LOL’s commentator.

“IG’s second-hand ban, chose to ban Theon, does this IG want to ban all the bastard heroes on the road?”

“IM did not show weakness, and followed the ban to drop a blue steel shadow.”

“IG’s third-hand ban, still the ban on the unit, ban Bobby…”

“IM’s third-hand ban, chose to ban the prince…”

In the LPL’s live broadcast room.

“IG awesome, three-ban bastard, AJ is probably going to cry.”

“Di God looks angry and doesn’t want to mess around in front of him, this one feels like AJ is going to be beaten.”

“Before the IM game, he also said ruthlessly, saying that he must kill the flute god, and now he has put himself in.”


It was the turn of both sides to choose first-hand.

IG and IM are both bans on the order with three hands, so the order must be taken out first, otherwise the more the face is banned, the more it will suffer.

Wu Di’s hero pool can be described as deep and terrifying, six bans, there are still many heroes to take.

Kenji, Kree, Nohju, Kennan, Rambo, Crocodile.

Wu Di is very good at it.

At this time, Wu Di squinted his eyes and said: “Do you believe it or not, AJ on the other side, I’m afraid to take the titan.” ”

Kim Myung-so replied with a smile: “I must believe it, but what hero are you going to take to fight the Titan.” ”

“Jess is gone, then Rambo, although Kennan can do it, but with Kennan, the game will have to be delayed until the mid-term team battle to win.”

Wu Di’s first hand directly locked Rambo.

In the IM arena, no one remembers that Wu Di will also have Rambo.

Rambo’s hero is generally an exclusive hero on LCK, and few of them play well on LPL.

“Rambo is a little hard to beat.” Although Coach I said this, he finally helped AJ take down the Titan.

LPL’s live room.

“Mixed division Teta is coming, this IM is really a slave, thinking that if you take a titan, you can mix in the hands of the god of the flute…”

“AJ is so intimidating, take out the operation type and fight with the Di God Emperor City!”

“IM lost from the momentum, this victory has been decided, it depends on how long IM can delay…”


On the field, the selection continues.

After IM took the Titan down, he took the rock sparrow for Taino.

“Hey, hit the wild rock finch, isn’t this developed by the god of the flute? IM is not afraid of death, this also dares to use? ”

After Wu Di saw the rock sparrow on the opposite side, he did not speak.

This version of the rock sparrow is indeed quite strong, especially in the early stage, the damage of wearing shoes is out, and the high is a little terrifying.

“IG next, took down the blind monk, and took out the demon Ji in the middle.” Longhair spoke.

“Demon Ji is a hero who is very good at broilers, in this way, the first three hands of IG are very comfortable to hold, and King Ning’s blind man is also relatively powerful.”

IM’s third hand took down Lucian.

IG’s last two hands ban, Ban Victor and Clockwork in the middle.

IM’s last two hands banned, Ban Ice and Verus.

It’s the turn of the final selection.

IG naturally didn’t want to get Lucian and Bloom on the other side, so he took Bloom for Baolan first.

IM chose the auxiliary troll, the middle snake woman.

Kim Myung-so frowned, what version is this, how did the auxiliary troll still come out …

Wei Huang felt that it was a little difficult to fight, after all, the terrain control and slowdown of the troll pillar were too deadly for heroes without displacement.

·0 Ask for flowers…

Once the ad without displacement is blocked by the column, Lucian directly comes up to play a set, and it will definitely not be eaten.

Wei Huang is not very good at operational heroes, and this one has to take out an ez to mix.

The lineup for both sides is confirmed.

IG: Upper single Rambo, Hit Wild Blind Monk, Middle Road Demon Ji, Lower Road EZ and Bloom.

IM: Upper Single Titan, Hit Wild Rock Sparrow, Middle Snake Woman, Lower Road Lucian and Troll.

In the IG lounge.

Zhou Shuyi hugged Yaya and looked at the big screen on the game.

“Which one is Daddy?” Yaya asked.

Zhou Shuyi pointed to Rambo on the big screen and replied with a smile: “This is Dad!” ”

“Dad still has a car, why don’t others have a car…”


Zhou Shuyi couldn’t explain the problem.

“Yodels generally have vehicles.” The child replied next to him.

“Who are the Yodels?”

The child felt that it was a little difficult to answer Yaya, and Yaya’s questions were too many… It’s just a chatterbox.

The heroes of both sides have already gone out of the spring.

The audience at the scene directly heard cheers.

“Flute God is awesome, IG come on.”

“Finally, when the god of the flute plays Rambo, it should be better than Mary.”

“Who said that my LCK’s upper order will not be Rambo’s, I hit these people in the face.”

On the big screen of the game, it can be clearly seen that IG is red.

Red opened the second level to grab it, and then let the opposite Taita not be able to mix.

In front of Wu Di, it was simply impossible to mix.

IM’s wild little man is naturally also red, and he also wants to catch it directly when he wants to be second-level.

Wu Di’s Rambo helped King Ning’s blind monk, a red buff twice, and did not use skills, just to let the other side not know what buff the blind monk is to start.

In IG’s voice, Wu Di also told Xia Lu to let Xia Lu put one or two skills before going out.

IM’s wild boy, seeing the opposite Rambo full state online, did not accumulate temperature 123, and IG’s lower road online is less blue, directly think that the blind monk is blue buff to start.

“The blind man is open, I will come directly to the second level, even if the blind monk squats back, he doesn’t have a red buff, and he can’t beat me.”

IM’s Tano Xiaofu looks very confident.

… It…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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